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Everything posted by BooBear

  1. yeah i kinda thought of that i'll get used to it... i think... why? hmm... with fireforx i almost never crash... It doesn't happen very often which is why it is annoying when it does! I was using IE which crashed about every 10 minutes! Firefox has been an absoloute revelation.
  2. Sorry all, Firefox crashed! Grrr!
  3. No problem with shaking hands there must be a waving smilie somewhere but I can't find it so this will have to do! :good:
  4. You are so right! She just turned 29 (was wondering if her reaching almost 30 had to do anything about it) hmm... that's... different... usually they act out at pubirty... just "let her be". there is nooo point trying to "reason" her... Communicate with her and try indirect ways to aproach her and find out what's going on... sorry for poping btw.. f.y.i. THIS THREAD MOVES EXTREMELLY FAAAAAAAAAAAAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello! Nice to meet you.
  5. Absolutely agree. It is very frustrating, but patience is something beautiful to have. Sweeties, I have to go now, I'm starting to get a headache and feeling very sleepy. But before I go, I'd like to mention there's a 'how well do you know Bunny Girl' quiz running (a quiz about... me! lol) in the competition section. It runs until Jan 10th, so if you want to have a go, don't wait too long (and it's not too hard, plus you are allowed to read other people's answers : D) Direct link here: http://www.petsociety.forumotion.com/c-g-competitions-f48/how-well-do-you-know-bunny-girl-quiz-t6855.htm Good night BG - take good care and see you soon. Will make sure I have a look at the competition!
  6. It's hard to see her struggle, but we've reached many ways to help her and talk to her, but if she snaps at you the entire time... I was really amazed by the stories her BF told me and about a couple of her reactions towards Mom, it didn't seem like her at all. I know her well enough to predict that if we ask up front what's going on, she'll just start crying and say 'nothing' It's so hard - but there will come a point where she wants to talk and until then you really just have to ride it out and wait for her to feel like she wants to let you in a little bit. Frustrating in the meantime but you will be there when she needs you. Little one has been very excited too - I have had a leat 2 snowball fights which mainly involve me standing still while he pelts me!! That will be me tomorrow (bless little G's heart) I will be ready for them (not) rofl Make a stockpile now then you can just pelt them into submission! "bottom scroll" !!! Tee hee, that makes me chuckle! I keep imagining you using your bottom to scroll the mouse down! I know and that poor mouse gets crushed pmsl xxx there must be a better way
  7. "bottom scroll" !!! Tee hee, that makes me chuckle! I keep imagining you using your bottom to scroll the mouse down!
  8. Not quite sure if the expression fits here, but she's kind off digging her own grave. She said horrible things to Mom (which she ignored, probably for the best) and really wasn't being friendly to us (talking about NYE and tonight)... I have to admit it's reaching it's final drop. She will always have our support and someone to talk to, but there's a limit on what we can have too. I know how that feels, she sounds very like my sister. Can't take her frustrations out on anyone else so she's mean to all of you. You do the right thing to ignore it, sometimes it really isn;t worth the effort of responding.
  9. Little one has been very excited too - I have had a leat 2 snowball fights which mainly involve me standing still while he pelts me!!
  10. Fun indeed :idontthinkso: She's been here tonight. Didn't even say a word, just sat there in the sofa. Ate. Went home. Asked Mom what was going on, she didn't know, she did not dare to ask (think she wasn't in the mood for some snapping). That's long!!! I'm afraid to look outside now. Animals are staying inside and I can feel upstairs that it's getting colder outside. Got my extra heater running. You're very welcome, if I get something else, I'll send it your way! Oh crikey! Well, if she's not going to talk about it then no-one will be able to offer any support or help to her.
  11. About 15 minutes from me under normal road circumstances Zoonie! There was grid lock on the roads here from about lunch time onwards. She left work at 2.30pm and walked in the door at about 8.15pm!
  12. Boooo! It's great to see you! Thanks again for the advice the other day: I rose (you know, rise, the past tense lol) above all the drama of someone inviting herself over... But have to tell she was the one that made a lot of drama on NYE. Oh dear! What happened? Well, nothing I caused or someone else... She was let me call it - overemotional. She cried various times that night, made a lot of drama about some mail that has gotten here (and not at her place) and had a huge fight with her BF (I talked to the guy, he really didn't know what to do anymore). He's gone now for the next couple of days, he said it was a big relief for him to be out the house for a while. Not sure how things will evolve from now on. Oh blimey - sounds like a fun night! Well, you'll just have to watch and see! Sorry - I was on the phone to my sister talking about her epic 6 hour trip home that covers less than 5 miles!
  13. Boooo! It's great to see you! Thanks again for the advice the other day: I rose (you know, rise, the past tense lol) above all the drama of someone inviting herself over... But have to tell she was the one that made a lot of drama on NYE. Oh dear! What happened?
  14. Boogs! Lovely to see you. How's things. The photo was fab! I couldn't stop laughing. Hope you had a good one. hi toulhose , how are you ? hi , i am marie , we havent met before , x boo nice to see you again feels like ages as i havent been around a lot lately x Hi Marie! It's OK - I haven't been around a lot either. Hope you are keping well. Hello lovely - how are you? I'm slow too hon, don;t worry. See you soon Bee. Stay safe. Zoonster! How are you? I've been reading about your New Years Eve and this evenings exploits! Hope you are all OK Craxton Wood was lovely! The best part though - one of the therapists was off sick , so we get to go back again for a treatment that we had to miss and get to use all the facilities again! Yay! Snow here has been pretty miserable - took OH 3hrs to get from Wrexham to home - shoud only take about half and hour. Took my sister even longer to do a journey that in normal circumstances is about 15 mins. Nightmare!
  15. Hello everyone. How are you all?
  16. Bye Frannie, have a lovely New Year. I am going to disappear too. Nearly midnight here and I need some rest. Take care all and Happy New Year if I don't see you before.
  17. Speak to you soon dear friend. So nice to chat again and I look forward to that picture tomorrow! Have a lovely time. Take care. i still don't know how to change my level lol Armell - go to your profile and on the first page scroll down till you find Paw Level. You can change it there. thank you i will go now and do it xoxo No probs! Indeed it is.. does it make it easier for you Armell I could tell you how to change it... but can't tell yu an easy way back here.. To change it.. go to "Your Profile" and the category is there I cheat Frannie! I right click on the My Profile bit and open it in a new tab so I never have to leave here!
  18. i still don't know how to change my level lol Armell - go to your profile and on the first page scroll down till you find Paw Level. You can change it there.
  19. I am finding it really hard with the big multi quotes - get lost on what I am trying to reply to! I don't have to use that hon. Might be to do with screen size? Hi Frannie! How are you? hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Multiquote seems to quote everything not just the persons last response so its very confusing (at least you told me how to stop the someone posted before you thing though made it a bit easier) I have to use the bottom scroll bar every time better get me a comp with a big screen rofl It certainly does quote everything, which makes it nearly impossible to reply sometimes. Hmmmm! Glad to be of use somewhere hon!
  20. I am finding it really hard with the big multi quotes - get lost on what I am trying to reply to! I don't have to use that hon. Might be to do with screen size? Hi Frannie! How are you? hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
  21. Going to get a glass of Ribena! Anyone want some? Man, I know how to live dangerously!!!
  22. Oh darn this! I had a load of replies writtn out (gave up multi-quoting) and they have all disappeared! Humph!!!!
  23. Sorry - got distracted! Oh Boogs! I can't wait to see that! I bet the kids look fantastic. Not that you and OH won't!! My OH doesn't even get a lunch box made! :eek: the other workers are always looking to see what he has for is dinner apparently their wives don't make them lunches lol You are very good to him Armell. He is a lucky man.
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