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About BooBear

  • Birthday 05/01/1970
  1. Just dropping in to say hi and hope that everyone is well and happy. All OK here - just really busy like everyone else. I miss chatting to you all and hope to be able to catch up soon. Take care and big hugs to all.
  2. Hello all! Hope everyone is well. Did you get lunch in the end Gill? hope you have had a nice afternoon either way. The weather is lovely here so I went round the house flinging all the windows open when I got in! Feels much better with a bit of fresh air circulating. Toulouse - sounds like you have everything planned out for the weekend. Make sure you get to enjoy some of it at least. Will keep my fingers crossed for your friend that she goes into labour soon. When I had my little one, my waters broke on the Monday morning but nothing else happened! Think he decided he was too comfortable where he was! I had to be induced and it was painful but not unbearable. I got though it with just gas and air. I think it is sometimes thought to be more painful because full blown labour is brought on really quickly when you are induced and you don't have time to get used to the pain! Maybe if you go through a completely natural labour you build up a bit of a tolerance -depends on your pain thresholds I suppose! I hope all is well for them both and pretty soon she will have a lovely little baby to cuddle!! Will try to pop back later. See you all soon. xxxxx
  3. Hello everyone! Haven't been around for ages. Hope everyone is well and happy. Will try to comeback again later. Hope to find someone around. Take care all. xxxx
  4. Dropping by to say hello! Hope you are all OK & that I get to catch up with you soon. xxxx
  5. See you later Zoonie and Wish. If you are still reading Wish - no problem - will send you a note with the dates that we are away in Cyprus so that you have all details! I have booked that since the last time we spoke. Sorry Toulouse and Leo - I am going to disappear too - OH had arrived home and we need to eat. May pop back later if I get chance. Take care all.
  6. Haven't heard of those Toulouse. I understand why you don't want to take them all the time. Hope that you start to feel better soon. Hi Leo.
  7. No more cats till we move! Need to sell the house first. Can't go through the trauma of keeping them in for the first few weeks and the associated yowling that goes with it.
  8. What painkillers do you take Toulouse? Mum always has co-codamol and makes sure she takes them regularly if she is in pain or knows that we doing anything that involves a lot of walking.
  9. Wish! Good advice - I haven't looked at the back of my CREAM curtains for a long while. Just to add insult to injury - we no longer have a cat so maybe it is about time! Yay for the new contract - good job!! Well done. G&T both good thanks. Back to school today but he's been fine with that. T still not back from work yet - not sure what time he will be in. Toulouse - that sounds a bit tough at the moment. Have you changed any of your meds or anything or is it just a flare up? Really hope that you start to feel better soon.
  10. Zoonie! Of course it is! That's the beauty of cat's you never think they are shedding much until you check the back of the curtains! Toulouse! How are you? Everything OK?
  11. ] Hey my lovely - how are you ??? I'm good thanks! How's you, the OH and the dogs? Good thanks Zoonie - how you doing? Did you get that curtain hung last night?
  12. Hey Zoonie - how's that curtain doing now? Is it all hung?
  13. Popping in to say - egg just posted on my wall! Will be back in a little bit.
  14. Swinging by to say hello! Hope everyone is OK. Take care.
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