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Posts posted by hOppy

  1. Feels great to be back after such a long time! :shifty:

    With such cute items available in stores, i could not stop myself from re-decorating my baby's home! congratulations
    Hope u all like it!

    Comments and suggestions welcome! Smile

    Entrance (before)

    Entrance (now)

    Thanksgiving Parade:


    Feast room:

    Balcony room- for those who wish to view the parade from a height!! :p

    Master bedroom:

    hOppy's closet(now)

    At night!


    Dining area(has 3 rooms to entertain the many lovely neighbors my pet has):




    Special room for my special friend Marwa! Smile


    Still not OPEN for business but much of it is done!!
    Every time someone books a room, the room is finished according to the pet's particular tastes!!! congratulations

    Garden Entrance:

    Main entrance:

    at night (looks lovely):

    Lounge area: Smile

    First sea view balcony!:

    First room- blue pink ( lexi and Meg love it ^^):

    Second room- pink:

    Third room- Orange (mara likes this one)

    Our second balcony!!! ^^

    At night!

    Green room:

    Fourth room- blue! (maya loves blue)

    fifth room- Cats room!!! (esp for Cathy!)

    Latest attraction at the resort: tarot card reader/ astrological experts...
    Still under construction!!! ^^

    Hope u liked all rooms! ^^
    please leave comments/ compliments!
    thank you!

  3. SerEndiPittY wrote:
    I think the front entrance looks too empty. Ashamed I like the way you arranged the lights but I think you may put some stuff on the floor, like stairs, or some flowers/plants, I'm not sure. Smile
    I LOVE the Study room, especially the way you arranged the mirrors on the left! I really like the Potions room too, and the Drawing one Smile

    Thank you so much for the advise but i like it empty!! Its entrance to a castle- so i din feel like putting anything else- or it would lose it somewat grand touch/ feel!

    Glad u liked the rooms! Smile

  4. FGem wrote:
    actually Im new here and very happy to be here..... the activity goin on around here is just awesome..... hope to make new good friends here..... and seriously your house was nice to watch.... good work and thumbs up!!!

    The forum is one great place- it adds to the fun of being in PS or should i say it adds some fun to being in PS! :p

    Realy thankful for the genuine compliments! Hope to see more of you around!
    HAve fun! :friends:

  5. Welcome all! ^^

    MEet hOppy:

    We have worked real hard in getting this home together, so please when u visit, do leave a comment/ compliment- It means a lot to us! Smile

    Out front yard:

    Front entrance!!

    It can get really dark here, so take care!! :p

    The new room(drawing room):

    and at night:

    Our kitchen:
    Now there r two versions of it, one we like a lot and one we think suits the theme! congratulations

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