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March Chat Part 6

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Zoonie wrote:

Facebook tells me that Piglet and Cogsy have birthdays this week, but I don't know the dates...anyone?

just a sec

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doesn't look like Cogsy is in the bday spreadsheet Sad what is her RL first name?

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bogie wrote:
Tammy & Marie are both the 4th congratulations

that's what it says on my FB 2 woot! congratulations

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sorry all going to be in and out have a meeting at 12 so trying to get all the paperwork ready.

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OK Boogs.

I was just busy with the dishwasher engineer (trying to protect him from an inquisitive Socks, w ho's interfering - and, reading about the suicide bombers on the Russian underground in Moscow.

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Those Easter Egg trees sure are ugly things, why couldn't they have come up with something better than that? Sad

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Ohhhh Dishwasher being fixed :cheer:

I know they are pretty dull Sad

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(don't let the smiley fool you - this is not how I feel)

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Yep, he's testing it and getting it fixed back in now - thank goodness have missed it, and, have the kids coming for the weekend, so will need it! (well, ED and her b/f are coming, you never know about YD)

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Oh dear Bee, poorly, or miserable?

There's a lot of huffing and puffing going on here.

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I think I am one of the few who do not mind how the easter trees look.....

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Yikes, I got sucked into work and now have to keep going with it so I can leave on time. I absolutely can not stand when it gets close to the end of the month with all the paperwork to finish. I have enjoyed chatting with you all and will be back soon. I've missed you all so much. Talk to you soon

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It's the shape for me, too Halloweeny. I prefer something softer.
Mind you the gardens are pretty full these days, so you have to tear things out to plant new Sad

Kijo can you buy Calamine lotion at your chemist/drugstore, am wondering if that might help a little?

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Zoonie wrote:
Oh dear Bee, poorly, or miserable?

There's a lot of huffing and puffing going on here.


both - had really busy weekend and not much sleep last night.

My room looks like a tip right now - every bit of floor is covered with bags and boxes of my stuff as I had to move rest of my gear out in preparation of Mr B's mother's visit this weekend (actually she arrives on wednesday evening). I will have to be sorting it all out (and moving lots of it to charity shop) this weekend.

Speaking of workmen in the house - we should have a plumber coming around sometimes this week - my housemate's ex will be there to supervise as he's doing night shifts this week. Our shower is not working right - it's a mixer tap and the moment you switch it over to shower you either get stone freezing cold water or boiling hot one coming out of the shower.

She was going to get an electric shower installed but it would be 6-8 week before the guy could come and do the work (and quoted her £600). Now she is trying to have the taps sorted (cheaper I hope and quicker) as you can only have a bath right now. Every few days I go to Mr B's to wash my hair as I have quite a long hair and really can't wash it in a bath (I have tried to use measuring jug to pour water over my hair but it just take too long to go it that way).

How was your weekend girls? Hope it was good.

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I am hoping the ER has a miracle drug for quick relief.... a shot or some miracle marvel of today's medicine......

Still trying to figure out the ride part.....

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Goodness Bee!!

i hope everything gets sorted out quickly.... i know not being able to wash long hair makes you feel miserable.....

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inu-kijo wrote:
Goodness Bee!!

i hope everything gets sorted out quickly.... i know not being able to wash long hair makes you feel miserable.....

I know - luckily Mr B don't mind if I come to his.

Little things like this we take for granted - running water, shower, washing machine, (dishwasher for some of us), microwave oven , TV etc. and once they are not there - you lost.

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Agreed on the hair!
£600 sounds absolutely ridiculous for an electric shower - mind you anything electrical has to have so many certifications these days!

I wish I was nearer Kijo to fix you up with a lift to wherever you need to go Sad

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Awww Thnaks Gill. that is so sweet. Tan stayed long enough to take me to work.

I am hoping maybe just 2 more weeks, and i can afford to have the car worked on..... let us just hope for that I guess.....

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My dishwasher's fixed now, have been two weeks without it and yes, how you miss anything once it's not working!

Bee, although your room's a mess, you do have time off over the weekend, and it's going to feel so good once it's done Smile

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inu-kijo wrote:
believe me, I know that is the truth!!!!

you and me both

I've been meaning to send you a fb mail for ages but can't do it from work and usually forget once I get home or I'm too tired Sad

@zoonie - yes it's a lots of money but they will have to do separate circuit breaker for the shower and lots of other bits and bobs - I've seen the quote letter and it's a half page long just listing what need to be done to have an electric shower installed.

I personally don't care where the water's coming from(electric shower or mixer taps) as long as it's clean and acceptable temperature (yes I have lived in places with no shower or washing machine before and it's soooo inconvenient).

@zoonie - yes I'm planning to spend d 4 days on it as I'm sick of not being able to find stuff (and be tripping over stuff). Also that would mean once that's done that the move is complete and I can concentrate on having a life (well...)
Yes once it's done I can start to relax

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inu-kijo wrote:
Awww Thnaks Gill. that is so sweet. Tan stayed long enough to take me to work.

I am hoping maybe just 2 more weeks, and i can afford to have the car worked on..... let us just hope for that I guess.....

I wish there would be a way I could help but being "oceans apart" I can only offer

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Ladies I need to leave for a while - see you soon xxx

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inu-kijo wrote:
been meaning to send me mail??

Yeah I was going to write you to see how are things as we both ended up in same situation and I don't come here as much as I used to so I'm way way behind on "gossip" so I thought I ask in private - nothing urgent - I'm just nosey to know how are things with you Ashamed

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Oh I see. i was wondering what you had meant, couldn't think of anything you needed to message me about. : D

the only thing I am really struggling with besides recent car development is getting this RA thing in order..... Hearing that Jamie has been struggling with the same thing for 4 years now does not bode much hope for me...... I really do hope they find something to help me out soon. But luckily i have been having more good days than bad, and the second job is really helping my life to become a lot easier. so that is a plus.

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inu-kijo wrote:
Oh I see. i was wondering what you had meant, couldn't think of anything you needed to message me about. : D

the only thing I am really struggling with besides recent car development is getting this RA thing in order..... Hearing that Jamie has been struggling with the same thing for 4 years now does not bode much hope for me...... I really do hope they find something to help me out soon. But luckily i have been having more good days than bad, and the second job is really helping my life to become a lot easier. so that is a plus.

so it's (almost) good news then
that's a relieve - I'm sure the rest will fall in place soon too - you are owned it!!
I just wanted to compare notes really - I take it you moved and change a job too? In comparison with you I'm taking baby steps but you seems to be doing real well - I'm proud of you

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Awww thanks... but too much really hasn't changed with me.... got second job right next door to same first job, and still living in same place (easier to handle now with 2 jobs)

Yes, i am hoping other things will fall into place soon..... I need a break.

I am glad you are finally able to see a bit of the light at the end of the tunnel as well, I was really rooting for you. So hard to get back out there on your own, knowing you have no one to fall back on.

I am going to have to be heading out soon.
Wish me the best of luck at the Hospital, and lets hope this isn't a big deal at all...... : S

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Good morning! Looks like I mssed Gill, but was hoping to get here before Kijo left! Hope you had a great time with Tanya!

Hi Bee! good morning/nearly noon to you!

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Hi Frannie, you are here long enough for me to bid you Farewell.

This weekend was fab. dunno the last time I had such a swell time... though she tuckered me out good.

full summary a few pages back if you care to read back.

got to go.

lvoe you all!!!!

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will read back.. and find out why you're going to the hospital as well

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bye Kijo and good luck at hospital (at least you were spared of the stress of moving)

hello Frannie
how was your weekend?

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I am so sorry to have ignored you Bee... hope you're still here? Had a disaster with the coffeepot... forgot to place the filter in LOL . now I have a clean kitchen floor

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I'm still here Frannie

oops with the coffee pot - I was just looking back for the post about Kijo and Tan Tan's weekend

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Frannie wrote:
will be back soon... smoke break with a hot NEW coffee


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no need to appologise Frannie
I'm doing some letters while chatting here

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so I read back.. and sounds like you are getting settled Bee..... moving is sheer hell

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well I have (95%) my stuff with me but it's all piled up on every availeble inch of the floor in my room right now so I will be sorting it out this weekend (it's Easter so we have friday and monday off) as my housemate will be away with some friends - flying to Germany for a weekend.

Yes I'm settiling in - done some cooking last night - chilli and I was thinking about you and your corn bread

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