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April Chitter Chatter - Part 1

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Ok someone who owns a waffle maker please answer my question (something I was wondering about for a while):

if you put mash potatoes in waffle maker - do you get potato waffles (not sure if that's only UK thing but you get them frozen from shops)?

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Dresden Dolls I heard of, but not very familiar with it

Hahaha, Frannie, I don't mean that in a bad way, Dire Straits are the best! That's the kind of music my parents like and I recently started appreciating them

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hmmm bee..... you would have to make the potato batter mix... (its not JUST potatoes)

But i don't see why you couldn't

we make potato pancakes here... but i was sure that was a southern thing.

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I actually haven't tried that one yet Bee, we just use it to make plain waffles

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inu-kijo wrote:
... I had a dream with them in it, so figured i would bring it up.

talking of dreams, I dreamt the other night that Sharon Osbourne was plaiting my hair - bizarre or what?
(it was French plaiting round the side of my head and then fixed in) Strange.

Frannie wrote:
dire strraits are oldies? oh my.. i better go get my cane and shawl

too funny Frannie, don't forget to pick up your ear trumpet too!

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excuse my language.. but CR*P like this makes me crazy:


DENVER -- An envoy from Qatar who authorities said grabbed a surreptitious smoke in a jetliner's bathroom and then joked about lighting his shoe on fire, sparking a bomb scare and the scrambling of military jets, has been released from custody.

No explosives were found on the Washington-to-Denver flight.

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Frannie, I jsut saw that on TV.

and Gill.. i LOVE sharon Osbourn! DONT like her husband DONT like her kids, but LOVE her!!!!

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thanks Kijo and BG

I was always wondering about that.

not sure what potato batter mix is but I guess I could try to google it.
How do you make potato pancakes - that does sounds interesting.
We have something similar called (well in english anyway) and it's kind of similar to potato rosti but bigger (even though I make mine small, almost bite size) - greated potatoes, few spoons of flour, bit of milk, salt, pepper, majoram, garlic, smoked sausage (e.g. frankfurters) or smoked bacon - optional. Mix it all up and spoon in hot frying pan and cook to light brown on both sides.

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and served with sour cream as well as applesauce... oh man, I am starving and there's an Easter basket still sitting next to me.. not a good combination

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^ Frannie demanded that the youngsters turned that wireless UP! congratulations

Not sure which way you mean that story's carp Frannie?
because of the response or because of the misdemeanour that set it off?

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Bee... like the potato mix.... instead of waffle mix... I would think its pretty close to the potato pancakes...

we used to take leftover potatos, and mix it with a bit of flor and milk and what not, til it looked like pancake batter, then toss them on griddle just like a pancake..... makign me crave one of those terribly.....

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i think both are wrong and inappropriate.. I understand the idea of diplomacy.. but why should this character have been released. We had to scramble fighter jets.. which I'm sure cost a pretty penny... and suppose the plane had been taken down based on his idiot response of "I'm lighting my shoe on fire".

Oh I could go on and on, seeing as how I am flying tomorrow, but I take air security very seriously

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inu-kijo wrote:
Bee... like the potato mix.... instead of waffle mix... I would think its pretty close to the potato pancakes...

we used to take leftover potatos, and mix it with a bit of flor and milk and what not, til it looked like pancake batter, then toss them on griddle just like a pancake..... makign me crave one of those terribly.....

I'm sooo hungry now - all this talk about food. I don't have a waffle maker and I was considering of getting one but I wanted to know about potato waffles as I like them but the ones from shop have too many calories in it (all the extra oil/fat used) so I was thinking of making my own.

Love sweet waffles too (very occasioanly) - with some fruit compot and whipped cream and chocolate sauce *drool*

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by the way Gill.... love the photo.. so much so I gave up the carebear LOLOL

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OMG sorry Frannie, I totally agree with what you're saying - in this day and age, it's taken very seriously here, even what some numbskull thinks is a light hearted quip is an arrestable offence.

All of this conversation of course, has been completely poleaxed by your new avatar, I laughed out so loud I frightened a sleepy Dennis

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back in a few as I shuffle to the garage and light the smoke in my old decrepit hands...

hate to mention that I use the captioning on the Tv out there because my heater is too loud LOL

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Frannie wrote:
by the way Gill.... love the photo.. so much so I gave up the carebear LOLOL

ROFL see my last reply.
Do you know who she is?

Character name is Fanny la Fan, Edith's mother in Allo Allo.
Rose Hill got the part aged 70 and played her all series, over 10 years I think.

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Just realized the time!!!! geez how it flies with good company!!!!!

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I had to add to Frannie's rep, for being such a good sport, really given me a laugh congratulations

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BG.. I hope you know I am just teasing you....

Hmm.. I am Edith's mother too.. and maybe we ought to call me Frannie la Fran ?

I was looking for a picture of a quilt a friend of mine made for her son. It's the Juggalo, appliqued on to background squares.... very cool

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I have to say that I am in a better mood than when I first logged on... but for the record, still don't want to go tomorrow

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Too bad there's no seeing dog in the picture For the hunts!

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Frannie wrote:
I have to say that I am in a better mood than when I first logged on... but for the record, still don't want to go tomorrow

Smile see you never know what's going to happen when we're on a roll in here FlaF rofl.

You've got to go all Zen over this trip Frannie, it might not be as bad as you fear (and at least it wont be that long)
I'll give you some more Rep when you get back, to make it all better for you congratulations

Toulouse wrote:
Too bad there's no seeing dog in the picture For the hunts!


shame Boogs wasn't in reading this, she'd be chuckling too.

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Omg... just saw something on TV where workers from a Brewery are boycotting and refusing to work, because they aren't allowed to drink beer while working anymore.... they can still have it during lunch breaks, but not while working.

they seems to think this is unreasonable.....


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you don't know my in-laws Gill. It will be worse than anticipated and I have already checked for the credit cad in my wallet in case I need to come home early.

I will try to hang with my niece as much as possible, at least she is sweet. Must be because she is adopted and doesn't have the DNA

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inu-kijo wrote:
Omg... just saw something on TV where workers from a Brewery are boycotting and refusing to work, because they aren't allowed to drink beer while working anymore.... they can still have it during lunch breaks, but not while working.

they seems to think this is unreasonable.....


they should be really glad they are not the miners in west Virginia!

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Well guys, time for me to roll out too.

might not see you guys til Monday.


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the Tax place always supplied us free beer.. too bad most times I worked mornings. Robin takes full advantage on her weekends there

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inu-kijo wrote:
Omg... just saw something on TV where workers from a Brewery are boycotting and refusing to work, because they aren't allowed to drink beer while working anymore.... they can still have it during lunch breaks, but not while working.

they seems to think this is unreasonable.....


- amazing what some people think is unfair!

Frannie wrote:
you don't know my in-laws Gill. It will be worse than anticipated and I have already checked for the credit cad in my wallet in case I need to come home early.

I will try to hang with my niece as much as possible, at least she is sweet. Must be because she is adopted and doesn't have the DNA

Hey listen, it's not that I'm unsympathetic, I have to build myself up to talking to my own mother, even on the phone!
Just trying to boy you up a bit

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people on my morning train must think I'm a nutter. I have put TBBT season 3 (well most of it) on my phone and I'm watching it on my morning commute to work. It's very hard not to laugh and people are giving you weird looks when I do laugh (but it's sooooooooo funny)

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well I appreciate what you are tying to do... and on that note.. I need to go start the laundry for the final clothes. mark is insisting we can fit both of our clothing in one large suitcase. I need to find multi purpose items that can mix and match better!

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what sort of phone do you have Bee? I'd like to learn how to do that. My phone is a droid.. very similar to an Iphone. I really don't want to carry my laptop this trip.. but would enjoy some entertainment on the plane

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I have an Iphone Ashamed
not familiar with android phone but if it's similar to Iphone then there should be a way to add files to the phone - what is your exact make/model number? I could google it for you if you want

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Bye Kijo, BG and Frannie - will be thinking of you, do the Zen thing (and take 2 cases incase you need to make a secret escape!)
If I don't see you later, have a safe trip.

Bee, I have to go, must blitz the kitchen and then get a shower.

Will check in later today xxx

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Bye Gill.... and I'll be looking for that added rep when I get back!

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that's not on a market here in UK frannie (Mr B used to have HTC TyTN II but that was windows operated).

but I have find the instruction manual (in case you don't have it)

there is mentioning of adding music - your music must be on your memory card and not on phone that techically should be able to play movies/video but I can't swear on it.

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and while I was looking it up everyone left

Kijo, BG, Zoonie - hope you will have a lovely weekend

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Frannie - I find a solution for you!

on android forum:

Has anyone found a video player apps for the Eris that will play saved videos from the SD card in MP4 or avi formats?
Video player is already built in. Just go into Albums and play the video. I play MP4 video off my SD card.

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thank you so much Bee and sorry that I was away. and now I have to go.. but I found an ap for free tv.. and has quite a few full episodes.. so that should do.. will peek around and see

thanks for all your searching!

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I also have a Zune (similar to Ipod - can you tell I hate apple and love Microsoft LOL) and may find something there to download

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No worries Frannie - I hope you trip will go well and it won't be as bad as you think.

I'm leaving now too - lunch time and it's nice outside today so I'll go for a walk.

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