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Posts posted by daphanie02

  1. Once I dreamed of a temple bombing in India, though in my dream, my husband and I were operating characters of the dream. God used it to show me the true heart of the situation. When I read it in the news, I understood the spiritual part of it because we were so emotionally involved....anyway, no clue if its connected, but just wanted to mention my experience.

  2. Last night I dreamed I was out at my aunts log cabin. Their was a lake that ran all the way up to her back door. I was having a nice conversation with family inside, when I decided to see what my cousin "J" was doing. IRL this cousin is atheist I've been praying for him. He had a net and was trying to catch fish that were jumping out of the water. Well he actually caught one! We were both excited, it was a large fish! When he brought it to the back porch, I thought it looked like a small whale, but when he pulled it out of the net, it was actually some type of seal fish. Of course, this doesn't exist IRL, but he was going on and on about how rare these were and how catching one in these waters was almost impossible because they were usually found up north where it was cold. He was very proud of this catch. It was a female and I think he had plans to keep it in a tank and breed it?Scratch Chin

  3. I think The Lord was showing you how much your words encouraged this man. He probably really needed to hear what you said just like he needed your words in your dream. Just some thoughts here. It may also be a good idea to intercede for his mother, The Lord may be giving you revelation here, though I would hesitate bringing it up to him unless he mentions it.

  4. Oh wonderful! So glad The Lord gave confirmation!

    "Lord we stand in agreement with our Sister in asking that you bring total and complete peace to her heart and life. We come against the spirit of fear and bind it away from ever entering her heart again in Jesus name! Lord I ask that you fill this household with your complete presence and remind her of your grace every day. We ask this in Jesus name. Amen."

  5. In my dreams rape represents something negative happening that I can't control. Now this is just an example, but I've had several miscarriages and before I would have them, I would have a dream I was being raped. It was a frightful and distressing situation that I could do nothing about. I agree with Mark about your husband and daughter not being effected. Is there something you are distressed about, that's out of your control, but since its possibly a spiritual thing, maybe your husband and daughter don't seem to care as much as you? (Though you feel they should)

    Just some thoughts.

  6. Strong and threatening animal sometimes represent people or organizations with the power to cause harm. Once I read a dream about a bear that was chasing this girl trying to kill her, it ended up symbolizing an alcoholic father. I dont have the full interpretation to your dream, but I do believe The Lord is showing you a situation in your life where fear is a factor. However, someone else will end up sticking their neck out, thereby satisfying who or whatever the culprit may be. You may be left feeling guilty afterwords and helpless to stop the situation, though relieved it wasn't you or your family this time.
    I always pray when I have dreams like this so that The Lord will give you peace no matter what comes your way.

  7. My it sounds like you have your hands full!
    I really feel heavy on my heart that you are indeed a handmaiden of The Lord and I will pray that He gives you strength to bring about His purpose.

    As a side note, I think for me meat as finances is a personal symbol cause I'm a housewife that's usually concerned with my husband bringing home the bacon and providing meat for our family lol. Usually when I dream of meat in the mail, there is a check waiting for me...anyway symbols aren't the same for everyone huggins

  8. I dreamed I was riding with my mom and she was taking me to meet someone who was her friend and also a millionaire, kind of famous. My sister was with us and when my mother introduced us to the lady, she said my sister was me and I was my sister..I was like um no I'm Laura.. My mother says "oh I'm sorry, yes this is Petunia" (saying my name wasn't Laura but petunia) I shook the lady's hand and she says "nice to meet you Petunia"

    Next we are ushered into the living room where there is a lady with a baby. I realize I have a baby in my arms as well. The place was a mansion, Very large and I remember noting it was located right down the road from an old friend...it seemed like a situation that wasn't a coincidence and I wondered what the Lords plan was.

    Then a giant jet plane arrived and unloaded all these rich people on the doorstep. I didn't really know why I was there except that my mom wanted me to meet her friends. I felt a bit like a sore thumb except that I made a friend with the other lady with a baby...then I had to change his diaper, which was a very very large mess and I had to change his clothes. I was glad I came prepared. By the end of the dream, these people felt more like family.

    IRL I'm working on a project and my husband is too, but nothing else fits yet, so I think it's prophetic

  9. I love this! I really feel like The Lord has showed you to I intercede for the leaders of our country!
    1 Timothy 2:1 First of all, then, I admonish and urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be offered on behalf of all men,
    2 For kings and all who are in positions of authority or high responsibility, that [outwardly] we may pass a quiet and undisturbed life [and inwardly] a peaceable one in all godliness and reverence and seriousness in every way.
    3 For such [praying] is good and right, and [it is] pleasing and acceptable to God our Savior,
    4 Who wishes all men to be saved and [increasingly] to perceive and recognize and discern and know precisely and correctly the [divine] Truth.
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