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Posts posted by SisterinChrist

  1. i had a drm that i was living with a new roommate and she was really nice... she was preparing dinner and i think the thought came to mind that she's nicer than my collage roommate (last time I had a roommate).

    i recall having the refrigerator open, and was like oh we have okra (was in container) we can add this to the meal. I was a little hesitant as it was Indian food and she was not, thought she might not like that kind of food..but she was nice about it..

    any thoughts?

    Note: I do not have roommates, haven't had in many many years & i am not looking for one.

  2. drmpt i was in dessert with my friend and his son..
    i see this real BIG Cannon Ball coming at him and his son, i tell them to move..

    i also recall that i was running with them.. i think at the end it didnt get us..

    Next seen, his son (about 8yrs old) is standing nxt to me at some shop, he is being obnoxious to me,,, his father comes over and makes a statement to me like not to worry about him, or something to that affect..

    I am pretending that it doesnt affect me, but it does make me feel bad

  3. Im so sorry to hear about your sadness... i understand its hard to let go of things sometimes, i've been there...
    I realized sometimes its not that you want the person, but that life. (Just my personal thoughts, although it might be diff for you maybe).

    Do continue to pray and ask God to set you free. It is really important to read Gods promises and see what He wants for you.
    If its possible, can you ask someone in church to pray for you? Someone you trust?

    I will keep you in my prayers, I Pray You have a blesses Christmas. I know God has a plan for your life. Its all about His appointed time.

  4. Hi there... I dont have an interpretations, but just some idea's...

    Mayomo has some good points...

    To me it is showing that something is 'off" as man should not be wearing a female dress - this maybe a flag for you to look at?

    You not worrying too much about it - maybe when you find out that something is 'off'it will not bother you too much?

    im just thinking out loud here..its not an interpretation at all..

  5. thanks for your opinion John7, its always good to get opinions from everyone... helps to understand more..
    that is a good point actually, gives me something to think about . Thank you

  6. Dec 20, 2012

    God you are so Holy…
    Oh how Holy is your name
    Generations sing of Your praises

    Generations know of Your Love
    How Holy are You God.

    You are Majesty, You are Glory
    Light Shines from You My King

    The darkness has no place around You
    Grace are you My King

    Covered by the Blood of the Lamb
    The Greatest Love of All
    Who did it but you My Lord,
    So strong is Your Might
    Grace has Found me just as I am.
    Empty handed I am Lord, Hear we are Lord
    I am humbled by the Love that you Give
    Forgiven so that I can Forgive,
    Covered by the Blood of the Lamb
    You laid it All, So that I can say – I live Know.

    In Your Blood I am covered, by Your Grace I am humbled

  7. Hi John was wondering if you had any possible revalations which you might want to share?

    I also had a dream with a guy wearing earnings..he looked like he had piercings in his face..

  8. well i think this dream manifested... i think was symbolic...
    recently in the job which i am at had a christmas party,,, i had to participate in giving $$. I didnt have a choice, otherwise i would have looked bad to mgmt..esp b/c im considered senior.

    so they asked and i had to give, even though i dont have a lot.
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