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Posts posted by ezerkenegdo

  1. I had this dream last night, and I understand most of it, but I really need to know who the lifeguards are. Time is short.

    It was morning on a very large lake and there was a boy (preteen/teenager) on the dock with his dog and they both jumped in for a swim. They were both frolicking in the water when suddenly it seemed as if a massive wind came up and blew the waters of the lake up and out of the lake bed as if to throw the boy out of the lake. The boy's dog looked like he was trying to pull him up onto shore but he didn't succeed, so maybe he was just trying to keep his head above water. I remember thinking in the dream that since water and wind are the HS, that maybe the HS was churning things up. But then my dad was there, and he said, no this is coming from the DEEP, that there are "contractors" below doing this, and I realized the water was BLACK. Suddenly, the scene changed and the lake had turned into a clear flowing river, dad was sitting in a lawn chair on a gravel bar in the middle and there were many, many, people young and old fishing...people were flocking as if it was a competition! But there was fear also, everyone was waiting for the next attack. Then two "lifeguards" arrived, a young man and woman (older than teenagers) arrived, in typical life guard uniform, blue swimsuits with blue towels around their shoulders and they walked over to the flag pole, where the US flag was at half mast and lead everyone in the pledge of allegiance. Then I woke up.


  2. There are always ups and downs as well as mistakes and the enemy always seems to create a disturbance before God takes us to another level.

    If he gave you this dream while you are fasting, he is most likely showing you that something is coming, and telling you exactly how and what to pray for it. He is giving you inside info now, so you can pray for wisdom and insight ahead of time and to pray protection over what is coming.


  3. Last night I went to bed very frustrated and questioning...I have been divorced from an abusive ex for a year and a half and he was ordered to pay the mortgage and utilities until the house sold (me and the kids get to stay in it till it sells) in lieu of child support. The market crashed 2 weeks after we listed it and it still hasn't sold. So, the reason I was so frustrated last night was that he is making threats to stop paying, and once again demanding money. I went to bed thinking, When is this going to be over Lord? When am I going to get to move on?

    Dream: It was dark and rainy and cold and me and the kids and the ex got out of his car and went into our local Walmart (when we got inside it turned out to be a Target so of course there was red everywhere--that was the only real noticeable color in the dream). I wanted to exchange some shorts that I had gotten for my daughter that were too small (they were plaid, by the way). The woman in customer service said I could not exchange them until this other customer service guy, a manager type, comes in at 10:15 p.m. I thought that was ridiculous, as well as the late time being ridiculous and an odd time at that, and was rather upset, even getting a little agitated and thinking, I'm certainly not doing my Christmas shopping HERE. Suddenly, I policeman showed up. I thought they had called him because they thought I was going to create a disturbance/get out of control. Kind of scared me, I calmed myself down. We walked around the store a little, then I decided to leave. I looked at my watch and it was a little after 10:00 p.m. and realized it was time for that guy to be here so I could exchange the shorts, might as well. So I went back to customer service, didn't see the guy, and I did not get to exchange them, rather return them. The woman gave me a receipt for store credit and some change I think. The policeman was sitting on the bench in customer service and was reading a newspaper, I couldn't see his face really. As I left I made a comment to them about something my ex used to do, I don't remember what I said, but I remember feeling like I was trying to explain my frustration. Then we were turning to walk out of customer service and I woke up.

  4. Ok...I think I got the 2nd part. The "order" has not gone out yet. I was reading how Daniel prayed a LONG time before the king did anything. And He said something to me about the "void of enlargement" thing, he said my heart isn't big enough (I say, YET lol). So, I started praying about these things.

  5. Deceptive personality? That describes my ex-husband PERFECTLY. I threw him out, just like I had the security guard do in the dream. The symbols line up too:

    suitcases: Private things; hidden things of the heart; time for moving on; move; transition.

    The number 6: Man; beast; Satan; flesh; carnal; toil and strain of the flesh or natural realm; work; sorrow; secular completeness.

    So if the first book represents my first marriage, then maybe the 2nd book represents my next marriage? In the 2nd book there are 5 suitcases and the number 5 means: Grace; atonement; fivefold ministry; service (five fingers on the hand); bondage; complete wellness.

    Hotel has always meant temporary situation or transition for me (which I am in right now). Interesting that I am the MANAGER of it, hmmm... and also interesting that when I walked OUT of the hotel, I was given something and did something impossible. Hmmm...

    The 2nd part of the dream I just can't figure out though.

  6. Dream Part 1
    I was the manager of a hotel and my old real estate agent came in wanting to stay. There were 2 registers and he had signed into both. On one he had listed he had 6 pieces of luggage. On the other he had listed 5 pieces of luggage. His "reason for staying" was listed as "TEST" (I only remember seeing that in one register though). I called security and had him thrown out. Later, I went outside, in back of the hotel where the dumpster was and there were a couple people standing out there, one was a hotel worker and the other might have been my ex. I was holding a styrofoam take out container in my hands (the hotel worker may have brought it), there was green salad inside of it. I opened the lid, and bent it back on itself and it folded into itself perfectly (in thinking about this dream, that is physically impossible because of the way they are shaped/made). The people there with me were amazed that I could do that!

    Dream Part 2
    I was in my house and a different real estate agent just entered the house unannounced to show it to someone to try to sell it. I was shocked and a little upset because I had not signed a listing agreement with anyone and the agent told me who had the listing so I called her. I tried to ask her what was going on, said that if she had a signed listing agreement, then my signature had to be forged.

    The dream ended, then I heard the words: "HEAVEN AND THE EARTH" (I've heard this before in a vision) and "VOID OF ENLARGEMENT."

    Any insights?

  7. Ok this was weird...it was not like a dream. It was like vision that I have had while awake, but I was asleep. He said some things that he's been talking to me about lately and showed me some things about my future. Has that ever happened to anyone else? Why is it different and what does it mean?

    And then almost like a separate "dream" I saw a pimple form on the right side of my stomach, almost my side (it's been bothering me for a while) and then it turned into a wart like thing, ew. LOL

    Any ideas what that could mean?

  8. Jeanie, I don't know how I missed this part of your post before:

    I had gotten four or five phone calls from people from different nations telling me the Lord woke them up and gave them a warning that natural disasters were ahead and they were to leave their nation. I told them the Lord had warned me too and to leave California. I remember one of the other Nations that called me was Africa.I can't remember the others.

    Remember what I pm'd you, Jeanie? And I keep hearing and seeing "West." Well since then I have gotten this from Ezekiel...what has: ocean, the world's tallest trees, desert, ravines, lots of military, and is separated by mountains?

    I work with a disaster relief organization. What is interesting, is that you are being told to leave, and I am being told to "Go West."

    And as I asked you in my pm, how do we know when to speak and who to tell? I don't even want to say the possible scenarios I am seeing.

  9. Yes I understood the barrier to be US since his glory is to flow through us. I agree that he is calling us to holiness, and this is what we need to make intercession for. Mercy, grace, healing, miracles...I see some of this happening now, but lots more coming.

    I had 2 other friends who had dreams with the same message about bringing his glory down from heaven. One was a worship leader who was going to receive a powerful anointing, that angels were going to move his hands, and sure enough the Lord showed up that sunday at church, wow.

    The other had a dream that the smoke from his fireplace (he doesn't have a fireplace) was not venting properly, pouring out into the room, and the landlord (the Lord) gave him orders to fix it. I was pretty sure the smoke was the manifest glory of God, but if it's not going the right place, and needs to go up the chimney...what's the chimey/fireplace represent?

    Lord, less of us and more of you!

  10. I was standing in what must have been the Holy of Holies or something, there was thick white smoke, so thick you couldn't really see, except somehow I knew there were angels flying all around and some swinging ginormous "pots" of incense from above. I can still hear big "swooshes" of things moving through the air, but slow, like enormous objects in slow motion. The smoke is the manifest glory of God and it permeated me.

    Then I was standing on earth, looking up into the sky, and I could see the smoke pouring down from heaven, but it seemed to hit an invisible barrier and spread out along it. I heard the Lord say, INTERCEDE. So I started praying and it was so cool... the spirit gave me the words because I didn't understand the point until after I prayed them...I prayed that His glory would pour forth on the earth without being hindered...asked him to fill us...let your glory flow through us to the earth. And then I realized...it's US...it has to flow through US!

    Raise us up Lord...let your glory flow through us.
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