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Everything posted by BooBear

  1. Hi Armell! Yup, me Boogs and BG are here! hello everyone xoxoxo How are you Armell? What's happening in your neck of the woods? not much. just trying to decide if i want to take all the christmas stuff down in real life , how are you doing ? I'm OK thanks! I think our Christmas stuff will come down at the weekend, before we have to go back to work. Aww bless - hope he is OK Boogs. No problem Armell. What is he having!? vegetable spaghetti with baked chicken Ooooh that sounds yummy!
  2. Aww bless - hope he is OK Boogs. No problem Armell. What is he having!?
  3. It feels like I shouldn't be fed up, because she's a relative. But still... I know I will have to do a big effort to bite my lip and don't say a thing. I know myself and I'll probably slip something out. I'm trying to get it out of my system by nagging to you guys about it and looking at verrrrrry funny youtube vids (I'll put one in here on the bottom of my message) It is rude, that's what I think too. If I'm invited somewhere I always bring something with me, even if it's just flowers! I think I scared Boogs off and now, the youtube: Haha!!! I love that video -have you watched the one with all the kittens on that thing too! Get it all out now hon - then you can smile sweetly tomorrow and pretend like nothing is wrong.
  4. Hi Armell! Yup, me Boogs and BG are here! hello everyone xoxoxo How are you Armell? What's happening in your neck of the woods?
  5. Hi Armell! Yup, me Boogs and BG are here!
  6. Lol She doesn't live here anymore, she's living by herself (together with her BF) for the last... 3 years now? (not sure about the time span). She didn't even bring something along when she came with Christmas, so not expecting she will now. I really have to calm myself down not to text or call her at the moment. And I will have to make a terribly huge effort to not make a scene or fight tomorrow... I know, it IS my sister and we SHOULD get along nicely, but sometimes... I'm really fed up with (or by?) her! You can be fed up with, by or about her hon! It's not worth making a scene over but I understand totally how you feel! I have a sister who can be just as irritating (in different ways) but it really is better most of the time to bite your lip, say nothing and smile. As long as you get it out of your system somewhere along the line by talking to us for instance then that should improve it! Not bringing anything is just plain rude! If we go to my sisters or my mum & dad's for a meal/evening etc then we always take some wine. It's just the polite thing to do, even if they are your family. Boogs - are you still out there?
  7. Can't you tell her that ? I'm just a bit annoyed too that my parents went to buy food this morning for the 4 of us, so they have to go back tomorrow to buy much more (they eat like crazy...). They mess up our plans pretty hard! Stick her on line and I will more than happily tell her that! Does she normally live at home with you? if not she is a guest (even if she did used to live there!) so she should fit in with your plans. I don't go to my parents home and expect them to change eveything around for me. It is rather inconsiderate and she should at least bring something wth her to contribute to your celebrations. I wouldn't turn up anywhere we had been invited without at the very least a bottle or wine and maybe some flowers.
  8. Sorry I disappeared - just needed to go do something. Thanks Boogs. Oh, I'm sorry hon. I had forgotten that it was your nan's anniversary. Such a sad time. Big to you. We aren't doing much either. To be honest, I don;t actually much like New Year. It all seems like a bit of an anti-climax to me. I know what you mean, Ive had many a new year with me and oh sat infront of the tv half asleep. Ive been altering our costumes 1/2 the day today and I am looking forward to peoples faces when they see the 5 of us Oooh Boogs! Where are you going and what are you going as!! I think we need photo's please. It does to me too, but we've planned a cosy evening amongst ourselves, with no pressure or fuss, so we could do whatever we want (I even planned to study!). But now that they're coming, they will claim everything, so my parents won't be able to see or do whatever they want and they'll bug me too when I want to be at ease... Even though it's my sister and she's welcome, I can't stand someone that invites him or herself when we made plans already. She invited herself with Christmas day (the eve we invited her), so we weren't able to do whatever we planned. And now it's happening again. Bad enough to say, but I am not pleased. Well make her fit in with what you want to do. If she doesn't like it she can move on somewhere else.
  9. I know and lots of 999 items were removed too I know - how crumby was that! There are definitely a load of different clothes in them now too. I got Red Space Boots before with a re-sale value of about 63 coins! I ask you, why would I spend 500 coins on a box to get something worth 63!!! I must be :35: :37:
  10. Sorry I disappeared - just needed to go do something. Thanks Boogs. Oh, I'm sorry hon. I had forgotten that it was your nan's anniversary. Such a sad time. Big to you. We aren't doing much either. To be honest, I don;t actually much like New Year. It all seems like a bit of an anti-climax to me.
  11. Gaaaaaahhhhh!!!! You know what is really annoying me at the moment? PF took a load of stuff out of the boxes and have just replaced it with more rubbish!!!!! If I see one more pair of pyjama pants or another alpine boy hat I swear I am going to scream!!
  12. Please don't be very worried about me hon. All is well with my immediate family etc, just some health problems with my dad's brother. Been quite traumatic and worrying time, more for my parents than me but of course that rubs off and becomes concern for them etc. You know how it goes. You can be sure that I will find you should I need to off load! Yummy! Thanks. What are we drinking and what's the toast?
  13. you're very welcome I hope it turns out okay hun! Thanks! OK Boogs - take your time. (See - I keep using the same smilies over and over again!)
  14. Thanks BG! Need one of those every now and again.
  15. You can switch that off hon. Got to your profile, click on the preferences tab and look for the question that says, "Display a notification when new replies are written : YesNo You'll be warned if a reply was posted while you where writing a reply to the same topic" Click on No and it should stop that happening. Have to say I found that incredibly frustrating until someone told me to do that.
  16. I am OK hon - just lots going on with my family - long story and not for here really - too much to go into! Please make the appointment for as soon as you can, I don't like to think about you being "under the weather". It's no fun and makes everything seem so much more difficult to deal with when you are feeling run down. Will have to see what I can find for missy. Might have to be TWS! Aw honey, that is okay! I also have to adjust! How are you hun? Sure is!
  17. Good job! Different hobbie are good. BG how are you? sorry if it takes me ages but Im finding it hard to adjust to this forums set up and I have to use the bottom scroll bar with every post to read whats been said Don't worry Boogs! I can't find my way around the smilies - it takes me ages to find what I want - so I mainly don't bother!! I do know a couple. so here is one I can just type in. Did Santa not bring you a new computer?
  18. Jumps up and down waving!!!! I'm here, I'm here! Are you still there?? Me Boo how are you? I'm not too bad hon. How are you? Any test results yet? Anything planned for tomorrow? I have missed Missy's birthday too - I will have to see what I can find for her. No idea what she wants.
  19. Jumps up and down waving!!!! I'm here, I'm here! Are you still there??
  20. It's not something I have ever done for the whole day either so I am really looking forward to it. You need to have something to distract you a bit from your studies! No good dreaming about it all as well.
  21. Looking forward to a nice rest and going to a spa day on Monday with my friends. One of them is 40 in January so we are all going for a day out and a few special treats. Nice beauty treatments etc. Should be lovely. Aaaahhh! Guitar hero! We don't have that but I can understand how you might be aching a little after that one.
  22. Good thanks Marvin - you? Had a good time? Get anything nice from Santa?
  23. Hi Marvin! I'm still here - wasn't sure that anyone else was though! I keep popping my head in and all seems quiet when I am here. I'm good thank you! Been to work today but don't have to do that again now until next Tuesday! Tender is a good word hon. I can imagine it mght make you sore dependingon what you are playing!
  24. Yay! Toulouse! How are you hon? I missed Boogs too.
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