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Everything posted by RichardH

  1. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=139857653486 How to stop boy racers with a home made speed hump!
  2. They have changed it ( well mine anyway) now you move mouse over the image, this will bring the drop down box with the codes on it, these codes wont copy/paste for me anymore BUT Click on "share" then "Get link code"and another set of codes appears go to "IMG for bulletin boards and forums and it WILL copy/paste
  3. I just got a personal rape type alarm from fleebay for £3, just attatched to the wall and door, when you open the door too far it goes off right in your ear, (I know this coz i keep forgetting about it) frightens the hell outta you and its cheap.
  4. If you know where she is I would have a "word" face to face and if no joy NAME THE BITCH! Please post photos of any bitch , lmao.
  5. Did this with copy and paste, should have done a preview, sorry chaps.
  6. [size=21][b]A man was leaving a convenience store with his morning coffee when he[/b] [b]noticed a most unusual funeral procession approaching the nearby[/b] [b]cemetery. [/b] [b]A black hearse was followed by a second black hearse about 50 feet[/b] [b]behind the first one. [/b] [b]Behind the second hearse was a solitary man walking a dog on a leash. [/b] [b]Behind him, a short distance back, were about 200 men walking single[/b] [b]file. [/b] [b]The man couldn't stand the curiosity. [/b] [b]He respectfully approached the man walking the dog and said, "I am so[/b] [b]sorry for your loss, and this may be a bad time to disturb you, but I've[/b] [b]never seen a funeral like this. [/b] [b]"Whose funeral is it?" [/b] [b]"My wife's."[/b] [b]''What happened to her?" [/b] [b]The man replied, "My dog attacked and killed her."[/b] [b]He inquired further, "But who is in the second hearse?"[/b] [b]The man answered, "My mother-in-law. She was trying to help my wife when[/b] [b]the dog turned on her." [/b] [b]A very poignant and touching moment, of brotherhood and silence,[/b] [b]passed between the two men. [/b] [b]"Can I borrow the dog?"[/b] [b]The man replied, "Get in line[/b] [/size]
  7. Only 50miles away so put me down for a maybe, We'll see what the weathers doing and how wimpy I'm feeling.
  8. Anyone else use Photobucket, I used to just add a photo to my album then go to img code, right click ( wich highlighted it) copy and paste to this site. Now when i right click it doen't highlight and "golbal setting" comes up. Have I done summut or has Photobucket changed?
  9. Would it be a problem if i sold them on his behalf?
  10. I wish i could take the piss but you're younger than me, have a good'n'
  11. I have a mate with various bike bits for sale, told him to try here either by joining up or through me. So what if any are the rules is there a minimum amount of posts needed before you can sell and is a price required at time of advertising and any other rules i may need to know, Thanx.
  12. Red Witch....Pernod ,blackcurrant and cider.
  13. That's a cracker, I have a MK2 but I think the MK1 is much sexier.
  14. RichardH


    These jokes are getting worse, lol
  15. If that's a current photo then you can be congratulated on a very nice and well looked after bike.
  16. Top man, bloody inconsiderate twats do your head in, There does seem to be a lot of head scarfs there, make of that what you wish!
  17. takes time mate, also not gonna find it by accident on a forum search (wouldn't have thought anyways) Just tried it 4 pages.
  18. HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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