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Posts posted by ezerkenegdo

  1. I had a dream recently in which I was carrying a green towel, which I think represented using my gifting to serve others.

    What made me connect that is the fact that Jesus washed the disciples feet. :)

    Just thought I'd post it in case someone is ever looking for a towel symbol. I couldn't find it in any Christian dream dictionaries on line.

  2. Update: I think Halo and lola were on the right "track." LOL :)

    When a friend of mine got called back into ministry the other day, I realized what it meant. I'm called to encourage this person, and I was getting frustrated with the lack of movement in the situation. I wanted to give up, there was fear involved there for me too.

    The race track was life/church/ministry, the police were spiritual authority/the Lord. There was one car that was sort of hanging around me on the race track, like it was waiting for me to get in (I remembered this later), but I didn't want to get in it (the car was my friend I think), instead I ran away with my towel of "encouragement."

    Anyway, "the cops" caught up with him in real life! LOL :)

  3. Or maybe, like I was reading on one of Mia's replys to a thread, the Lord just gave me a heads up on the news that he was going to give me, so I wouldn't be worried.

    Take a look at what some of the symbols are in the dream, on Mia's dictionary.

    I prayed about the dream, and about my friend getting deployed, and the Lord said he wasn't going to go.

    No worries. :)

  4. Ok, this is kind of embarrassing, but I am dreaming about this person constantly, and I think it might shed light on the other dreams I've been having, like the Race Car Dream. Recently, I had a dream that I was asleep in a hotel room, and my friend "W" showed up, had gotten down to his underwear, and gotten into the bed with me. He woke me with a kiss on the lips. The weird thing was, in the dream he was UGLY! LOL And he's not an ugly guy! His teeth were also crooked and had gaps.

    Within an hour of the dream, he called me with the news that he was probably going to be deployed in 2010.

    Does this have meaning beyond the news he gave me?

  5. There has definitely been a person in my life trying to discourage me from a relationship that God seems to keep pointing me to even though it seems to be an impossible situation at times.

    I get major feelings of condemnation, control, and jealousy from this person who discourages me, so I think the interpretation of "mom" in this dream is probably a "meddler."

    As far as the person God seems to keep pointing to, there is a spiritual connection and we're called to the same ministry, have the same giftings, and even if we're just talking the anointing of the Holy Spirit falls...even if we're NOT talking it falls and I know things that are going on with him, I always know when he's going to call, lots of intercessory prayer...it's CRAZY.

  6. Last night I dreamed I was at a race track, cars were racing around it, and the police were chasing them trying to stop them. I, however, was outside the cars, ON the track. I remember standing outside this car that was stopped or going slow. I was trying to avoid getting hit. A lot of the cars had been caught by the police, and I ran across the grass in the middle of the track and hid in the woods, where I noticed I was holding a green towel.

    I'm totally stumped on this one, any ideas?

  7. You would be right, it's not good. I believe my friend who called was probably representing either the Lord, the man I am supposed to marry, or someone who I am to minister with.

    The Lord told me my mom was anyone who tries to come between me and Him and his word/plan for me. There has been someone actively trying to come between me and the actual friend with condemnation, control, and manipulation.

    The roast beef is some heavy weight spiritual stuff/Word of the Lord and the gravy I didn't even have to wonder...anointing of the Holy Spirit. I missed out on a double portion of the word of the Lord and the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and instead got a double portion of deep sin/disobedience. Everything He has planned for me--dead in that dream because of it.

    I heeded the warning.

  8. Yeah, God is so good. :)

    I know I heard or read somewhere about "golden men" but I can't remember where. I was kinda surprised, they just looked like regular guys. I expected armor, but my friend said those would be warring angels.

    Another friend of mine reminded me, Jesus has already defeated the enemy. God was just letting you know who was on duty. :)

    I'll tell you though, I am hearing more and more of this kind of thing lately...in Ezekiel I believe it talks about this happening...we're the "wheels" of the cherubim, we and the angels move together. :)

  9. Last night, a friend of mine was praying for me about someone who kept trying to put some junk on me prophetically, and just a real strong spirit of condemnation, jealousy, and manipulation. This person has been trying to come between me and another person, and after my friend prayed I felt like something got out of the way, like a barrier was removed. So a few minutes after he prayed, I saw something...a glowy golden man, standing nearby in the room...my eyes were open, but I saw this in the spirit, not with the naked eye, and I could only see it if I was paying attention, if I let myself get distracted, I wasn't aware/didn't notice. My friend said, oh I prayed for protection for you.

    He was just kind of standing around, like he was waiting for something, or maybe just killing time LOL, didn't really act like he knew I was there, at least didn't acknowledge or look at me, was looking into the other room, very casual like, even put his hand up to his face like to scratch his nose or something, then walked over and looked out the window, checking things out I guess.

    So I started getting a little freaked out, and found a friend of mine online...and I started praying for protection, and MORE showed up! LOL It was like he recognized them, and they were all standing in the foyer chit chatting, even laughing some, he was like filling this other guy in on the situation or something, it was like a bunch of off duty military guys getting ready for patrol or something, and I could have sworn one of them had a cup of coffee! LOL None of them acknowledged me the whole time.

    So my friend said, Ok greet them in the name of the Lord and tell me what they do! I decided to do it in the spirit, not out loud, but before I even got the words out, they all stopped talking and looked at me! So I said...Um...Greetings in the name of the Lord. The guy said, "We're your protection, don't be afraid." And I was so shocked, I said, What did you say about protection? He said, "We're it. We'll take care of you, don't worry." And they went back to their business.

    I went to bed shortly after and I wasn't as aware of their presence, most of them had left to go patrol I guess. LOL

    What does this sound like to you?

    I can't believe I'm even saying this.

  10. This one troubled me...came after the Shoe dream and before the Brown Dinner dream. I've since gotten some revelation on it, but would really like some confirmation if you have some thoughts.

    I was in a classroom and class had been dismissed. I had a backpack, I remember trying to fit stuff in it (like books, folders), and as I left, I had my empty cup in my hand to throw away and noticed other cups on desks thinking they were trash and I was going to throw them away too, but realized they were sports bottles and the like, so I left them. The teacher was still at the desk and was someone I think I knew, but I can't remember now who it was.

    Next, I was following the flow of students going between buildings, heading for the busses. It was sort of gloomy outside and cold. I ended up walking alongside an administrator I served with at my old church and had the sense that had happened before. We talked a bit and she was talking about something being wrong with her or her mother (her mother recently died in real life I believe). She walked on ahead saying she had other things to do.

    I ended up in what seemed to be a private garage, where a line of students extended down the drive to the curb, waiting for the bus. A woman (presumably the homeowner) came and got in her car and said something, but I don't remember what it was.

    Next, I was standing behind a bus that had partially unloaded (it was sunny) at some other building. Some of us had gotten off and were goofing around and a man fell and hit his head and seemed to be in a coma. I felt bad because I thought maybe it was my fault since we were horsing around and we had bumped into each other and he fell. I remember telling people I thought he needed to go to the hospital over and over. Finally, I called to the people in the bus and asked if there were any nurses or anything, and a woman and a man were there and started looking him over. The woman was at his head to my left, which I was cradling in my lap. The man (kind of youngish) was moving around assessing him. They both had stethoscopes, and the man spoke to me. The woman looked at me kind of strangely and taped his eyes and mouth shut.

  11. I thought I would share this dream since someone asked about the color brown recently. I couldn't figure this out until I got revelation directly from the Lord on a previous dream. Should I post the interpretation of this one now or do you all want to give it a try? :)

    I got a phone call from a man who is recurrent in my dreams. We got disconnected, then my parents arrived at my house with food, and my mom started cooking. I didn't call my friend back since I had company. Next, I[/size] was in a church basement for a dinner. The whole place was in tones of brown--everything. The rectangular tables were set in a U shape, the middle was open. I did not know anyone else there, but everyone was laughing we were all enjoying ourselves. We had roast beef and gravy (more brown). There was a sort of waiter, who came around with seconds, but I missed him. I thought to myself "Oh well, I'll just have desert, which was bright colored yellow cheesecake with red topping. A piece kind of stuck to my plate and split apart, and I said, "Oh, I guess I get TWO then!"
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