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Posts posted by eclipse

  1. OK i am fairly easy to spot in a crowd. I am short, cute (ish) and ride a bright red Bandit and a union jack Shark helmet. I often end up at squires bike café on my own and NO ONE ever speaks to me. Not even fellow bandit riders.

    If you see me and think it may be me, don’t be shy I don’t bite. At the moment my reg plate reads EMM as the last 3 letters but may transfer that to my car soon so I can sell bike in a rush if anything I like comes up. I have black and white leathers.

    The end

    new here

  2. My learner bike RS125 - loved it so much!

    the same bike with race plastics on at Elvington straightliners (and me!)

    the VFR - my pride and joy of a first ever big bike. My dad swapped me it for the RS so he could track the RS

    My grin says it all!

    Then i saw the light, bought a Bandit 600, thrash it and learnt how to ride!

    hhmmmm what to get next . . . . .

  3. Hey all.

    thought i'd come see what you are all about.

    Been riding over 125cc since March 2009, got a VFR400 (miss it) and then a Bandit 600 (want a bigger one)

    hope to see some northerners out and about over winter on those rare dry days

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