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Everything posted by SLGray

  1. Author: Kangorilaphant Requires: AA and ES Includes: Animals Barbary Sheep Bald Ibis African Wild Ass Golden Jackal Foliage Argan Dragon Tree Aaronsohnia Purple Moor Grass North_Africa_Pack.z2f
  2. Author: Kangorilaphant Requires: ZT2 and African Adventure Updated: Removed Dutch Language Arabia Pack.z2f
  3. Author: Kangorilaphant Required: African Adventures Includes: Animals Impala Pangolin African Civet Foliage Karoo Thorn African Iris Buffel Grass Food Giant Termite Mound African Savannah.z2f
  4. Black Lion Tamarin Made by Holden, Becuffin and IBA5000 Update 11/14/09 Added a variant skin. Black Lion Tamarin.z2f
  5. Author: Legolas Requires: ZT 1 Description: This item was made from the zoo map. It lists and explains all the habitats available in Zoo Tycoon. BiomeLegend_by_Ape.zip
  6. Requires: ZT1 Bugs: None Authors: ttt latios.ZTD
  7. Eastern Great Egret Made by Becffin & IBA5000 Eastern Great Egret.z2f
  8. Opal Peafowl Made by iba5000 Updated 12/04/09 Gift Fixed Now Works Updated 01/22/10 Skin Updated/Egg Data Fixed/Rarity Corrected Opal Peafowl.z2f
  9. Creator: Dennis1991 Dieren/Animals: Steller Zeekoe/Steller's Seacow Gestreepte Dolfijn/Striped Dolphin Subantarctische Zeebeer/Subantarctic Fur Seal Watervaraan/Water Monitor Kemps Schildpad/Kemp's Ridley Cymbospondylus Zijde Haai/Silky Shark Zalmhaai/Salmon Shark Zoutwaterkrokodil/Saltwater crocodile Nachthaai/Night Shark Middellandse Monniksrob/Mediterranean Monk Seal Noordelijk Gladde Dolfijn/Northern Right Whale Dolphin Zuidelijk Gladde Dolfijn/Southern Right Whale Dolphin Gangeshaai/Ganges Shark Cubaanse Doornhaai/Cuban Dogfish Stormbandpinguïn/Chinstrap Penguin Planten/Foliage: Knolwier/Furbelows Kussenvormige Koloniezakpijp/Pillow Synascidian Reuzen Vallisneria/Vallisneria Gigantea Obejecten/Objects: Potvis Hal/Sperm Whale Hall Gestreepte Zebra Zeepaard/Zebra Seahorse Gestreepte Zeepaard/Striped Seahorse Grote Blauwring Octopus/Greater Blue Ringed Octopus Pacifische Reuzenoctopus/Pacific Giant Octopus BP Boog/BP Arch Taningia Danae/Dana Octopus Squid Caribische Rif Inktvis/Caribbean Reef Squid Blauwgespikkelde Pijlstaartrog/Bluespotted Ribbontail Ray Bythograea thermydron/Hydrothermal vent crab BP Prullenbak/BP Trashcan Marine Life Waarschuwing/Marine Life Warning Hoog Spanning Waarschuwing/High Voltage Warning Niet Voeden Waarschuwing/No Feeding Warning Krokodil Waarschuwing/Crocodile Warning Extra: Laadbalken/Loading bars BP Filter Pictures: Z-Blue_Planet_Pack_Part_2.z2f
  10. Creator: Dennis1991 Dieren/Animals: Amerikaanse Lepelsteur/American Paddlefish Atlantische Witte Marlijn/Atlantic White Marlin Bandrob/Ribbon Seal Atlantische Duivelsrog/Atlantic Devil Ray Diamantsteur/Russian Sturgeon Gramper/Rissos Dolphin Groenlandse Haai/Greenland shark Haringhaai/Porbeagle shark Zandloperdolfijn/Hourglass Dolphin Chinese Witte Dolfijn/Chinese white dolphin Kaapse Pelsrob/Cape Fur Seal Kaphamerhaai/Bonnetheadshark Karetschildpad/Hawksbill Turtle Luipaardhaai/Leopardshark Oorkwal/Commonjellyfish Guinese Tweeklauw/Pignosed Turtle Potvis/Sperm Whale Witpuntrifhaai/White tip reef shark Witsnuitdolfijn/White-beaked Dolphin Zandhagedis/Sand Lizard Spinnerdolfijn/Spinner Dolphin Koperhaai/Bronze Whaler Varianten Manta/Variants Manta ray Zwaardvis/Sword Fish Blauwe Haarkwal/Blue jellyfish Bonus Landdier/Bonus animal: Mexicaanse Wolf/Mexican Wolf Ambients/Ambiants: Tang pack 4 doktervissen/Tang pack 4 tangs Harlekijnkikker/Atelopus Frog Madagaskar Goudkikker/Golden Mantella Vuurbuikpad/Oriental Fire-bellied Toad Gladderoodoogkrab/Smooth Redeye Crab Rodekoraalkrab/Red Coral Crab GroenEiKrab/Green Egg Crab Noordzeekrab/Edible Crab Zonnebaars/Blue Gill Lantaarnvis/Lanternfish Sierlijke Koraalduivel/Kodipungi Lionfish Oogvlek Dwerg Koraalduivel/Twin spot Lionfish Plaatsbare Koi's/Placeable Koi's: Tang pack 4 doktervissen/Tang pack 4 tangs Gladderoodoogkrab/Smooth Redeye Crab Rodekoraalkrab/Red Coral Crab GroenEiKrab/Green Egg Crab Noordzeekrab/Edible Crab Demania Cf Toxica SchubKarper/Europian Carp Zonnebaars/Blue Gill Lantaarnvis/Lanternfish Sierlijke Koraalduivel/Kodipungi Lionfish Oogvlek Dwerg Koraalduivel/Twin spot Lionfish Planten/Foliage: ReuzenTafelKoraal/Giant Table Coral Bloedkoraal/Precious coral Dodemansduim/Dead man's fingers Grote Rafelvis School/Sea Dragon School Zeeanjelier/Plumose anemone Extra: Laad Balken/Loading Bars Nieuwe Locaties/New locations BP Filter Nieuwe Camera/New Camera Blue Planet Fans Blue Planet Crew Pictures: Z-Blue_Planet_Pack_Part_1.z2f
  11. Designer: ELCR Requires: ZT2, ES, and EA The long-awaited UXP Enormous Elephants in now available for Zoo Tcoon 2 Extinct Animals. It contains several elephants from around the world, living and extinct ones: -Borneo pygmy elephant - Elephas maximus borneensis -African forest elephant - Loxodonta cyclotis -Desert elephant - L. a. africana -Syrian elephant - E. m. asurus -Chinese elephant- E. m. rubridens -Carthaginian elephant - L. c. pharaohensis -Asian and European straight-tusked elephants -several dwarf Mediterranean elephants -dwarf Sardinian mammoth - Mammuthus lamarmorae All of the elephants: Elephant Pack 1.z2f zzzzzzzz_ElephantPack_ 1.z2f
  12. Designer: Mad Head Requires: ZT2 and Endangered Species Contains: Western Gorilla Barbary Sheep Amur Leopard White Lion Picture: Amazing Mammals Pack Part 1.z2f
  13. Designer: ELCR Tarpan skins made by Bigfooter. Requires: ZT2, Extinct Animals, and Endangered Species Pictures: kulan Syrian kulan: Steppe tarpan: Forest tarpan: Onager khur Nubian wild ass: European ass Mexican horse Hagerman horse Western horse Yukon ass Awesome Equids v2.z2f
  14. Designer: Kingcobrasaurus Requires: ZT2 and EA Notes: This part contains the (mostly) herbivorous members of the Dinosauria, the Ornithischia. It has 7 pachycephalosaurs, 6 ceratopsians, and 7 ornithopods. Includes: Homalocephale Wannanosaurus Pachycephalosaurus Charonosaurus Altirhinus Tethyshadros Saurolophus Drinker Othnielia Thescelosaurus Achelousaurus Bagaceratops Microceratus Eotriceratops Torosaurus Pentaceratops Stygimoloch Dracorex Stegoceras Prenocephale Pachycephalosaurs.zip ZZZZZZ- UPOD Ceratopsians.z2f ZZZZZZ- UPOD Ornithopods.z2f ZZZZZZ- UPOD Shelters.z2f ZZZZZZZZ- KCS Filter.z2f
  15. Creator: Kingcobrasaurus Description: An expansion that contains 12 herbivorous animals, including the Russian tortoise, Solomon monkey-tailed skink, and the yak. American Pika.z2f Collared Peccary.z2f Congo Peafowl.z2f Dugong.z2f Emu.z2f Gaur.z2f Mountain Goat.z2f Russian Tortoise.z2f Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep.z2f Solomon Islands Monkey Tailed Skink.z2f Texas Longhorn.z2f Yak.z2f
  16. Author: Scooby Requires: ZT2 Sunflower Path.z2f
  17. Creator: Erry2000 Requires: ZT2, must have the flower arch unlocked by completing the "Troubled Zoos" campaign. Picture: Boog met rozen.z2f
  18. Designer: Scooby Requires: ZT2 Picture: Admiral's Galley.z2f
  19. This food item was originally going to be released with the pheasant but it was never coded, but it is now. Thanks to Holden for helping with the coding. Creators: skins by koiking(me) and coded by holden. Requirements: ZT2 and ES(made from the Berries) Bugs: none that I know of. Screenshot: available in terrain, elevated food dish and regular food dish. Koiking wild seeds.z2f
  20. Creator: Octavio17493 Description: A new food the salmon! a great additional food for your bears. Required: ZT2 Picture: Salmon Food.z2f
  21. Here is the Blue Fang's Endangered Species Pack: Zoo Tycoon and Marine Mania has to be installed for this pack to work. zootycoon_ESTP.zip
  22. Authors: Caddienoah and Exoticcats Requires: From ZTUnleashed Forums: Dr Rick DD Trees From ZooTek Phoenix: Dr Rick Dino Pond, gcTerrain Themed Paths, gc Terrain Waterfall Fences, Generator by LAwebTek, Small Stones, Underground Water Passage, and the Dino Digs Packs 1, 2, and 3 Description: “ "We dedicate this workbench to ZT Wildlife...we hope it's members and visitors will enjoy this w/b when creating zoos, using the wonderful dinosaur downloads available here by Moondawg... both Exoticcats and myself have enjoyed this project for ZT Wildlife...we have plans to create more for the site." ” Picture: Needs One ZT Wildlife Dino Workbench by Caddienoah and Exoticcats.zip
  23. Designers: Caddienoah and Exoticcats Description: This workbench is a reworking of a workbench, that was originally at ZooTek Phoenix, by Caddienoah. It has been redone especially for ZTWildlife by Caddienoah and Exoticcats (CAEX). It requires five files from ZooTek Phoenix: Doublewide Tarp by Catfish, Rock Barn Shelter by Fern, Trails and Edge Paths by Genki, Terrain Waterfall Fences by Genki, and Underground Water Passage by African Rapter. These five files should be in the "dlupdate" file before the workbench is opened. We hope you enjoy building your zoo on it. The workbench is on a small base. Picture: Needs One ZTW SLGs Forest Getaway Workbench by CAEX.zip
  24. 3/21/2010 Update: Please redownload. Designers: Caddienoah and Exoticcats (CAEX) Description: This workbench is a reworking of a workbench, that was originally at ZooTek Phoenix, by Caddienoah. It has been redone especially for ZTWildlife by Caddienoah and Exoticcats (CAEX). It requires three files from ZooTek Phoenix: Redbud Trees by Genki, Stepping Stone Paths by Catfish and Genki, and Trails and Edge Paths by Genki. These three files should be in the "dlupdate" file before the workbench is opened. We hope you enjoy building your zoo on it. The workbench is on a large base. Picture: Needs One ZTWildlife Ocean Beach Lighthouse Workbench by CAEX.zip
  25. Creator: Hoyo12 Pictures: Road Kill Turtle - Jeweled Bear - http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/8066/enlargedpv2.jpg AprilFoolsPack.rar
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