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  1. Christa, my heart goes out to you and I have just prayed for your situation. I, too, lived in an abusive marriage, but only for 2 years; I still have the physical scars from one attack, but God has helped me forgive my ex-husband for all he did to me. I can pray freely for him. Fortunately we had no children together. I agree with another post that exposing your child to these awful images is akin to abuse of her little mind. She cannot make sense of these things, and it's confusing and frightening. God hates divorce but He doesn't call his children to abuse, either. I pray for continued courage and wisdom for you. Teen Challenge has a great reputation; hope it helps. I also had to examine what it was about ME that drew me into a marriage with a man who had tendencies toward abuse. It may help you to get some counseling for yourself along these lines as well. God can do miracles. Dont' get in his way by enabling the bad behavior of your husband. HOpe this isn't too straightforward for you. IT' breaks my heart to think of a child going through this with you; and YOU are God's child. I'm sure His heart is hurting, too. God bless!
  2. prayed for your uncle, Lovetown. God can take such sad circumstances and bring beauty and life from them. I pray He does this for your uncle. Thank you for your heart to bring him to us for prayer.
  3. please pray for my daughter cynthia. she is having to return to work in a couple of weeks and really wants to stay home (work part time) with her new baby boy who is only 2 months old.
  4. i've had to travel for work the past two days. thinking of it beforehand, i was dreading it because i would be driving 5 hours for two straight days and staying in a hotel alone overnight. (i prefer sleeping in my own bed and this was after 3 nights in a hotel on a vacation) so anyway, God spoke to me and said it would be a sweet time with Him and me. i was listening to joyce meyer cd's while driving, one on the root of rejection, and God repotted me, taking me from being rooted in a place of rejection to being potted in Him, completed loved and accepted and chosen by Him. it was a wonderful blessing and healing time! i LOVE when He speaks!
  5. praise the Lord! He loves blessing HIs kids!
  6. thank you so much for posting that video. as i sat and watched and read and listened i felt so close to Him. God bless you for passing this on!
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