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March Chat Part 7

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Frannie wrote:
never had sushi.. but I'm betting I wouldn't enjoy t. I've always felt God gave us fire for a reason

it's common misconception - you don't actually put raw fish in sushi - that's sashimi (thin slices of raw fish). Sushi is most commonly filled with smoked salmon, fish/crab stick, prawns, cucumber or avocado.

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Frannie wrote:
never had sushi.. but I'm betting I wouldn't enjoy t. I've always felt God gave us fire for a reason

it's common misconception - you don't actually put raw fish in sushi - that's sashimi (thin slices of raw fish). Sushi is most commonly filled with smoked salmon, fish/crab stick, prawns, cucumber or avocado.

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Good luck with the sushi making Bee.
Another one who's not a fan, I have a problem with certain textures, and raw fish is one of them, although people who do like it, adore it.

I know what you're thinking Frannie, but it's hard to let go.
It's 4 years next Tuesday since my Dad's funeral and I still fill up, even though he lived to be 93!
I find it hurts every mother's day (different date every year) as it was that day he died, then the actual date he died (March 26th) and then again on the date of his funeral, which was a while afterwards.

Let me change the subject a bit - how was Mark after his day back?

Erk, I really need that coffee now...

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oh see.... I didn't know that! Maybe I would enjoy it then

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Bee wrote:
Frannie wrote:
never had sushi.. but I'm betting I wouldn't enjoy t. I've always felt God gave us fire for a reason

it's common misconception - you don't actually put raw fish in sushi - that's sashimi (thin slices of raw fish). Sushi is most commonly filled with smoked salmon, fish/crab stick, prawns, cucumber or avocado.

I did not know that, perhaps I do like sushi then congratulations

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Mark was fine after first day back. In fact, his best day so far. He loves his job and the idea of working so much that it recharges hm. I really do think that's what keeping him alive... (that and my foot near his backside whenever he starts talking about being tired of it all LOLOL)

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Almost afraid to say it (because I said it a lot already), but I'm back!

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inu-kijo wrote:
Now you need a nice Rice maker Bee!!!

rice maker? you mean rice cooker?
yes that would be handy but I prefer to cook my rice in pot as I prefer my rice slightly underdone.

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I glad all went well with Mark's retrun to work.

We will have to try sushi now Frannie congratulations

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funny you guy perk up when you think its not raw.
there are certain rolls of sushi that are best for beginners, and then you learn to acquire certain tastes and move up from there.

I am a big fan of salmon roe..... so good!!!

Salmon roe is fish egs..... delish!

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and yes... cooker I meant... i really need one of those (if I ever cooked a lot of rice) I am pretty awful at making rice to be honest.....

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this wind is scaring the h... out of me, that big tree snapped some branches already, so I'm hoping it stays with that!

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My rice cooker blew up Sad Used to love it all the different fancy rice dishes you could make in it.

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Really windy here and Im worried about my 6 year old who is on a strip to a country park today (they did not cancel it) will be glad when she gets home.

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bogie wrote:
Really windy here and Im worried about my 6 year old who is on a strip to a country park today (they did not cancel it) will be glad when she gets home.

Hahaa you spotted it, I was going to say Amazing what they get them doing these days! and it's really not the weather for it!

WB, BG - it's like you're on elastic congratulations

I can't abide fish roe, even caviar, it makes me hurl - and smoked salmon (still count that as raw) and I don't like sticky cold rice either congratulations

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@kijo we used to have one (with Mr B) but used it maybe 1 a week - it's handy to have (if you have the cupboard space).

@BG glad you home safe and warm - it's awful out here too - cold, rainy, windy (snow in Scotland)

@bogie - what's in you coffee? Strip??

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Zoonie wrote:
WB, BG - it's like you're on elastic congratulations

I'm on elastic?

Bee wrote:
@BG glad you home safe and warm - it's awful out here too - cold, rainy, windy (snow in Scotland)

Bee! How are you?
At least it's not raining or snowing here (yet...), but the wind is actually quite terrible, saw a lot of damage when I drove to town.

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me loon. one thing I do like is cod roe in batter, I think its because that was what our parents bought us from the chip shop when we were little, if I had know what it was I would never of eaten it Laughing

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It's almost a relief not to have to chase FB postings in re PS, isn't it?

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Zoonie wrote:

I can't abide fish roe, even caviar, it makes me hurl - and smoked salmon (still count that as raw) and I don't like sticky cold rice either congratulations

oh you are hard to please when it comes to food.

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Toulouse wrote:
Zoonie wrote:
WB, BG - it's like you're on elastic congratulations

I'm on elastic?

Yes, you go away and then PING you snap back here again!

bogie wrote:
me loon. one thing I do like is cod roe in batter, I think its because that was what our parents bought us from the chip shop when we were little, if I had know what it was I would never of eaten it Laughing

My parents used to buy it too - never liked it, all those little beads in my mouth, bleurgh!

Talking of food, I'd have thought this was an April Fool's joke if it had been tomorrow

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Zoonie wrote:
Yes, you go away and then PING you snap back here again!

hahaha, now I get it!! congratulations
Yeah I've been coming and going a lot already today, I was almost afraid to say I was back, thinking it might sound repetitive (what it actually is)

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i dont like caviar!!!yuck!

but Salmon roe is bright red, and so tasty, I love the taste when the little bubbles pop in your mouth.

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mm those pine berries sound good.. add a little cream and you'd have instant sundaes

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what is wrong with strawberries that taste like strawberry?
If I want pineapple I buy one. Why do people come up with stuff like that? Onions that are so sweet that you can eat them like apple , berries that looks like something but taste like something else etc.

*rant over*

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am happy to report my blood glucose was 86 this morning! compare that to the 400's I was throwing in December!

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Frannie wrote:
It's almost a relief not to have to chase FB postings in re PS, isn't it?

You mean Hideeni? has he stopped now? I haven't seen him today at all - and Zoonie is still looking for 2 eggs

Bee wrote:

oh you are hard to please when it comes to food.

I know a lot of people who're worse lol - and anyway, you eat anything and everything, so it's not fair judging against your tastes

Kijo, that's gross!!!

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WARNING:::: we're moving ou tot the garage.. hold tight

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blah.... 15 minutes before anohter 8 hours start.... I am really not looking forward to this... : /

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Frannie wrote:
am happy to report my blood glucose was 86 this morning! compare that to the 400's I was throwing in December!

wonderful news Frannie!

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Have you ever tried it??? jummy! : D

It says it grows naturally in the wild Bee..... so I guess it can't help itself... does look mighty strange though.

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Zoonie wrote:

I know a lot of people who're worse lol - and anyway, you eat anything and everything, so it's not fair judging against your tastes

I guess that's true - but I think that makes my life so much easier - no limitation (apart from tripe) and so much to choose from

but I'm not forcing anyone to adapt my way of eating (like some vegetarians that I know )

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inu-kijo wrote:

It says it grows naturally in the wild Bee..... so I guess it can't help itself... does look mighty strange though.

we'll see if it's really real and not made up.

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Sorry had someone at the door and now I have to change over some laundry will be back soon

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I know... there were a lot of April Fool's comments.... so makes me wonder.....

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i feel for ya Kjo.. I wish the lottery fairy would drop a ticket on you

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how awesome would that be Frannie... i would share, i promise!!!!

well time for me to go... (yay... : C )

so see you all later.!!!

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