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Everything posted by XS1100

  1. Yer not bad Gold Label was tasty to dead men tell no tails
  2. Whisky ginger ale n ice Old thumper is nice as got a wolf on the lable? we are strong
  3. I have my eye on a bottle of snow grouse whisky looks right tasty.
  4. Roll up roll up free full on membership it cool n groovy
  5. Bob Halford thinks the same,Dimonds & rust.......
  6. take a few beers and some decent music tapes and chill I can just sit and do nothing but look at my bikes and think f**k the resession these are mine.
  7. Theakstons XB is a top ale,Dick Rock & Roll Gypsy -
  8. Good excuse to go down the shed for an hour though init like
  9. MMMMMMMMM tasty we have IPA on draught well tasty m8
  10. Cheers Dick as for Hobgoblin its tasty but I like it in cans better its not so rich.imho Try owd roger now thats what I swill down.ruddles county the list gose on, my local as a guest beer every week.Ghost ship this week very tasty..........The Landlord gave me and my Bro the book to choose all the guest beers untill the end of Decemeber as we where the only table to Wrack up the most pint glasses
  11. Yes it was mine then some thing weird happernd and it went down hill,I think the factory moved and the water changed.Stan might rectify me though.
  12. 4 hours on the bandit be there about 10ish
  13. Now your having a laugh Dick!!!!!! By intravenouse drip!
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