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  1. Ha - this is a funny thread! I have always been into superheros, which my parents thought was so odd since I'm a girl I guess. But anyway, whenever I played superheros, I was always Batman, or should I say, Batgirl. I have always been totally in love Batman. In the words of the joker, he has the most wonderful toys!! It's funny because now my son is really into superheros, more specifically, the Transformers, and he always asks, "What transformer are you today?" He's usually Optimus Prime and I'm usually Megatron, because I'm so mean I guess. I actually just blogged about it and even photoshopped our photos onto the Transformers - it was hilarious!! Here's the link for all you Transformer fans - http://seekersrattlings.blogspot.com/2008/07/what-kind-of-transformer-are-you.html
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