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Posts posted by mellie

  1. This is a tattoo I had when I was 16, 3 of my pals all lied about our ages (suppose to be 18) to get something done. It was suppose to say I love you but it hurt so much when he did the 'I' that i told him to do as little as possible, haha. The I has long gone with me always chewing my lips.

    The one on my leg I really hate, its had 4 attempts by different artists on it and I still dont like it, I want a decent tattooists to make it look nice and feminine but im really bad with ideas..... any ideas welcome. Shocked

  2. Thanks every one, and to tubthumper I do have the right bike but since splitting with my ex I dont enjoy solo rides out anymore, also being a single female I find it strange going to the meets alone, thats why Im looking for some other riders round my area that I can get to know.
    But hey what a nice welcome Ive recieved, thanks everyone Very Happy

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