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Posts posted by Heleadsme

  1. LovetoworshipJesus,
    There may also be some practical things you could do...maybe start with a search online about it and seek out alternative treatments. I know of one good thing for hair...Biotin shampoo. I bought some online from...can I say this??? www.vitacost.com or you could go to your natural food store for some too.
    I don't have the problem you have? But my hair is truly thicker and fuller since I started to use this shampoo.
    Just a suggestion...hope it helps you!

  2. Hello Christa,
    Boy can I relate to you. About 18 years ago I gave my husband an ultimative similar to yours. My husband had a drinking problem which affected his work ethics and a whole lot of other areas in his and our life! By the time the Lord fully woke me up to it all, we had three children, the youngest was but a baby. The situations became so acute that I really had no choice, as you now have no choice, other then to step in and give them the decision to make. My husband and I saw a counselor first and was this ever a God sent man and divine appointment! The man had been through it himself and wasn't taking any bull...he backed me and encouraged me to be firm...it was in house treatment or I was going for a divorce. My husband about bolted he admitted later, but instead made the right decision and went in. I got help too, and ended up there after he got out. Such good things can follow Christa...I was baptised in the Holy Spirit there in the treatment center...and I tell you what, our lives have changed from black to white! We have both dramatically changed and are still in process...God is with you dear one...you are on the right track...I know it is hard for you and you feel so alone, but God is with you...you must love your husband or you wouldn't still be there helping him like this...the Lord will bless you for helping your husband...He has me...
    Father I do thank you for revealing these things to Christa and even giving her the way out...I thank you that you will remain with her both now and all the days of her life...help her husband Father...get him out of denial and help him to face the facts...bring healing in his life Lord God and love on him...help Christa now as she faces decisions for her own counseling and care...bring the ones you want to speak into her life Lord...give them words of wisdom and of life for her...that she may heal and grow beyond all the pain...Father, again, I thank you for revealing all of this to her and Lord that you helped her in making that first step...Bless this little family and Lord bless and protect their little one that there be no repercussions come back on this child...but that instead this childs' life will be more fulfilled and blessed due to the experiences and love shown...in Jesus name I pray amen!

  3. Getting a word that "God is doing a new thing" in one's life is a good word!
    To me it talks about changes He will make...good things shall be the outcome of it!
    It seems doors opening are usually a part...new things coming into one's life that bring a better life...
    God Bless!

  4. Also, it seems to me like it is something from Germany or something from your past....it seems you keep running from this thing and do get away but what comes to me is that, there needs to be closure to this thing...it needs to be dealt with so you don't have to keep running sort of thing. Suggest you pray and ask the Lord what exactly is He referring to...
    Hope this helps....

  5. This is a dream series as I call them. That is, two parts to one dream it seems.

    I dreamt I was under the covers with this young man. I was holding him as he had his back to me...and my feelings were that I was being motherly towards him.
    The young man it seems had the wrong idea and went and got a camera and put the camera under the covers where my nightgown had hitched up and I was exposed.
    I quickly pushed away and pulled the nightgown down, pulled the covers close around me, shocked he got the wrong idea.
    The man is then standing up and I see he has tatoos all over his body. The only thing it seems not covered was his face, hands and feet.
    These tatoos are not like, different kinds like you usually see? But more unified and the same and I believe they are green!
    I then say to the man..."Do you speak spanish?" He says he does. So I say to him..."como se di say...Jesus Christ...in India???"
    Meaning how do you say Jesus Christ in India.
    He tells me what it is.
    So this showed me he was from India.
    (In real life I have been interceding for a man from India and I have thought he was suspicious of me for wanting to intercede on his behalf)

    I dreamt my son was showing me some "worms" behind this curtain that before this I could not see. Sure enough...I saw one that had been dead, but I became fearful and the thing came back alive! We both quickly pushed other things coming out back behind the curtain and pulled the curtain shut.
    (felt this meant I was giving the evil spirits power or place by being fearful)
    After the son showed me these things, I could see things everywhere. It was like by him showing me these behind the curtain I was then able to see others. Like the gift had been stirred up.
    The son then came running up to me saying something like...."the dvrs are out!" I think that was what he called them. There was one standing up right in front of me dressed like something else but I recognized it and commanded it to go back behind the curtain. He did.

    These two segments may or may not be related and as I type them out am getting some revelation.
    But just want to throw them out there as I am learning about dream interpretation and want to see what any of you get.

    Thanks ever so much!

  6. Hello,
    I also have had dreams like yours, with many segments and many details.
    What I felt the main part the Lord was revealing was...there are spirits you have been hindered with...that being shown by the distinct personalities.
    Also the family and the traits...are generational curses within your family I believe.
    Just as you knew how to hold your grandmother the Lord has given you the anointing to handle these spirits.
    Hope this insight helps!

  7. Hello,
    After reading your dream and then the others interpretations I feel I have something to add to it.
    This is probably a no brainer but...
    The worship leader I believe is talking about a spirit that currently is a principal spirit within the worship team or music. It is shown as the green hands and also vampire...spirit of jealousy which sucks the life out of people and kills them...or causes them to turn and become like them...such as what happens when vampires suck the life out of someone...they become vampires themselves. Yet the main pastor or I feel would represent the Lord...takes care of this and cuts the hands off....causing this spirit to no longer be able to touch or affect the people.
    THe second part of your dream I am wondering if shows the affects this spirit has had on the people. Causing them to not be able to eat or be fed spiritually and causing them to allow spirits to enter in, making them act in ways they otherwise would not do. (the cursing etc)
    The third part I believe shows that it will be shown to the body what has taken place in the spirit being cut off or removed from the body...there will be a witness to this fact, one you yourself will see and know.
    Hope this helps somehow!
    God bless!

  8. I believe your phone was indeed representing your line of communication to the Lord. The president Obama and his wife needing to use your phone to me said you are being asked to pray and intercede on their behalf. They need to use your phone. Your communication with the Lord.
    Not sure about those onions...but it seemed to me rather like fruit somehow...(but isn't fruit???) There already had been two in the bag and two is the number of the witness of God...then they were multiplied...
    I believe that there will be fruit from your intercession for the president and his wife...
    Or could the onions represent fasting?
    Not sure where this scripture is, forgive me for that but, there was the time when the men of God were given only vegtables when the others were feasting...and they came out better and stronger then all the rest.
    So onions could speak of fasting...
    Prayer and fasting for the president and his wife...
    Does this help at all?
    Lord bless!

  9. Actually...no. We live 3 1/2 hours away from one another, my only day off from my jobs is Sunday...and money is tight currently.

    I don't know if this is just my thoughts sort of dream...or if God is telling me to do something about it.

    The other grandmother does get to see them often as lives in the same city.

    Thanks for responding!

  10. flower Hello Everyone,
    I am new here.
    The main reason I have come is that I am wanting to learn more about Christian dream interpretation. I have been having dreams from God for alot of years and now need to learn more about how to interpret them that I be able to "read the letters" so to speak...that the Lord has been sending to me.

    So hello...and God bless you today!

  11. I dreamt my daughter and granddaughter had come to visit us.
    I had thought they had gone home that night but found out the next morning that they had stayed overnight.
    I was upset finding this out, as because I thought they had left, I had slept in, whereas I could of gotten up and had some extra time with them! (they live far away from us)

    I had gotten up and had begun to get dressed when I found out they had spent the night.
    When I realized this I had ran out of the bedroom to tell them I hadn't known!
    There was this "other grandmother" standing there with them...as much as I wanted to speak to them in intimacy...this grandmother would not seem to move!

    In my dream my husband seemed to be disgusted with me and even remarked about my bra not even being hooked!
    In my hurry to let them know that I wasn't aware of them still being there, I had stepped out of the bedroom yet undressed.
    It was so important to me in my dream to let them know how important it was, for me to spend every moment that I could with them...that I didn't know they were still there or else I wouldn't of slept in.

    Any ideas anyone>
    Thanks a whole lot and Lord bless you...
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