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Posts posted by daphanie02

  1. I have to comment again because I had a vampire dream last night. It was about my sister  and I was sad because she chose to live forever in the world instead of heaven with all her departed loved ones. IRL my sister is pagan and has rejected Christ even though she once claimed to be a Christian.
    In the dream she tried to kill me so I would be forced to make a decision to have her turn me into a vampire like her or die. She had to watch me die cause I chose Jesus. Anyway in the end I asked her "how could you choose life on earth when you will never see your family again?"
    So maybe vampires represent people who have gained the world yet forfeited their soul?

  2. Well maybe not compromising spiritually, just that I should put my foot down more because it really feels like she's sucking the life out of me. I allow her to manipulate me, even though i know what she's doing...she doesn't think I know what she's doing, I just put up with it cause she's mom...

  3. In my dreams my mom is always a vampire biting me. I'm beginning to feel like vampires represent people who drain us spiritually because they make such high demands. Unfortunately I've beaten the scripture in my head about honoring my parents that at times when I should say no, I say yes anyway because she's my mom. Anyway, I'm in danger of compromising in a way when I'm around her a lot. Does that make sense?

  4. I've had dreams similar to this. Usually it is about me bringing back things that I had already put to death in the flesh. It could be as simple as an old boyfriend that was no good for me, books or movies I know I shouldn't be filling myself with...things like that. Also I do agree with dreamster, don't allow the devil to use this to put fear in you life. He no longer has a hold on you in Jesus name!

  5. Lord God I know that you can heal any broken marriage, I ask that you bring to surface whatever needs to be dealt with in this situation and that you breath life into what might seem to be dry bones. We trust you and thank you for by your Spirit and not by our own might are these things accomplished! In Jesus mighty name we ask, amen!

  6. I dreamed I was in a classroom setting and my dad was teaching. Then suddenly my grandfather (only living grandparent) comes in and starts harassing him. I stood up and walked over to him. When he (grandpa) saw me, he lifted me up off the floor and embraced me. He was so happy to see me. It took this to keep him from yelling obscenities at my dad, but I was shocked that he showed such an emotional display in front of all those people...especially my dad. He left the room but not before saying one more ugly thing to my dad..I just thought how that could have gone much worse.

    Background: my grandpa has HUGE PTSD issues and pretty much hates everyone. He's not saved, and my dad is no longer speaking to him..everyone says to not even try to talk to him right now because he will just hang up on you or curse you and tell you to leave. So I'm wondering if this dream has symbolic meaning, or should I try and reach out to him? He pretty much beat and cursed my grandmother until the day she died...so...I just dunno...nerd

  7. I love dress dreams! I've noticed in my life, they represent a newness that God is bringing me into..like a place of honor, ministry in a sense, but also edification and building up of your spirit and times of refreshing. This scripture says it better than I can...
    Psalm 45:7-15
    7 You love righteousness and hate wickedness;
    therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions
    by anointing you with the oil of joy.
    8 All your robes are fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia;
    from palaces adorned with ivory
    the music of the strings makes you glad.
    9 Daughters of kings are among your honored women;
    at your right hand is the royal bride in gold of Ophir.
    10 Listen, daughter, and pay careful attention:
    Forget your people and your father’s house.
    11 Let the king be enthralled by your beauty;
    honor him, for he is your lord.
    12 The city of Tyre will come with a gift,[d]
    people of wealth will seek your favor.
    13 All glorious is the princess within her chamber;
    her gown is interwoven with gold.
    14 In embroidered garments she is led to the king;
    her virgin companions follow her—
    those brought to be with her.
    15 Led in with joy and gladness,
    they enter the palace of the king.
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