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Everything posted by FalconXD

  1. Zigzag: Generous Donator I remember back in June when Club Nintendo was getting shut down in the next month. Many people were sad that the service was going and the members were debating on what they would spend their last few points on. Zigzag had been a valued member of the Club and had no interest in any of his remaining points so he posted on a Skype chat asking if anyone wanted anything. At the time I had no idea if he was serious or not so I took him up on his offer and he surprisingly was being serious. After a lot of debate I finally decided on the NES Remix and he used up most of his points and gave it to me as a gift. After trying the game out with Believe we were impressed by the game and had a lot of fun playing the classic games remixed. It even helped us get prepared for our trip to Tennessee where we had an arcade cabinet with many different arcade games on it. The game was a ton of fun so both me and Believe especially thank Zigzag for his gift and consider him a generous donator. Zigzag in general seems like a great person and while I don’t know him the best he seems very generous.
  2. Freddy: Down Taunt Reliant Oh look I am off the stage, I wonder if Freddy is going to chase me… *Freddy stands on the ledge and does the down taunt*. Of course... I won’t lie, Luigi players have one of the most satisfying spikes in the game. The down taunt at the ledge which spikes any recovering character is amazing, but Freddy here likes using it blindly. If he is Luigi in a match and I get thrown off the stage I automatically know that I won’t use the ledge against him. I will even purposely miss the recovery and SD if I see him on the ledge using his down taunt. This makes it somewhat effective I guess, but Freddy needs to mix things up a bit if he wants to land some kills. Items also makes this tactic less effective as Freddy learned when a giant ROB used his neutral air in response to Luigi’s down taunt. Besides the down taunt though Freddy is pretty good and for a player that likes timed matches with items he can hold his own against most tournament players. He has shown viability with multiple characters and in my opinion his Villager is particularly great. Cheers to Freddy and hopefully we can play some more Sm4sh in the future months.
  3. Solar: Meme Overlord (Credit to Sadly-Lover for the iron throne). Introducing the overlord of the memes….. Solar! If it ever sounds like I am missing a few brain cells you can thank her memes for that. It is one thing if a person likes memes and uses them accordingly, but Solar does it in such a way that 80% of her dialogue is infected with memes. This is a task that not even I could fathom and it keeps conversations with her interesting. Also, if that wasn’t enough good luck trying to go against her when she uses memes as a means of trolling. There is a lot to Solar beyond memes, but more than likely consider it a blessing if you get a few non-meme words out of her. In all seriousness though, Solar is a fascinating person who I have known for a while and is always fun to be around. I haven’t talked with her much this year as I know she has been busy with other stuff, but I wouldn’t trade away the times I knew her for anything. I don’t know whether she will check this or not, but if you do Solar, know that regardless of how you feel, you’ll always be an important person to me and I consider you one of my closest friends.
  4. SmoQueed: Best Female of Wiimmfi The year was 2015, on Wiimmfi there was a smaller influx of varied people, one of which I came across named Sally. I didn’t focus on her primarily, but I recognized the name and saw that she was doing fairly decent. A little bit afterwards I learned that it was one of my friends SmoQueed and was utterly surprised. SmoQueed has always been a cool person and it was nice running into her once again. Thinking it over I realized that SmoQueed is probably one of the last few females playing on Wiimmfi and while others exist she was probably one of the most active ones. Due to her devotion to the game and still being a fairly good battler (it’s a shame that Wiimmfi makes that impossible), I deem her as the best female on Wiimmfi. Since I don’t play Wiimmfi anymore her title cannot be altered unless I decide that I want to play more. Speaking of which since the name SmoQueed doesn’t say much about her besides her love for weed and that I know her actual name, after tonight I am calling her Sally.
  5. Lethal: Fulfilling A Weeaboo’s Dream I know a decent portion of weeaboos, some are on a small level just liking certain chicks from an anime while others are extreme and are dying for anime to be real. On that scale I would say that Lethal isn’t the most extreme weeaboo, but he does have a large love for anime and manga. Unlike most weeaboos though, Lethal is not letting his love for anime be limited by a lack of motivation or impossible realizations by heading to Japan. Lethal is fulfilling every weeaboo’s dream of going to Japan and hopefully not being eaten by Godzilla. The fact that Lethal has devoted some of his extra time to learning Japanese shows how devoted he is to travelling to Japan and eventually living there. Although I would never dream of living in Japan for the rest of my life it is inspiring to see Lethal’s devotion to following his weeaboo dreams. Besides obsessing over his lolis, Lethal also likes playing Phantasy Star Online 2 and Lethal League (*cough* Ping Pong *cough*). So it sounds like Lethal is having a good time both in his goals of making it to Japan and in “other” types of entertainment.
  6. Kotejimo: FxD’s Continuous Supporter It is hard to believe that the game Mario Kart Wii which was released back in 2008 and had the official servers shut down in 2014 still has a living community. Although I had no intentions of playing on Wiimmfi, Kotejimo was the one reason I ended up getting the latest version of custom track worldwides and playing a little bit again. Over the years, Kotejimo has constantly worked on his ultimate texture hack creation, starting in 2010 from his beginnings with some basic texture hacks for tracks and items, until 2011 when he started production finishing on November 13th, 2011. He has continuously updated the music, textures, plus aesthetics and recorded them throughout the years all the way up until 2015. Kotejimo has actively been loyal to FxD, even coming up with the acronym before I could have come up with it. Although he has stopped playing Mario Kart Wii frequently for Metal Gear Solid and other PlayStation games since Bean has kept banning him on CTWWs, some of the good times I had playing Mario Kart were with Kotejimo. Kotejimo has attended the most of my tournaments out of any of the other participants and he will always be a good friend of mine.
  7. SGOlympian: Stadium’s Single Supporter I remember playing Stadium sometimes in Smash. I was nowhere near the best player and I couldn’t play it for hours on end, but it was definitely a fun time waster. Despite being a member of AiB/NDJ for years it wasn’t until last year I embraced myself in the Stadium Gaming Olympics which SGOlympian hosted and it was a fun event. Even though there was no Stadium Olympics this year SGO still supported Stadium events as best as he could. SGO created his very own Stadium forum for all Smash Bros. Stadium modes which I would link here; however, the link is everywhere so all you would need is to find his profile and there you go. SGO also holds streams and records different types of records that make all my hours of playing Stadium look like I only had begun playing Stadium. Besides that he hosted some trivia contests at the beginning of the year which were a ton of fun (I’m not just saying that because he may or may not have rigged it in my favor) and showed his potential as a host. Although, I am not the most prominent Stadium player I still see SGO as one of the strongest supporters of Stadium. Even despite the odds of AiB more or less dropping Stadium mode and Sm4sh getting rid of some critical modes like Break the Targets, he still perseveres and will support Stadium until he dies. Plus last time I checked you can’t kill a sandbag.
  8. Chauncey: Emotional Brick Wall I don’t know about anyone else, but for me 2015 was a year of ups and downs. There were some great moments, but also some lesser moments. I won’t get too personal since it is Chauncey’s decision whether he wants to share his experiences with others or not, but I’ll just say I believe he had more lows than highs. Chauncey went through some hardships, but he never gave up. Even if the odds were against him such as the whole International League issue and people were going against him, he still pushed on through his conflicts. Chauncey was rewarded in August with his perseverance as he claimed he has found his rightful environment, whether or not that still holds up to this day or not I am not sure, but he sounds better. There is not much I can say about Chauncey’s trials because they’re personal to him, but I remember playing him a few times on Wiimmfi and they were some fun races so I wish the best for him and hope things are going well wherever he is.
  9. NickingAde: Top Admin of MKBoards MKBoards is probably the prime site for Mario Kart as of the release of Mario Kart 8 and some might argue a little before that. The site has done its best in keeping the last three Mario Karts alive through clan wars, tournaments, and any means possible. I remember at the beginning of this year, Ade was one of those people. Ade had invited me to a fun room full of other players and showed me that Mario Kart 8 was still alive. I found the room nice and believed that Ade had potential in keeping the MK8 scene active. Although, I have more or less left the MK8 scene for Sm4sh, I could tell that Ade was a vital part and even a registration admin on MKBoards for some time. I haven’t visited MKBoards in forever and do not know whether Ade is still an admin or not, but I could tell he contributed a significant chunk to the site and is arguably one of the top admins that MKBoards has had. I still believe Ade plays Mario Kart and I hope that whatever clan he is a leader or member of is doing their best and he continues inspiring Mario Kart competitions and gameplay through-out the community.
  10. PentaSalad: Campaign for Cuteness Administrator I remember when April Fools on AiB/NDJ was great. I remember the crazy name changes, ban system, the icons of Pokémon, Retro Sprites, and League of Legend champions; however, after Neal left and the site lost its main programmers things slipped up a bit. Although, this didn’t stop PentaSalad and the rest of the marketing team from trying to bring April Fool’s Day back. They created some more manageable pranks with one of the better ones being the Campaign for Cuteness where Penta unleashed his inner weeaboo. If a member posted a cute picture in a group full of cute pictures they got a badge, of course knowing Penta this was based on his waifus. I even remember participating by submitting a picture of Lucina getting knocked out since I know how much Penta loves his main waifu getting knocked out. Despite, the stigma certain people give Penta and the fact he pretty much gave up on the site halfway through the year, he is a nice person and always fun to compete against. I wish him the best and hope that one day, for his sake, anime can come to life.
  11. Taft: Tongue-In-Cheek Targetter Taft is a peculiar subject, he is a carefree troll that targets people for little to no reason and seemingly has no motive. When I would play Taft back in Mario Kart I wouldn’t get to see the extent of his trolling since he was often near the back of the pack while I was somewhere in the middle. Although when I started playing Sm4sh with him that pretty much changed my perspective. Taft picks the biggest troll characters whether it ranges from a puffball with sleep apnea, a midget space explorer, or a penguin shaped like a hot air balloon. In addition, he will target one person through-out the match without reasoning just because he can. Poor Vic has been a victim of this and it made him fight back harder as well as me and a few others. Sometimes he even has an accomplice that will help him in his trolling endeavors. Even in the Sm4sh tournaments, Taft will literally use half the roster and get through most of the early round thanks to pure lulz. Taft also has other methods of trolling such as picking custom stages which aren’t the worst I seen, but they’re clearly designed for targeting. Overall though Taft is a cool person and an interesting guy to be around, but if he chooses you as a target…. have fun!
  12. Jo$eph: The Most Dangerous Designer A warning to anyone interested in video game design, do not let Jo$eph do as much as touch your mouse. Jo$eph plays Sm4sh for fun and his primarily mode of entertainment is breaking the game through custom stages. Some of his stages have clever gimmicks, but a lot of them have ridiculous design only rivaled by Anti-Falcon. The stages can either have nowhere to walk and are filled with traps or they’re designed so that the person can run away from their problems. Despite how notoriously chaotic these stages are, Jo$eph has inspired and enraged others enough that they made their own crazy stage designs as revenge or proving they can be more chaotic. Joseph’s controversial stages have kept matches interesting though which was probably their intention from the start so I have to give him credit. Jo$eph also helped keep Unlimited stable for some period of time so he has potential as a leader, just don’t challenge him in making a video game or he’ll give ET, Superman 64, and Sonic Boom a run for their money.
  13. Vic: Amiibo Scalper You would expect most scalpers to hide their business plans, but nope Vic instead decides “Hey, let me brag to all my friends how large my Nintendo collection is”. After I got him interested in Wind Waker all those years back he became enthralled with Nintendo merchandise, perhaps a bit much. Vic is a massive collector, getting nearly every limited edition Nintendo item through-out the year and at least having ONE of all the available Amiibos out if not more. Of course, I’m not complaining about this since Vic has hooked me and others up with various Nintendo merchandise. His collection is inspiring and shows that anyone can start a successful collection. Vic’s also very generous with his Amiibo business even electing to host his own Amiibo Tournament with the winner receiving an Amiibo of choice from his inventory. Vic has been successful this year and I expect his reputation to grow as a collector, although I am not as fond for his constant counter spammer. Oh well, his collection more than makes up for it, seriously he must not have any free space in his room considering all the stuff he owns.
  14. Rexi: Stuck in the Melee Zone Poor, poor, Rexi. I know how much it sucks being stuck in a friend zone especially when there is another person spending time with your cherished one. Although, when the other person the cherished one loves is a plastic box containing a disc of artificial intelligence and machine code, then that’s downright awkward. Rexi and Will are very strong friends, knowing each other for years and having a tight bond. Although, when Rexi craved attention from his closest pal Will instead neglected him for anthropomorphic fox and falcon cock fights. Also making matters worse is the fact that the apple in Will’s eyes is from 2001, I mean Will if you’re going to neglect Rexi for something that is of a lesser quality than him (*gets attacked by every Melee fanboy in the room*) that is disappointing. I wouldn’t give up on the charisma between the two of you though, I am sure you can work things out and patch up your friendship (or possibly even something beyond that). Until then though Rexi, just tough it out and know that your days in the Melee Zone will eventually end.
  15. Will: Melee Enthusiast You know Melee fanboys and Mario Kart Wii fanboys have a lot in common. They both believe their game is the best in the respective series and all the other ones are lackluster. Also even though their own game is supposedly the best it’s a buggy mess with communities that have a handful of toxic people in them that nearly discredit the whole community. So in a way when I learned that Will was obsessed with Melee, I could understand partially where he came from. Although, Will managed to take his support for Melee to another level. Apparently, Will keeps an RC Television with consoles and controllers in his backpack at all times just in case he gets a chance for playing Melee. Will would never carry his textbooks or work in the backpack when he needed it, but he makes sure his backpack stays sacred for his Melee tourney set. He also obsesses over the shine to the point that some of his closest friends will threaten him with losing his shine if he does something bad (that is if he is with them and not spending his time at home playing Melee instead). Will is knowledgeable about Melee, but come on dude, if you’re going to be obsessed with Melee you can’t finish last at offline tourneys. All jokes aside, Will is pretty chill and not bad when it comes to the games, but he should go outside sometimes.
  16. Sarger: Club Penguin League Organizer Oh boy, I know people cringed over the concept of competitive Mario Kart and even competitive QWOP, but competitive Club Penguin? Seriously, Club Penguin, what is this? Well apparently Sarger was bored one day and decided to post a meme joking about how he would 1v1 anyone in Club Penguin or play money matches. Well apparently enough of his friends showed interest and he decided to make a Club Penguin league. I have not heard much since, but man has it grabbed my attention. I don’t even know how competitive Club Penguin works, the only things I even remember from the millisecond that I played Club Penguin in 5th grade (dang, I am getting old) was that there was a pizza mini-game and a mine-cart mini-game. All I can really say for this is shout-outs to Sarger for actually going through with this concept.
  17. Val: Animatronic Annihilator When Five Nights at Freddy got released it became revolutionary for better and for worst. Somehow a single person had released four games in the span of one year that became viral for its various jump-scares and fundamental for every major let’s player that was hoarding views. In my opinion, the first two games were good enough, but anything after that became a sell-out move, plus the creator is pushing the series too far and probably should have spaced it out. Many people I know dislike FNAF whether it’s for the boring point and click concept or the terrible fan-base, but nobody has disliked it as much as Val. I remember after the 2nd one got released Val was incredibly annoyed over it which was further built upon by the third one and then the most recent entries. Good thing Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria wasn’t real or else I could bet you Val would end up committing arson on that place. Although, Val does use Megaman a lot in Sm4sh, so maybe he is an animatronic robot deep down? Dun, dun, dun…….
  18. Believe: Smash Tour Champion I could imagine everyone’s first reaction when they bought Smash 4. Oh this game looks great let me boot it up! Cool intro, the cinematics are neat, let’s check the menu… WHAT IS SMASH TOUR AND WHY IS IT ON THE MENU WHILE SOLO MODE ISN’T? For those that don’t know Smash Tour is essentially a more convoluted Mario Party with Smash Bros. antics in it. I don’t know how Smash Tour has pulled it off, but I have got more frustrated at the computers in Smash Tour than any Mario Party game. Although, this is just my opinion and some people like Believe have adored this idea. Believe has got insanely good at Smash Tour to the point where he knows every item and somehow unlocked an achievement for playing 1,000+ turns in Smash Tour, something I bet very few people knew existed. Believe might be extremely haphazard in actual Smash matches and his tournament series were cut short due to a lack of interest; however, he is still a legendary brother and you can bet if you face him in Smash Tour he will dominate.
  19. Directory: There are a lot of people that have awards this year, so to make the process a bit simpler I decided to make a directory, find your name and click on it and you will be linked to your award. All the names are listed in alphabetical order; however, note for the list the names are based on what I call you. So if I call you something different than what you currently use, you might be listed under a different name. Who are you? A-Bro Alexa Ammar Angie BeefSloth Believe Black David Bloss BlueStriker BlueTerror Bones Boxer Cam CC Chauncey Chuyramosfregoso Cod-E Dcooper DDD Daio Dreamy Electric Emilia EZVega Foodies Freddy Galindo Gavos Grofgar Henry Hukster iFox Jaedsterking Jerr Jo$eph Kevin Kotejimo Lethal LilMissShipLips Linus LNIM Luismi Masked_P2 Monado NickingAde Okami PentaSalad Pokedude Queensryche Raffi-X Raheem Rath Rexi Rhys Robot Rocket Ross Sarger SGOlympian Shado Slugking SmoQueed Snicks Solar Steph Taft Torriqua Tyler Val Vic Walnut Will Yarocks Yoshimo Yoshinendo Zalo Zigzag
  20. Falcon Awards 2015 Introduction: Well, I never expected this to last so long. Anyway, welcome to the 4th annual FALCON AWARDS and possibly the last one. For those of you who don’t know what this is, each year since 2012 I have selected a group of people that have been significant to me this year and awarded them with an honor. The awards are a mix of genuine amazement or complete jokes, but regardless of which one you receive consider it an accomplishment. I saved these awards for people that made an impact on me, so think of your actions as significant. In a way this is very similar to shout-outs for the previous year. Anyway, this is probably the last one so I went big, there are a ton of winners this year more than all the past three years combined, for those that knew about it last year not much is changed except there are no more multi-awards and I am releasing them all at once opposed to day by day. Anyway, most of you probably skipped this post and I am running out of things to say, so without further ado let’s start the awards.
  21. Since I figured a certain menace would try interfering with the Falcon Awards 2015 I decided to take advanced measures and redirect him: ... if (get.IP() == A6N6T6I6F6A6L6C6O6N6) { return antifalcon; } ... Anti-Falcon: King of the Sadists Ha, you inferior peasants should know the drill by now. If this chump, Falcon is going to host an award show I am going to crash it somehow. Since many of you scum of the Earth probably don’t know who I am let me insert a vital piece of knowledge into your brain. I am Anti-Falcon, a clone created with the intent of being a lab assistant; however, since the scientist was irrelevant to my plans of world conquest I ended his pitiful existence. I know many of you probably haven’t seen me much this year, well the truth is that this year was incredibly boring so I didn’t bother much. You foolish humans failed at entertaining me so I spent this time crafting an army so I can take over your world. Don’t believe me? Just know that when Falcon finally falls I will crush everything close to him, including you. The only human endeavors that I even bothered with this year was hosting sadistic matches on some custom stages where I had an unpaid intern fight three foolish humans on stages I designed. Anyway, since none of you idiots would stand a chance against me in your current state, I will give you fools some constructive criticism for the next year. Beware though, if you are sensitive to the truth then close that little browser window and live in fear …because that means you will be an easy target for crushing. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! *The following content was blocked by FalconXD* Dammit Falcon, how the hell did you hack into my award? FalconXD: You’re getting too predictable you fool, maybe you should just quit while you’re slightly behind. Never! I shall “love each and every human unconditionally and contribute back to this world”… HEY! What gives with this computer? FalconXD: Well it looks like you’re easy to hack into as well. Anyway it has been fun, but I have other stuff to do. Ciao. *Disconnects Anti-Falcon’s server by installing Linux onto it* Anti-Falcon: Linux? What inferior processing system is this? Oh great now my servers are infected with it, CURSE YOU FALCON! FalconXD: Anyway Happy New Year’s to everyone and hopefully 2016 will be a great year for all of you.
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