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Posts posted by Davehutch-hutchs

  1. @willf wrote:
    thanks grump.......o fugot 2 say i have dystlexear soooooo please ber with me as my spelling and abillaty 2 no that iv spellt it rong is veeery limeted thanks...
    I dont, but i just cant spell, and i dont care anymore thumbs

    airlock is the same m8 , if i was good at spelling and stuff i wouldnt be laying bricks for a living

  2. @jezza wrote:
    My eldest on a thursday does internet radio show after school , for those that are free and by a computer flick it on and give him a bit of support and put in a request or two, they even have a simpsons quiz if you want to take part....be aware though they have only been doing this a couple of months and they do stumble a bit and make a few mistakes so are on a steep learning curve.

    just give them ago pop pickers

    http://northcotswoldonline.com/ between 4pm and 6pm

    Facebook page


    its tonite thumbs got to be somewhere at 4.00 but will try and get back to catch it later
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