you can still finish up this week if you can Yarden. : D still get the 20 points for the auction, and if you get them all right, everyone is getting a little prize pack! we missed you!!!
Hurt.... so bad today. came to work crying..... manager next door had to come over cause the back front desk area door thing got locked, and he saw how bad I was, so he started running my paperwork and what nto. I am just no good today.... Hey, have you seen my thing for you???
Yeah.... But I eventually just gave it away. IT needed some work after a while,a nd I dont have the car know-how to deal with it, and was tooo busy in school to really care at the moment.
The anticipation of getting to leave soon is killing me. I want to go home!!!! (no offesnse to you, you are making it easier to get through the time!!!)
Well... manager said I could leave... but I let someone use my car and they wont answer their phone.... so I am stuck here either way. waaaah. : C Still only 50 minutes... I am just beat.
yes ma'am go home 8 hours, then back again have to run just a couple of errands first (drop off movie at movie store, pick up clyse some mediciene and return a gadget that does not work)
oh no, osrry for the bad weather, its quite nice here. I used to have a tiny bottle, but I lost it cause I never use it much.... but I ahve some at home I can deal with it then, but that has to do with me being super tired as well. I hope you are not getting sick. its noooo fun!
Sorry alundry---- last load so no more of that Went okay. Just now starting to hurt, but I am very tired and eyes are dry.... so thats the only reason why want to get home and Sleeeeeeep. How was your day hunny pie??