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Everything posted by Zoonie

  1. I wouldn't drive anywhere in London - but here it's an essential really, although of course the train is handy for longer journeys.
  2. Everytime I read or think 'bangs' it makes me think of the explosion that's supposed to have created the world My hair grows so quickly, it could be the bang that stops the world That's why I don't worry about going anywhere new, or having a lot cut off it, another month and it'll need cutting again. My fringe'll need snipping by the end of next week at the latest. ED's partner had been cutting it, but he's been a bit scissor shy. He used to do it for nothing when he was training. He still will, even at the salon - but it's not fair to ask him as that means he loses a client fee. Anyway they were very nice at this place, it's about 20 mins or so drive away. The only problem was parking restrictions.
  3. Well, something like that is what I had in mind, and it's quite like that, but with a soft full fringe. I need to have a few blonde highlights put in next time, that would be nice for the warmer weather. It's bitter here today, an icy wind and has snowed most of the day too - luckily it was ok driving as it has only settled a little.
  4. It did go well thanks. The owner of the salon did my hair, she was very chatty and bubbly and really quite sweet. I've had it cut to my shoulders, and kicking out, slightly shaped around the face and my fringe cut back in (yaaay)* I like it. *that would be bangs if Kijo's reading... I never understood that term at all!
  5. I'm back - four inches shorter! (that's the hair, not me as a whole )
  6. We have black granite in the kitchen, it's very smart. The one for the bathroom is also pretty, dark brown, with cream and white variations...the 'skirting board' effect and the window sill are mosaic tiles of the same granite, but the top for the basins will be solid (when it turns up) We're ok Bee as we have ensuites to the bedrooms, so we're using those, although normally iMOM uses the main bathroom as it's the other side of the house, so it's quiet first thing in the morning. The downstairs should be finished as well before he goes away. Got to love and leave you for now, get ready for my hair appointment xxx
  7. Do you have a national Olympic team site Bee? Put the link up if you do, or fill us in on the info???
  8. The computer design was put together by the supplier, but I had a good idea of what we wanted, it was a question of seeing what we could get and how much it would cost. We still have the delay on the washbasins and mirror for the main bathroom, but he's doing the downstairs cloakroom now. Tiling the floor today. Sadly he goes on holiday on Friday, so he wont be able to finish the bathroom until he gets back Thanks for the compliment. We didn't care for the bathroom when we bought the house, and that was 9 years ago, so we were good to live with it so long I think, decided that it would be a real benefit to get a nice big shower in, as we don't use the baths anyway (very rarely) and we still have alternatives should be need arise Am pleased with how its looking, just cross at the hold up with supplies.
  9. What an experience Bee! OMG. Glad you weren't on your own. It actually sounds like one of those situations you'll look back on and laugh about one day, you couldn't make it up really could you Just started a new thread, we're hitting the 100 pages!
  10. Another Chat and Gift thread for February, thanks for the picture Kijo
  11. I'm keeping my eye on the thread Bee, am hoping it was decent news? Good morning to you btw, from a snowy south east!
  12. WOW that's a first, a deserted ship! Sorry Boogs. Yesterday I had connection problems ALL day on and off, gaaah. Am trying to get some earlier nights too as my sleep is very disturbed at the moment. R's alarm got us up at 00.07 last night, goodness knows what he'd done!!! Then he woke we before 5am to ask if I was asleep - MEN! Will be out today for a good while, it's the day of the much needed haircut Yaaay.
  13. Yes, it's always a shame about that, as there's nothing like being able to watch stuff live as it happens, and really feel the atmosphere and excitement. This is the website for TEAM GB HERE and links for the schedules Click for Complete Schedule Here Day By Day Schedule Here and if you want to follow a specific sport check its schedule Here (sorry GB only) Please post your news, the triumphs and disasters, and any comments and keep the thread lively
  14. Welcome Suzanne, nice to have you here
  15. I know what a lot of time, and effort goes into making a successful and happy site, so a big well done to all the team, and again, thanks for making C&G so welcome on the forum Congrats!
  16. Point her in our direction then Tweet, she's a CeeGeean!!!
  17. Night all, FB keeps kicking me out of PS - less than 10 visits today but can't be bothered with keep on trying for no gain. Tomorrow x PS new graphic courtesy of Kijo for the next thread - can edit it in if the next thread starter doesn't know where it is.
  18. See you Wish, and yes, sorry - was watching the Bikers! lol, you know me so well!
  19. http://www.olympics.org.uk/futuregamesteamgb.aspx?gt=w&ga=49&se=teamgb That's Team GB!
  20. The Vancouver Olympic Winter Games will take place from 12 to 28 February 2010. Vancouver won the bidding race to hold the XXI Olympic Winter Games in February 2010, beating off competition from seven other prospective host cities in the process. The final decision was made at the 115th IOC Session in Prague on 2 July 2003, bringing the games back to Canada twenty two years after their previous appearance, in Calgary in 1988. The Games will be staged across two venues within the British Columbia region, with ice events and two skiing events to be based in the Vancouver area, while the Alpine, Nordic, Sliding and Paralympic disciplines will all take place in Whistler, approximately 120 kilometres north of Vancouver. Whistler will also play host to the 2010 Paralympic Winter Games, which will happen from 12 to 21 March. The venue for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies will be Vancouver’s BC Place Stadium. With a focus on sustainability, all of Vancouver 2010’s venues, including the Olympic Village, are being built with post-Games usage in mind to create sustainable legacies for Canadian sport. The Vancouver 2010 Organising Committee describe their ultimate goal as “Putting on a Games that will inspire their nation and promote the Olympic spirit both within Canada and worldwide.”
  21. Facts Host Nation – Canada Opening Date – 12 February 2010 Closing Date – 28 February 2010 Competing nations – c.80 Competing Athletes – c.5,500 Team GB Athletes – c.50 (To be confirmed in January 2010) Sports/Events – Click here to download the sport programme Media Representatives - 10,000 Worldwide TV Audience - 3 billion The thread for all your comments
  22. I think my guess is spot on, and claim my prize! Will start the Olympics thread then Wish, I actually used to be an ice dancer in my childhood, so there
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