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Posts posted by ezerkenegdo

  1. I had this vision while I was asleep back in November. I was praying about a particular situation this morning and the Lord reminded me of the vision and said something about it this morning...

    Shortly before I had this vision, He spoke something to me while awake: "YOU WILL SERVE BEFORE KINGS. RIGHTEOUSNESS WILL PREVAIL. I AM SENDING YOU TO SERVE AMONG KINGS. NOW GO OUT."

    This vision started with God again speaking, "YOU WILL SERVE BEFORE KINGS." (Proverbs 22:29 Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure men.)

    Then He said, "YOU WILL LEAD NATIONS." And I saw myself leading a group of 12 children=12 tribes=12 nations. Both my children and leprechaun guy's children were in the group, plus some additional people who were not a part of the 12 tribes. I had a rod or stick in my hand, like staff a shepherd would have. It was as if I was looking down on a relief map of the U.S. and I seemed to be walking/leading them up and out of the region where leprechaun guy lives (we live in different parts of the country), in a Westerly direction (I have gotten a lot about "going West" and recently again in my Cowboy Boots Vision I posted the other day.)

    At some point, I am not sure of the order, I heard Him say something like (sometimes I just have an understanding of what He is saying but the words are hard, I put my impressions in parentheses), but He seemed to say "THIS HAS BEEN (ORCHESTRATED) SINCE BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF (THE WORLD/TIME)." Something along those lines.

    He gave me the following scriptures on that, one of them is Acts 17:26 "From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. 27God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him."

    And in Psalm139:15 My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place.
    When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,

    16 your eyes saw my unformed body.
    All the days ordained for me
    were written in your book
    before one of them came to be.

    Eph 2:10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

    So this morning, I am praying about a situation and the Lord gives me Exodus 7:15: "TAKE IN YOUR HAND THE STAFF." And immediately I remembered this vision. So I am thinking I am to do something. So I have started to put out feelers. The first option turned out to be a dead end. So, now I am trying to figure out what is next. The Lord did give me a heads up that there would be a response to whatever it is that I am to do, and to be prepared, but I am not sure how to prepare yet since I don't know what I'm to do. I also got Psalm 23 and Prov 29 that I am trying to make sense of as well.

    I would really appreciate prayer on this.

  2. I was in a bank and a man came in to rob it. Another man came in with 5 drops of a medicine called Floxacine (I'm a medical transcriptionist with some former nursing experience, funny huh, this spelling is a variation on an antibiotic used to treat mild to moderate infections, like pneumonia, ear infections, skin infections, and some other things I won't mention) and this was the weapon to stop the man robbing the bank. It was if I could "see" what needed to happen--all that was needed was to use the dropper to release the medicine into the air in the middle of the room. I was able to visualize it in the dream...I wonder if that part was a vision?

    I woke up for a minute, then went back to sleep and just caught a glimpse of a man coming to me to give me something in secret (I was still in the bank). He was going to put something in my hands, but I woke up so I am not sure what it was.

  3. When I look at this from strictly a personal point of view here is what I get so far...I always say I want to marry my best friend, so I think it is significant that the Lord shows up as my best friend's Dad. LOL So the Lord drove me to the right location (or maybe the right person even) and I have the right equipment (shoes) but the house is not in order (the guy isn't ready yet) and I need the dress (not sure exactly what this means yet). But I did read a couple things today in the word that helped...like in Matt 5 I think, where it talks about the Lord clothing us more beautifully than the lillies of the field and seeking him first and in Psalms 3 where it says he bestows glory on me and lifts up my head. Also I think I saw somewhere that a garment can represent spiritual authority. So maybe the guy just isn't ready so God hasn't given the green light yet. Actually, I think that's prolly more likely because I also had a vision recently where he was telling me that I am ready. So, he knows I need the dress and he has a watch, he knows what time it is...and his timing is perfect.

    Could be about the church too, I'm still thinking about that part.

  4. My best friend's dad drove me to the location of my wedding. I was rummaging around in the car for my white heels and put them on so that I could try on my wedding dress. I found my best friend's dad's wristwatch in the car and told him I was putting it with some other items that were in a plastic shopping bag for safekeeping. While we were hanging around waiting outside in the parking lot either for the dress to be ready or the preparations inside to be completed, maybe both, the sun had gone down.

    Any thoughts? I'm really curious about what the wedding dress represents because I have the shoes already, just not the dress, and I'm waiting for it to be ready.

  5. Pneuma/air is Holy Spirit, scuba tank provides air. It's a lifeline. The golden color could mean it's of heaven?

    I had a dream recently where there were nurses with oxygen masks, the room had been painted and there were fumes so they couldn't breathe. I took it to mean they were in a place ministering to people that was dangerous and they needed that air supply.

    Cars are people sometimes. The washing thing is pretty self explanatory I think. Maybe some sort of evangelistic ministry?

  6. I was just calling on the Lord for help and had a vision. I was engulfed in a white cloud, which had texture like cotton, you could pull it apart in your hands. I could see above it and there were searchlights of helicopters going all over in the distance and I asked the Lord if they were looking for me and he said yes.
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