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Posts posted by mimozi

  1. Gaiamaiden wrote:
    raizuh wrote:
    if other people who wished after you had their wishes granted, does that mean my wish doesn't get granted?

    no it doesn mean that hun, no worries, Steve isnt doing it in any particular order Smile i was the 3rd post i think and one of my wishes got granted after about 5 or 6 other people ahead and behind me did lol so no worries Smile there is no order to it, completely random lol

    That's great cus hope wont die untill the end of it (praying)

  2. Steve wrote:
    Everyone qualifies to enter!!! congratulations And EVERYONE will win something!!! congratulations

    I will ask everyone though, please dont just come here to enter the competition and leave, please see what else we got to offer!

    I've just joined the forum and looked through the site ..have to say CONGRATS to the admins!! Great job! :playfish:

    My bigest wish ever is for the :pinkjello: PINK JELLO :pinkjello: , cus it seems impossible to me to get ever and i think that's the most adorable item on PS

    The rest of my wishlist is: babyseal doll, owl doll (i found one already)
    THANK YOU!!!

    my name: Maria H.
    my pet's name: Pipi
    level: 28
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