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Everything posted by lea75

  1. I AM VERY SORRY BUT THERE HAS BEEN AN ISSUE WITH FACEBOOK LINKS, AND THEY HAVE ALL GONE PLEASE CAN EVERYONE RE-ADD THEIR FACEBOOK LINK IMMEDIATELY, AS WE ALL NEED TO HAVE A VALID FACEBOOK LINK AS PER PSFC RULES....I AM SORRY FOR THIS INCONVENIENCE, IT WILL ONLY TAKE YOU A MOMENT TO RE-ADD IT If you need any help then you can look at this thread When you edit your profile you will need to make sure that all fields marked with a * are filled in or it wont let you save it...but you do not need to enter your password...you only add this if you want to change your password Any problems then let us know and we can help you xx easiest way to re-add your facebook link! click on your profile button, just underneath your avitar click on the contacts tab where your facebook link should be, click on the green arrows (you will need to put your arrow next to where it says facebook to see the green arrows) Add your link to your facebook profile page click the green tick to validate
  2. I AM VERY SORRY BUT THERE HAS BEEN AN ISSUE WITH FACEBOOK LINKS, AND THEY HAVE ALL GONE PLEASE CAN EVERYONE RE-ADD THEIR FACEBOOK LINK IMMEDIATELY, AS WE ALL NEED TO HAVE A VALID FACEBOOK LINK AS PER PSFC RULES....I AM SORRY FOR THIS INCONVENIENCE, IT WILL ONLY TAKE YOU A MOMENT TO RE-ADD IT If you need any help then you can look at this thread When you edit your profile you will need to make sure that all fields marked with a * are filled in or it wont let you save it...but you do not need to enter your password...you only add this if you want to change your password easiest way to re-add your facebook link! click on your profile button, just underneath your avitar click on the contacts tab where your facebook link should be, click on the green arrows (you will need to put your arrow next to where it says facebook to see the green arrows) Add your link to your facebook profile page click the green tick to validate Any problems then let us know and we can help you xx
  3. Please add a valid facebook link to your account. There is a guide on how to do this HERE This is one of the groups rules which you accepted when you joined up. If you need any more help please let myself or any other mod know
  4. I had this the other day hun...I had to use a different browser until it was sorted out
  5. Oh bless you hun Dont feel sad about the other dog...some dogs just have this instinct in them, and once they have done it once they will do it again I hope you are back to 100% really soon hun...huge hugs to you babe xxxxxxx
  6. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall The structure of the wall was incorrect So he won a grand with Claims Direct. It's Raining, It's Pouring Of course...it's Global Warming. Jack and Jill went into town To fetch some chips and sweeties. He can't keep his heart rate down And she's got diabetes. . Mary had a little lamb Her father shot it dead. Now it goes to school with her Between two chunks of bread.
  7. I've not heard anything about this being a glich I will have a hunt in Playfish for you and see if anyone else has had this problem Have you tried logging out of pets then going back in and see if they are there? I know it is a long shot, but anything is worth a try
  8. OMG where is that hun?? Might meet you there tomorrow Mind you if you do want to go on it then I would go on it quickly...you know it wont stay like that for long, not around here
  9. hiya I do believe you have also been seen in Twilight Nicw to see you around the group more...look forward to chatting to you xx
  10. maybe you just need a break from it for now hun...you might want to pick it up again sometime in the future xx
  11. lea75

    oh my god!!!!!!

    OMG now this is why I'm scared of lightning!! And people have the nerve to laugh at me when I cowering under the covers Glad no-one was hurt hun xx
  12. dont want anything for it hun...its a gift and its at your door xx
  13. Rather than look on the negative, I'm trying to think more of the positive, then realised I have more to be thankful than I realised! Thought I would share some of my reasons to be thankful then maybe you can all add yours as well? I am thankful for: Having 3 healthy kids, who love me Being able to feed and clothe my kids and put a roof over our heads Having wonderful parents who are always there for me Having met so many online friends who genuinely care for me Having a fantastic rhuematologist who really wants to help me I'm sure I'll be adding more to this list as the day goes on lol....please share some of your own thanks
  14. you havent the settee, chair and mirror I have a spare mirror if you need it xx
  15. lea75

    Insomnia club

    gonna get more members than I though lol
  16. lea75

    Happy Wednesday!

    that sounds like a fab idea Kathy! I think the most frustrating this about not being able to sleep is boredom...so writing songs is a fantastic idea! Keep your mind busy and you might wear it out more It also sounds like a great thing that you and your hubby can do together. let us know how you get on xxx
  17. lea75

    Insomnia club

    worst part is that not only am I taking for ever to get to sleep but the past few days I have still been up before my alarm Plus I get woken a few time every night by one of my kids ...so if I'm lucky I get 3-4 hours interupted sleep maximum Oh well, at least it means I get some kid free quiet time....even if it is in the middle of the night
  18. lea75

    Insomnia club

    After yet another night of still being awake at half 3 in the morning, and after seeing Kathys f/b status, I think we should have an insomnia club Wonder how many members we would get?? I have tried all the normal remedies, but with no sucess it is sooooooooooooo frustrating to be so tired but not be able to sleep arrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!
  19. Thanks for sharing this with us hun, I love to hear about different countries traditions. It is also great to know more about traditions of some of the themes that they feature in PS 端午節快樂!
  20. I have just read it and really enjoyed it...my only critisim would be that it is too short lol I really felt for Bree, it was fantastic to read things from her point of view. I so wanted a happy ever after for her and Diego even though I already knew what would happen to her. I would love S M to write about Fred, he was a very interesting character with a very unique gift! Definately something I would recommend reading
  21. sound like poor lucky has had a busy day lol sent her something to help her relax
  22. She even used capitol letters and a full stop
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