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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. Postman just called with a hand full of christmas cards and bloody great tax bill from inland revenue how sweet
  2. Yep looks like http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-northamptonshire-11482916
  3. I think there still sugar coating the salt which encourages alsorts of wild life to the road side the deer love it!
  4. Rich when that happerns it wasent ment to be yours sumat else will turn up Any way the build quality is rubbish by a Honda!!!!!
  5. I am not sure about it yet undecided untill the next one.
  6. Yer this seems to be getting out of hand, my mate had is XLR250 knicked out is shed in Leicester Just got over the big C and looking forward to getting out on is bike that he had owned for many years and the scum robbed it! Bullet in neck!!!!!!scum
  7. Have you been b4 let us know the score.Top marks so far Browns In Loughbourgh for good grub I will be losing a shed load of wonga on these 1.55 Gilbarry 2.10 Reindeer Dippin 2.30 Dynaste 2.45 Wymott 3.05 Reve De Sivola 3.35 Brampour
  8. With the name "Streetfighter" gets you a membership! Redheads also gain membership under 15 as long as there with an adult , I meen that the names good streetfighter! my XJ550 was
  9. Kin idiots the last one was good THUD thick
  10. THATS BAD But this is worse lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=uBgv20hgnY0&NR=1 there all wrecked
  11. Welcome to the wreckhead party Full on members only no prospects Back patch by prior arrangement no glass no dogs no fire we meet in the chat room 9.00 till late Bring a bottle and no clothes keep it clean we are being watched. and its dodgy
  12. We used 350cc Bultacos untill the fantic came along its wicked
  13. Excellent my brother and I have a fantic 200 trials outfit great fun!
  14. @xs1100 can not be banned Claire says x
  15. that would be nice in between 2 slices of crusty bread
  16. @Dave with them pics and a full on shooter you get full on free 12 month membership
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