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Posts posted by Missy2281

  1. I dreamt I was going to have something done and it seemed to me that it was more involved than what I had thought. When I got there it was like I was going to have to lay on some kind of table to have it done and it was going to make me kind of be dead but not dead

    That's when I looked and I could see somebody that was in a bag like I was going to be and they were still alive and I didn't like that and then I remember there was a teddy bear

    in the dream I felt bad because I hadn't taken care of the teddy bear maybe kind of neglected it

    And on the teddy bear was a huge very big black widow ..the red color of the spider stuck out in the dream.... I didn't know the spider was there and discovered it just then and was surprised to see it and had a Web all over the bottom of the teddy bear

    They were people around me that saw the spider to and I tried to act like it had just spun the web when I was kind of trying to hide that I really wasn't taking care of the teddy bear. I remember someone was going to try to get the spider off the teddy bear for me

  2. I had a dream last night that I had won a new car, an Impala. I couldn't take ownership of this new car until the new model came out and that would be in August. It was like the first couple of days of August or either August  2nd. I remember being worried about the winning of the car affecting my taxes and then saying it wasn't going to affect my taxes because I wasnt working. In my dream I was explaining to my husband that I had won this car and he was very skeptical. I remember thinking that this was either going to take a lot of faith or faith was going to do this. In my dream I was trying to figure out how I had won this car thinking maybe one of those gimmicks that come in the mail with the key and you have to go into the dealership and put it in the car and if it turns..you win the car. I remember thinking that this may have been how I won the car.

  3. Last night I had a dream and it involved my sister and dogs. There were three dogs and they belonged to my sister.... one dog seemed healthy, well fed  and chunky...the two others were very skinny and near death. One dog was outside and tied up on a very short leash so that the dog had to stay on the back of the house's outside steps.  I remember thinking how cruel to leave this dog out here like that and untied and brought the dog inside...It seems like that dog was the healthy one. None of the dogs were aggressive at all. I remember someone coming over to the house and I was worried and not wanting them think that the sickly dogs were mine. That's when the dream turned to a flash of a newspaper article that read "lonewolf attack in New". It's as if I couldn't see the rest of the article but I knew that it was "New Orleans" and then the dream shifted back to the dogs and I don't remember much after that

  4. I'm just trying to remember the dream that I had last night.... it was strange didn't make a lot of sense to me. Key players .....of course I'm watching things happen....there's two women and one is pregnant .....there's a group of men and focusing around the loss of an ox......and there's a person it seems to be a man maybe someone that I cared about and I was thinking it was more like my husband in my dream ..it appeared this man was responsible or being held accountable for the loss of the ox.....Something happened to this group or one member of the groups ox and the one being held responsible says he's offered to replace it but that they wanted something ridiculous like something out of reach .....something that was worth more than what they had lost. Then it focused more that they were going to kill this person that was responsible and they took him in a car and he was kind of not understanding that he was going to killed. I could watch the movements of where they were going and seemed like a high rate of speed and a lot of driving and ending up at an airport. The name Italy getting involved somehow came into my dream. I'm not sure what all the this means.... but mediators came in and asked the man why didn't replace the ox and he says he did try however all they would except was a blue ox. I do know the group was talking about them wanting to kill him and people were speaking wrong against him including these two women. I remember being verbally abusive to the women using curse words and telling people that the pregnant woman was definitely deceptive and stating that she appears to be good....but she's pregnant and she's doing drugs.

    Any thoughts???
    I wish I could remember more of the dream
    Thank you for your help

  5. Okay so I go for a sleep study last night and it
    turns out that I have sleep apnea.

    I wonder how this relates to my dream?

    The doctor did come in nonchalantly and show me the report and showed me some things on the report as to how it showed that is was sleep apnea and it was business as usual....like it was no big deal.

  6. I had a dream last night, I would love to know what the interpretation of it is. I'm just praying that God will send someone to tell me what my dream meant

    Here's the dream...
    It was like I was at a doctors office and was getting results. And the doctor said "you are sick" And I questioned how he could know that from this type of test result ....like it was something to do with the lung but I compared the report to be like how they get the results of a female Pap smear . I didn't feel upset about the dream. And it the doctor just kept saying that I was sick...like he wasn't worried.

    Thanks you any input.

  7. Here is my dream....thanks for any help...

    I had a dream that I was mowing my office and re-arranging the office furniture. I could not decide where I was going to move my desk. I wanted it in one room. It was a beautiful room and had a T.V. in it. I remember seeing the floor was grass and making a comment that I had to cut the grass before I could move my desk and put there. The people in the office wanted me to move to a different area. They wanted me to put my desk infront of a very large bookcase filled with books. The area was small. I knew I would have to position my desk about 2-4 feet from the bookcase so people could get behind my desk to get to the books. That just didn't look right to me.


    Jesus is Lord!

  8. Sorry this has taken me so long to post a reply.

    Thank you so much dee Newine,

    Your message did touch me......Let me tell you why....

    (IRL) Before I had this dream....My husband visited an old church that he and I use to attend. The Pastor of this church even married me and my husband. The church is very close to our house and it is a converted mobile home (trailer). My husband came back and told me to come over to the church that someone wanted to invite me to go to an event with the ladies of the church. I went over because my husband asked me too. The ladies were inviting me to take a trip to some large church that has a prophecy meeting once a month. I really didn't want to go....I don't believe you can plan Prophecy....Prophecy is given out by the Lord on his time. But out of respect for the pastor and because of my husband....I said yes. I said yes even when I didn't want to go.

    Well....I should your reply to my dream to a dear friend of my and she confirmed what I was thinking.....
    To not go on the trip.

    Praise God!

    Thank you again for taking your time to help another!

  9. I had a dream last night that starting with an understanding that my sister's friends lived 2 houses from me in a mobile home. Some of the friends came to my house and I was talking with them at the front door when I realized that some of the friends had stolen all my bedroom furniture. I remember walking into the bedroom and it was cleaned out, not even a picture on the wall. I demanded that the people return my furniture. They denied that they had my furniture. I went over to the mobile home, and I noticed that it had four large windows. The windows looked like they had dark shades and each window had a large man sitting in front of it. Each man was holding something in the shape of a circle ( could have been a mirror). I called the police and reported my stuff stolen. The police came over and said there was nothing that they could do because they have a recording of a yes card. Then all the people gathered around and some older man starting opening The Bible as to start a sermon. I was upset at the gale of the people to steal my stuff and then start a sermon. I interrupted the man and told him that I was turning this over to Jesus and it is written in The Bible that vengence is for The Lord.

    I am not sure it this is another dream or if this is still part of the furniture dream. I had a since of running from someone or group. I found a gentleman and asked him for help. There was another man in the dream. The gentleman went to the man and did not say anything....but he cut a little area of his hair and then began to eat/chew the hair.

    That is all I remember. Thanks in advance for any help.

    Jesus is Lord!

  10. Could this dream possibly be manifiested?????? What do you think...here is what happened.

    IRL....I am driving to work yesterday morning carpooling with my husband and listening to Focus on the Family on the radio. The radio show was interviewing a woman and looking back when she was little.....her dad murdered her mom.......then later on that day my husband called and told me he was going to have to travel out of town for about a week in the middle of Sept. I do not like him to leave and it puts a lot of pressure on me to be by myself with the kids. Last time he traveled out of town(which was about a year ago) he had an affair. We have recovered and thank God everyday for what He has done in our marriage.

    So what do you think?

  11. What does it mean when you see someone smoking a cigarette in a dream? I have had a few dreams of this....everytime the person smoking is different and I know who they are.


    Jesus is Lord!

  12. I have had two dreams that could have been manifested....Would love your thoughts on it.

    1st Dream....

    I saw one of my bosses (IRL that I do not see very often and he has never been in any of my dreams) in my dream...He was mean and dressed up like the joker from batman.


    A day or so later....I ran into this boss and he was laughing and being mean referencing something he heard was a project of mine that I was told to do.

    2nd dream......

    I dreamt that I was leaving a place like Wal-Mart and the line to get out was long;and had stopped. I got out of my vehicle and saw a large truck stopped in front. There was a girl that I knew(IRL I knew this girl) and she was standing at the tailgate of the truck there was a fountain on the tailgate. The fountain was a small inside fountain the filled a small cup/pail that would pour out on rocks below and then the repeat. I like the fountain and went to touch the cup/tail and it dropped to the ground and went into a small pond beside the road. I was going to jump into the water and get the cup. But I saw the cup was going to the edge and the girl's mom got the cup.


    The next day the girl, her mom and her grandmother showed up at a conference my church was having. We were drawing numbers for door giveways all day. At the end of the conference it was my turn to draw the numbers. I drew about 10 numbers and nobody I that I had invited to the conference had won any of the items all day. Finally I had the last number of the day...and it was the nicest giveway of all the items. When I called the number it was the girl in my dream's number. She and her family were so happy.
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