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Everything posted by SLGray

  1. Author: Ryder Requires: ZT2 Picture: zzbloody tundra reskin.z2f
  2. Author: Killers2 “Intended for Biome Designers ONLY This shell contains only 5 slots, zbiome100 thru zbiome105 . This was created specifically to aid Biome Designers during their creation process. This is not fit for any other purpose. (Default game biomes have not been removed) This is 100% the ZTDC Biome Shell code created by Penguinman Edited and uploaded with written permission-Thank You PM” MD5: 2dc9ee104e4126fd513f64cdd881fec8 ZZDesignersOnlyBiomeShell.z2f ZZDesignersOnlyBiomeShell.z2f
  3. SLGray


    Name wookie Designer: ttt require: zt1 bugs none description is a stat change for bigfoot and has differences in behaivors wook.ztd
  4. Author: Killers2 “This is the Zoo Tycoon Designing Center’s Biome Shell created by Penguinman, modified & uploaded by me (Killers2) with Written Permission from Penguinman. Thank You Very Much PM!! MD5 of ZZZShortMenuBiomeShell.z2f : 326b0fdaed0dc50f89f37f111c9a5338 What is this? This version of the Biome Shell (required to use any User made biome) has been modified to include only the biomes currently available for download or included in packs. Details: The default Biome Shell contains 50 – 100+ slots for user made biomes, biomes are registered by number an excellent example is the “Concrete Biome” which is zbiome50 or zbiome100 depending on the version you have, this means if you have this biome installed you have to scroll down to slot 50 or 100 even if this is the only biome you have installed. What I have done is compress the shell down to 21 slots, 16 slots that contain the currently available biomes and 5 blank slots at the end of the shell to add any biome you may have that is not listed in this version of the shell. With this shell installed your biome list will read as follows: zbiome12= Montane Forest Biome zbiome23= Moorland Biome zbiome14= Salt Marsh Biome zbiome45= Farmyard Biome zbiome46= Tropical Coast zbiome6= Bog Biome zbiome36= Slough Biome zbiome2= Prehistoric Sea Biome zbiome24= Shark-infested Waters Biome zbiome27= Crystal Biome zbiome7= Littoral zbiome57= Concrete Biome zbiome100= Testing Biome zbiome18= Volcanic Biome zbiome1= Abyss Biome zbiome21= Fantasy Biome 5 blank slots follow 501-505 I placed the biomes according to the number of animals that can use the biome without a hack installed and or by popularity. The Montane & Moorland Biome’s are placed first for all the reasons listed above and more importantly out of respect for the legend: Penguinman. **I mean no disrespect to any of the Designers of the other biomes and hope they will understand. (If you know of a biome that is available to the public if you will send me a PM or email letting me know where the biome can be found I will add it to the shell-Thank You) Installation Instructions: 1. Backup and Manually Remove your existing biome shell. 2. Copy this version of the Biome Shell into your main ZT2 game folder. Usually C:/Program Files/Microsoft Games/Zoo Tycoon **Do not add this without MANUALLY removing the existing Biome Shell if you have one installed. This will not replace your existing Biome Shell by simply coping this into your Zoo Tycoon game folder. ***If you have a biome that is not listed above you must manually add the biome to use this version of the shell. Read the ‘Adding a Biome to this Shell’ instructions below. Adding a Biome to this Shell: To add a biome to this shell you’ll need to know the zbiome number of the biome you wish to add. You can find this number inside the games “lang” folder (1033 for English language). There you will see a lot of files and the biomes will be named zbiome# (example zbiome12). You can open these files and there you will see the actual name of the biome, in this example zbiome12 is the Montane Biome. Once you have found the biome you are searching for write down the number of the zbiome. Now open this shell with notepad and do a search for zbiome501 manually replace the 3 instances of zbiome501 with zbiome12, slots 501 thru 505 are unused and have been added specifically for this purpose. Now just save and close the shell file, go back to the ‘UI’ folder, zip it up, and rename the zip file to ZZZShortMenuBiomeShell.z2f and place inside your main game folder- that’s it folks nothing to it at all. **I strongly recommend you follow the above instructions exactly. If you use the search and replace method be sure set your text editor to ‘Match Whole Words Only’. I recommend using notepad2 it’s free and superior to Windows notepad in that it has far more options and is just as easy to use. However if you do this manually you will be certain you have not replace a single number you did not intend to.** Important Notes: 1. The “ZTDC Biome Shell” is the intellectual property of Penguinman I cannot give anyone permission to merge, modify, or redistribute the Biome Shell including this version because the code contained within is not mine to give, you must ask Penguinman for his permission to modify or redistribute the Biome Shell. Again I wish to thank Penguinman for allowing me to make this modified version of the Biome Shell. 2. This is not actually a HACK in the traditional sense of the word; this is 100% the ZTDC Biome Shell code. There are only 2 changes made: (1) The order in which the biomes will now appear in the menu. (2) The amount of slots and therefore blank spaces has been reduced. These slots were assigned to biomes that are no longer available for download, however since those slots have been assigned, new biomes will be assigned numbers of 100+ or higher making it a bit of work to get to the new biomes in game, this solves that problem. 3. This is 100% compatible with any user made download, including other hacks. 4. Save a backup copy of your original biome shell before installing this one. 5. As with any download you should verify the checksum of the file to insure you received the complete file as it was uploaded. 6. This is an optional part of a multi-hack I am working on and hope to release within the next couple of weeks. I decided to make it an optional download for my hack because I think others may find this helpful but may not want to install my hack, vise versa, or may actually have 50+ biomes! 7. Many of the biomes listed can be downloaded at Zoo Tycoon Designing Center biome registry. 8. As stated above I did not create the biome shell. All credit that is deserved belongs to Penguinman, if you find this helpful stop by ZTDC and send him a ‘Thank You’ I’m sure he’d appreciate that. 9. If you like this, please keep your eyes out for my upcoming project in the next couple of weeks, which includes Special Features from Penguinman, Sophie, Bouncebag, Feresa, Uzag & Iben. I’m not releasing details at this time but I will say if it works I think it will make a lot of people happy!! 10. This file has been uploaded at Environ - Tesara” ZZZShortMenuBiomeShell.zip
  5. Authors: Zoo Tycoon 2 Designing Center If you are going to create a new biome or download a new biome, you will need to download this first. zbiomeshell.z2f
  6. Extra Download: Addax Creators: Blue Fang Expansions Required: None Language: English Public Domain: Yes Description: The Addax is an antelope which is well adapted to the Saharan desert in Africa. The Addax's horns spiral up to nearly 3ft / 1m. It can travel long distances thanks to its large hooves. The Addax eats leaves and fruit and it is mainly active during the night. Addax.z2f
  7. Original Created by Blue Fang. This download was only available in the mobile version of Zoo Tycoon 2. Arthur converted into Dutch. Jntg4 translated back into English. For this download to work properly, you need to place it in your Zoo Tycoon 2 main directory. ZZZZZ-AsiaticBlackBear.z2f
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