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Everything posted by lea75

  1. lea75

    Happy Wednesday!!!

    yes thanks hun...she loved it It was wonderful to see her enjoying herself so much
  2. lea75

    Happy Wednesday!!!

    WOW all A's is fantastic hun...congratulations! I'm sure you can understand now why your parents took your internet away for a while...you are an incredibly clever person and your parents just wanted you to be able to do the best you can...which you now have! Congratulation Today I am going to have a bit of a chill out day...I've been over doing it a bit lately and I'm really paying for it today I should be around PSFC most of the day as I have loads to catch up on lol
  3. lea75

    Why do I do it??

    Thanks everyone I'm hoping tomorrow will be less pain and more energy...really need it as I have sooooooo much cleaning up to do after today
  4. lea75

    Why do I do it??

    Today is my daughters 3rd Birthday and so I've had a Birthday tea for her...please can someone remind me...NEVER AGAIN!!! (sure I say this every year ) There were 7 kids, 2 teenagers and 7 adults all in my tiny front room, and I am now hurting so much you wouldnt believe it. Luckily my friend was here to help out with everything, or dont know how I would of got through it Oh well at least Phoebe had a fab day today, it was lovely to see her laughing and playing with her friends and family She has had loads of fantastic cards and presents and really had an amazing day....Birthday are always so much more special for young kids
  5. OMG!! You daftie!! That has really made me giggle
  6. where on earth did you get donkey from?
  7. I think the reason they were working out how much you would get Smorkle is because the potion only lasts for 7 days...so if you trade for it, then you can end up spending more on it than you will make in 7 days
  8. you must be totally and utterly mad!! There is no way anyone would get those needles anywhere near my face
  9. awwwwwww bless! Rosie wishes you all the best in your hunt for a groom
  10. If you make any graphics that you want adding then you can pm them directly to me and then I can add them
  11. glad you like them As I said there are loads more to add, but thought I would let you use what we already have rather than wait any longer, and I will just keep adding to them....plus all the ones you made in the thread in the cafe will be added to the graphics section
  12. You can only have a certain amount of smilies...we are already at the max now, and all the graphics I have added are too big for smilies which is why they have their own section
  13. lea75

    Important poll

    I'm not much better hun, I only play Farmcille and PS...dont have a lot of time lol
  14. if you right click on the picture you want then copy the URL (address) Then you can paste it into your post I will do a tutorial to add the pics...that is why the first post is still blank I will add it now
  15. lea75

    Important poll

    We are always trying to make PSFC the best we can for you...but to do this we need to know what it is you really want Please can you answer the above poll to let us know which facebook games you play...and if you play any others that are not on the list then please post them in here. You can click on more than one game, so please let us know all that you play....thanks
  16. We now have a new section of graphics which you can use around the group i love the smilies we have, but sometimes its nice to have something a little different, so you can now use one of the graphics in your posts I still have loads more to add, so keep checking the forum
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