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Posts posted by daphanie02

  1. I dreamed I was riding in a hot-air balloon with my family. I was a young girl with brothers and sisters. Our dad was there as well. Suddenly another balloon was in need of our help and tied a rope to our balloon. My brothers, sisters and I began to haul it up. When I went to go report to my father about our new friends, he rebuked me. I kept quiet, though he didn't know the full story yet. I knew if he knew about the people in need that we were aiding, I wouldn't be in trouble but he didn't give me a chance to speak. I had too much respect for him to talk back when he made me lie down for a nap as punishment for interrupting him (kind of like the king from Esther, you couldn't come to the king unless invited). Then I was watching in the Spirit as these folks we were helping came on board our flying ship. They brought a portal to another world with them and my brothers and sisters disappeared a little at a time. Soon my father became aware of the situation and ended my punishment. I ran to the portal to go find my brothers and sisters. On the other side, the new family was not being kind to my family. The children were spoiled, and their father wasn't as respectable as my own. They broke our portal so we would have trouble returning home. They broke their own, personalized portal as well but I saw they were still going back and forth as they pleased. I showed my brothers and sisters the plan I had to return us home. The other family didn't care to help me fix my portal, but I learned the best I could.

    Btw I think the portals are symbolic for forums on the Internet lol

  2. When I don't have an interpretation, I turn to the Word..

    I searched the scriptures and found this one..

    Psalm 102:6 I am like a melancholy pelican or vulture of the wilderness; I am like a [desolate] owl of the waste places.
    7 I am sleepless and lie awake [mourning], like a bereaved sparrow alone on the housetop.
    8 My adversaries taunt and reproach me all the day; and they who are angry with me use my name as a curse.

    My first thought is that you are dealing with some type of spirit. Keep your full armor on!
    Ephesians 6:12 For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the despotisms, against the powers, against [the master spirits who are] the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) sphere.

  3. I wanted to add that God had given my cousin Daniel chapter 12 before I had this dream. Here is a piece of the scripture:

    9 And he [the angel] said, Go your way, Daniel, for the words are shut up and SEALED till the time of the end.
    10 Many shall purify themselves and make themselves white and be tried, smelted, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly. And none of the wicked shall understand, but the teachers and those who are wise shall understand.
    Daniel 12:9-10

  4. Ok, the literal manifestation has NOTHING to do with my atheist cousin, but another cousin of mine who is very much saved! I bought a fishing app last night for my IPad and I stayed up playing it all night, well of course it reminded me of this dream because you have the option to catch whales in it...anyway I knew the full manifestation was soon to come.
    My neighbor, who is also my cousin( though female) , has been going through some tough things lately. The grandmother of this baby she's been helping to care for made a statement that made my cousin feel she wouldn't get to keep her anymore. The baby is like her own granddaughter..long story. So she came over today with the baby on her hip! We had had a discussion of how the wicked would continue to be wicked, but the wise will understand. Then she said "yep, but God says this babies FATE IS SEALED!" Then I knew I had the interpretation. The fish in the dream was the little baby whose fate is already sealed in Jesus name! I have a feeling that God is going to use this child in the future to produce more spiritual children for Him! I believe the reason God gave me the dream with my atheist cousin, is to give me peace in knowing that the wicked will continue to be wicked, but the wise will understand. I won't give up hope praying that he comes to know The Lord! This is huge encouragement over the situation with the baby girl, and confirmation of what I already knew in my heart. glory to God!

  5. No, he's not giving up on you. Unfortunately our healthcare system stinks. My mother in law had to show her face to the ER at least a dozen times before they even took her seriously. She had to have a triple bypass done. Makes me so mad at them for sending her home like she was just a whiney little grandma, ugh!

    The Lord knows the number of our days. Each day is a gift. The sickest people live to be 80, and the healthiest die in car wrecks. My son is 7, he's had four major heart surgeries and the doctors don't know how much longer he has. Every day with him is a gift. I have peace knowing God is in control, and not to stress about what's wrong with his heart, but WHO is in his heart :)

  6. Cool! My mom had a neighbor like that. It was a sad situation because she had no family and was suffering from dementia. She used to throw hammers at people..scary. Anyway, one day I was kissing my husband on my moms front porch and she yelled at us to get a room...all the way from her back door..lol! Well her yard man took advantage of her by stealing money...he stole thousands.. Come to find out his girlfriend was in on it too. The man died before the cops could indite him, but the gf got in trouble. Anyway the little old lady died not long after... My mom was always having the cops go do well checks because she was clearly far gone. All this to say, if you don't see her for a few days you might want to call the cops to do a well check.

  7. Most of the dream sounded like a situation where you were concerned about the order of your finances. Those in authority over the situation may want to handle it by going to extreme measures. Perhaps another situation will arise that is more of an emergency than the finances, though you know you will be ok through it all. Just some thoughts. Btw, how did your meeting go?
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