Creator: Laura 'Tamara' Henson
Original Creators: Jimmz Hoopaz (for his key deer meshand skin) and Longisquama (for the marsh deer mesh).
Requires: ES
Public Domain: The white-tailed and coues deer are fully PD but give credit for the mesh to Jimmz Hoopaz and DinosaurMan. Only the skins, sounds, and coding for the black-tailed and mule deer are PD. The mesh belongs to Longisquama and you will need his permission to use it.
Language: English
Bugs: None found
Description: Four deer found in North America, the Virginia white-tailed deer, Coues deer, mule deer, and black-tailed deer.
Black-tailed deer
White-tailed deer
Mule deer
Coues deer
Black-Tailed Deer.z2f
Coues Deer.z2f
Mule Deer.z2f
White-Tailed Deer.z2f