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Posts posted by sC0rCh3d

  1. now is it a Restraunt, Grocery Store, or a Vehicle of some sort that represents ministry?

    Because I've dreamed about them all ^^^ at various points.


    as i understand it, it is God speaking into one's life.

    sometimes it's about things He wants someone to change
    other times it's God speaking of future events.

  2. real quick, it just hit me, now I wonder if one should watch movies such as Lord of The Rings...as innocent as that story is.


    I've always enjoyed it, I've never had problems.

    But there are Wizards in the movie, including Gandalf The White, who very much Resembles what Revelation portrays Jesus as...

    A shining white rider on an equally shiny white horse.

  3. yeah

    i think the difference is a matter of intention.

    i still don't know how or even WHY a demonic spirit would give someone the ability to interpret dreams.

    it's probably the same phenomenon that occurs with the 'UFO SIGHTINGS.'

    UFOS are NOT aliens, but demons.

    what they do is try to "Awe" people so that at a certain time in the future, people will willingly accept them and have NO reason to suspect them as a THREAT.

    all DECEPTION, satan's #1 craft.

  4. I was doing a search on the net about Dreams and Car symbols and I came upon a 'NEW AGE' site, I say this because there was a mention of
    "Spiritual Counceling and Tarrot Cards."

    However, what the person had to say about dreams involving Cars is EXACTLY what I've read in MIA's articles and other CHRISTIAN dream symbol

    How can this be?

  5. no no no, you don't seem to undertand, i CANNOT move out.

    that's the whole point, i am literally STUCK here.

    God has NOT provided a way out.

    i don't have the money, i don't have the means.

    I have TRIED, TRIED TRIED TRIED oh so many times
    ON MY OWN HUMAN WILL POWER to get the money, get the means, to NO avail.

  6. i'm about to turn 21 and i still have no life in me, no peace, no joy...ever.

    allow me to explain through a series of emotional sentences:

    I STILL live with my parents!

    My dad STILL tells me what to do regarding EVERYTHING! I've never felt independent or like a man, and as long as this continues, I never will.

    I STILL have NO FRIENDS(not one or two good people) No, ZERO! <<< 20 years without friends.

    Food, Drink, Technology, Money....if you have NO FRIENDS...that stuff DOES NOT matter...although, I TRY to FILL THE VOID with food, which since everything else is NOT bad enough...i now have MAJOR health problems due to poor eating.

    ^^^ This is so hurtful.

    I have had 6 jobs up to this point, NONE of which lasted a year, only one lasted 7 months but i HATED every god forsaken second of it...only to just get LET GO. Not that I minded that one bit, but as always, I just got LET GO...i'm nothing. Regarding my employment history...I always got either let go or fired, fired because someone was rude to me and my reaction was "Unethical."

    ^^^ All this SHOULD have caused me to commit suicide 10-15 times over by now, but i have never had the will power.

    it's VERY painful yet...i'm just SO NUMB, I can't even cry.

    but it still hurts.

    why has God closed the doors of freedom and blessing to me?

  7. well i made this thread because I too have a very critical parent.

    my dad is bar none...THE threat in my life...and yet, God won't let me get away.

    i've tried moving out, i've been KICKED OUT, all to return back to this **** heap.

    i don't care how big "our" house is, my dad thinks that's SOO important.

    he loves money, he hates "Laziness" which he has a skewed view of.

    he is VERY idealistic.

    it's abnormal, I AM TOO OLD FOR THIS.

    this is SERIOUS, alright, i have GREAT STRESS in my body because of him.

    i have health problems and delayed puberty because of him.

    we have fought so many times, so much fighting.

    he stomps around the house, telling me, my sister, and my mother what to do.

    as I said, i am TOO OLD to be treated this way by my own dad.

    but he does NOT care.

    he's the kind of person that is "ALWAYS RIGHT" and everyone else is "ALWAYS WRONG."

    how can i EVER become a MAN with someone like him in my life?

    i mean, there is VERY little room for freedom and independence in this house.

    i have been on and off about this for years now.

    wondering if it's just me, but NOPE, there is something SERIOUSLY WRONG here.

    i want to shame him SOOO BAD, but NOTHING short of a DIVINE MIRACLE could help me.

    i hate this house, i don't care how big it is, i don't care how "nice" the neighborhood is, if i had my own house, it'd be FREE of this garbage that goes on here.

    my dad has ACTUALLY HAD the AUDACITY to TELL ME that it's WRONG for ME to GET AN APARTMENT!

    this guy is a psycho, totally controlled by some sinister force.

    he's not someone you can reason with.

    i don't really care, i just want this to end, this has been a long standing experience for over 15 years now.

  8. now, remember, the Birthday Part for D was still happening outside of what was going on in my room with C.

    at this point, after the looking through old toys and the ring bit of the dream, i seemed to either call D or he called me.

    this segment of the dream consisted of many calls back and forth between D and I.

    i remember my mom bringing me the phone, i remember several times D's phone line getting CUT OFF, and maybe mine too.

    this segment of phone calls between me and D seemed to be very emotional too.

    like i was really HAPPY for him but i was also feeling estranged from him at the same time...?

    all of this phone call business happened WHILE i was in my room with C

    there also seemed to be a very emotional connection between me, D, AND C

    because here's the phenomenon of the dream:

    C WAS D

    D was two different people in my dream.

    because while I was in the room with C, i mentioned to him, that he would like D as he LOOKED LIKE D, SOUNDED LIKE D, and overall...ACTED LIKE D

    when i woke up this morning, i was trying to figue out "who do i know that fits all this criteria?" then it hit me...C and D in this dream were the same person, although C WAS an independent and different person in the dream.

    so, while on the phone with D, I mentioned that we should play basketball, and again, I can't explain but had such and EMOTIONAL quality to it, D was happy at this suggestion, and I wanted C to know that D was indeed my friend and that C himself, should come along.

    and i believe that wraps this dream up.


  9. at this point, i want to do something that will maybe make things CLEARER.

    my friend's name is...i'll just call him D

    the kid who was now in my room with me...i'll just call him C

    here's another interesting bit about this dream:

    although the SCENE HAD CHANGED, and i was now IN MY ROOM with C, the birthday party for D was still going on.

    now, onto the rest of the dream.

    me and C were in my room, and we were rummaging through old toys of mine for some reason.

    i remember, he found a ring of mine, SUPPOSEDLY a toy ring but when i saw it, i told him,
    "That's my wedding ring."

    he mentioned though, how it didn't seem like a redding ring.

    he did not treat it as such, although, i still did despite what he said, ALTHOUGH, what he said DID make me think though.

    i remember the ring had REAL and TOY/FAKE qualities to it, i saw REAL diamonds, though, the rest seemed to be made out of plastic.

    though, i dont' know why 'I' as a guy...would have a ring with DIAMONDS on it.

  10. now that i am sitting in the crowd, something happens though and it somehow made me seem VERY UNCOMFORTABLE, or even, OUT OF PLACE.

    i distinctively remember my ex girlfriend being in the crowd though i never actually saw her at all throughout the dream, she was just *THERE*

    so now i was feeling out of place and i started moving throughout the crowd of chairs, trying to find one that would make me feel COMFORTABLE.

    not COMFORTABLE that the chairs themselves were UNCOMFORTABLE, nor was the comfort a question of BEING ABLE TO SEE THE PODIUM, it was a DEEPER COMFORT, on some deeper level that had to deal with my friend himself.

    it's hard to explain.

    then at this point, the scene changes again.

    the scene changed to me and my friend in MY ROOM.

    however, he was NOT my friend per se.

    he WAS, he LOOKED LIKE MY FRIEND, he WAS MY FRIEND BUT...he had a different name.

    so it was as if my friend was two different people throughout this dream.

    and this ^^^ phenomenon is going to play a part in the latter segments of the dream.

  11. at this time, someone on the podium, i believe a girl, said something about 'The King' coming forward, this again, was in relation to what was written on the bottom of our red chairs.

    there were a few other words in my friend's title, but the only one i remember was "King."

    however, when she called for 'The King' to come forward, me and my friend were hesitant, not knowing which one of us she was referring to as prior to us sitting in the chairs, we had NOT read what our TITLES were.

    then i remember i think i started to get up out of my chair in case it was ME she was talking about but then i remember people giving me looks like i was definately wrong and it was my friend who should get up.

    so, my friend gets up and goes to the podium, i think HE was going to do THE SPEECH about HIMSELF, and perhaps there would be other people speaking too.

    maybe it was just him welcoming everyone and maybe cracking some jokes.

    well, now that my friend had gotten out of HIS CHAIR, it was just me left in the far right chair, while the middle and left were empty.

    this made me feel uncomfortable and AT THAT POINT, it did not seem appropriate that i should stay there, not without my friend sititng in his chair.

    so, i got up out of my seat and went and sat in the crowd.

    now that i think of it, the GIRL who summoned my friend forward, it was HER SEAT that i took, as she was now out of it and near the podium.

  12. so as i said, there were alot of kids there and alot of chairs, all these chairs were set up neatly because people were there to listen to whatever speech was going to be made by whomever on that podium.

    i then noticed three red chairs set to the side of where all the other chairs were and these red chairs were facing the crowd in the chairs while the crowd itself was facing forward towards the podium.

    at this point, I realized what was going on. the 'SPEECH' was just a comemorative towards my friend, a speech about him and celebrating him, while the red chairs were for him and his two best friends to sit in.

    although, I don't know why these red chairs were in the position that they were. it seems it would have made more sense if they were down in front facing towards the crowd, instead of being at the side facing towards the crowd.

    so as we're all still socializing, i believe at this time someone on the podium started talking and was telling everyone to get situated and ready for the speech.

    the person directed everyone's attention to THEIR right, to where the red chairs were.

    the person spoke of their purpose.

    then all of a sudden, my friend started running towards the red chairs and it felt like he was beckoning me to sit in one of the chairs with him.

    he has all these friend, but only two could sit in the chairs on either side of him, he sat in the middle one, of course, being it was HIS DAY, his birthday.

    maybe we were RUNNING because it was a symbollic gesture of WHOEVER out of his friend made it to the chairs WOULD BE SEEN AS...his BEST of friends.

    however, i seemed to be the only one running.

    i sat to his right, while the chair to his left stayed empty.

    i could not understand why nobody else ran, and i had some ideas of people who SHOULD have been sitting in that other chair.

    so, it's my friend sitting in his middle chair, me sitting to his right, we're facing the crowd, they are turned to THEIR right looking at us.

    now, about the chairs, on each chair, there was a piece of paper that was strung across the length of the bottom of the chairs, each piece of paper had a different TITLE written on it.

    the TITLES were to designate who we were and what we were to our friend and what we were in regards to the party.

    so, for instance, on my friend's chair, there was something about 'KING' in the title, and appropriately so, because it was HIS DAY and he was in the middle chair.

    although, I don't remember what was written on my chair, nor the one to his left.

  13. i'm doing this dream in parts as it is a very lengthy dream.

    in the dream, it was this kid's birthday whom i know.

    i was at his house and we were waiting for other friends of his to show up.

    when they did, i was excited to see another old friend of both mine and his.

    it seemed very realistic.

    i then shook hands with some other people.

    at this time, the scene changed to everyone at the place where the party was.

    it seemed like a highschool gymnasium, there was a great deal of people and chairs.

    there was a podium like there was going to be a speech of some sort.

    for now though, it was just some social time, everyone talking and meeting up.

    a detail i remember was me and my friend were doing something wacky in front of his older sister and she thought we were weird. i can't remember exactly but it felt good just to be there with those people.

  14. The fact that the dog was white reinforces that the dog was HAPPY to see you, meaning this was a GOOD/POSITIVE dream.

    The person may have had the form of a Dog because IF this dream happens to come true in the future, when you see this old friend of yours, they will have a 'Happy Dog' like quality when they see you.

    Make sense?
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