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SkyDancer last won the day on August 18 2019

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16 Good


About SkyDancer

  • Birthday September 9

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  1. This one right here, is the start of the whole series, this one is book one of the Silver series, it has 7 other books that go with it. What rating did I give this series? 5 star rating. I am reading it for the 4th time. Here is the book link too Amazon.com current Kindle price.... 00.00 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006N52WVQ/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i10
  2. The De Lohr Dynasty is 99 cents for regular Kindle, and free too read on Kindle Unlimited. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SJ4LWS7/ref=nav_ya_signin?keywords=The+de+Lohr+dynasty+Le+Veque&qid=1559256043&s=digital-text&sr=1-1&fbclid=IwAR38I4j1Na0Ue62bTs7DMlC55yoM1vO6Z8s6ZENvk1hYAR_PSzpqL_uAfyk&
  3. * Since these are "cake Mix" cookies, you can us any variety of flavors. Chocolate fudge? Strawberry? This is the basic 3 ingredient recipe. Look below for added suggested ingredient's. Lemon Cookies One box of lemon cake mix (I used Pillsbury) 1/3 cup of oil 3 eggs That’s it! Mix and drop by spoonful's onto a greased pan and bake @350 for about 11-13 minutes. I know recipe ratios can vary from recipe to recipe, so if you have another cake mix on hand other than Pillsbury, simply follow the directions on the back, but leave out the water. 4 Ingredient cookies: Besides the basic recipe above, you can mix this in as well: You can add lemon zest too lemon recipe for added flavor to your lemon cookies You can add semi sweet or dark chocolate chips to your dark fudge cookies You can add chopped strawberry too your strawberry recipe, or chopped drained pineapple to your pineapple cookies . For 5 ingredient cookies: Just add different nuts, your favorite one, too the recipe. All of it is so simple.
  4. The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget. Thomas Szasz, The Second Sin (1973) "Personal Conduct"
  5. Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know whether you did it or not. Oprah Winfrey, in Good Housekeeping Now this, is what honor and integrity is all about. Do things, not for acknowledgement, not for praise. DO it anyway, even when others will know about it, or NOT!
  6. I love Ralph Marston Daily Motivator clips..
  7. I have read many of her books, but the ones I HIGHLY recommend is the Cynster series. they are AWESOME reads, very entertaining. Devils Bride is Book 1. Here is an Amazon list of all her available books. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=stephanie+laurens&i=digital-text&crid=V8XIKPAFV701&sprefix=Stephanie+%2Cdigital-text%2C364&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_10 I began reading the Cynster series many years ago. I had each and every one of the Cynster series of books. Until life happened, lost all the books on my shelves. Moved, yada, yada. When I was finally able too get back online, it is the first thing I bought the first Cynster Series E-book. And now I have my collection back and will continue with the next generation. Oh yes, the books are THAT good... Hope you enjoy as much as I have.
  8. I have read most of her books, Here is her Amazon book list. https://www.amazon.com/K-J-Jackson/e/B008SV6LHO?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_2&qid=1559019383&sr=1-2 I loved her Lords of Action series. All are complete novels of themselves. and can be read in any order.
  9. I loved "The Culpepper Misses" series for sure, every single book. Here is a link to her Amazon page. https://www.amazon.com/Collette-Cameron/e/B00CWLYXL2?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1559019101&sr=1-1 This one is book 1 of The Culpepper misses
  10. Recommend Book: Her "Men of Honor" series is the best I have ever read. Her books are exciting, powerful, Here is a link too her Amazon authors page, listing all of her available books. https://www.amazon.com/K-C-Lynn/e/B00JU76FAS?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1 My personal review: I highly recommend you begin with "The Men of Honor series", followed by all her other series. In this series, The men of Honor, male characters, have gone through hell and back again. They came out of each situation strong, powerful men, men full of Honor, integrity and a strong sense of brotherhood. They meet and marry, their own equal. Women who have also seen pain, strife and have themselves become strong of character. They come too meet and marry and WOW, life is scary, exciting, and action packed. You will not want too put the books down. Then the books continue with Act's of Honor, Men of Courage,
  11. Here is a link too her Amazon page. https://www.amazon.com/Le-Veque-Kathryn/e/B004QF87Q4?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1 As for the book I would recommend? It is actually a full blown out series, The De Wolf series. Where you will meet the DE Lor's and other knight's of the realm. Knight's of old in shining armor and huge bloody swords I love how each book leads too another, even when you finish the De Wolf, you hear about them in De Lor and so on... Check it out. She has many on sale at very low prices. by the way, the "run with the pack" on this title, is a little misleading, for NO, they are NOT wolf's. But strong powerful men, who fight together, protect and love one another....
  12. Recommended Arthor: Cheree Alsop, Is one of my paranormal favorite Author's. She writes from Shifter, to angels, to sci-fi, and more. Here is a link too Amazon.com for some of her listed EBOOKS and more. They range from 0 to 99 cent's and MORE, for some Kindle, too many more 0 dollars and more in Kindle unlimited. I highly recommend The Werewolf academy series. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=cheree+alsop&crid=3QXF07ZO2MHCI&sprefix=Cheree+Alsop%2Caps%2C1424&ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_12 Review: The Werewolf Academy Series: All I can say is that this Author writes for the young adult, but WOW, The Werewolf Academy series is an awesome read. I am 60 years old and even I found it amazing. Yes of course it begins with the character's in High School and naturally like all "kids" they grow up and have kids of their own. But we are talking about werewolf's the action even as teens is constant, leaving you breathless. Keeping you reading, for the next oh no, what is going too happen next, as for the rest of the books, they have made me gasp, made me scream in fury, and made me cry in sympathy sorrow and even in delighted joy. I have read all 7 of the Werewolf Academy series and I am anxiously waiting for the next in the series. When ever it is possible to rate these books, I ALWAYS give them a 5 star rating! Stray's is book one too the Werewolf Academy series, this is the second series. Look below in the comment's for the very first book of the whole series, the silver series. It is where you should begin.
  13. If you want the books, you have too join this site, it is awesome, currently has 27 pages of Free Books of all sort's and Genre's. https://www.bookbub.com/ebook-deals/free-ebooks It may redirect you too one of your preferred stores, I like Amazon.com. Just sign up and you can search there for free ones too at any time to.
  14. Are there really sounds in outer space? What are they? What do they sound like? Can we hear them? Have you ever seen cosmic derbis? The lions Roar (in space)? Big Bang Remnants? Here is the place you can do so, it is an awesome site. Enable flash once you are there and then look at all those dot's, you can hover over the dots and it will tell you what planet it is, then you click on the dot and you can HEAR, the sounds that planet makes... http://www.spacesounds.com/home/index.html
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