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Mark Saint Gunn

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Posts posted by Mark Saint Gunn

  1. Also, one program that might be able to help you is, "attacking anxiety", by Lucinda Bassett. It is a program you can do on your own time and helps you overcome a lot of negative emotions. It seriously helped me. God bless you.

  2. My friend is in an unexpected surgery. His body is uncontrollably bleeding and two doctors said it was so bad they were not willing to give him surgery. One doctor rushed him to his hospital and is trying to save him. They called in a priest (that is how bad it is). Please pray, that if he is not saved, that he will be allowed to live in order to get another chance. Overall, pray that God's will happens, whatever that is. Thanks!

  3. I had fallen into abusive behavior and thoughts as well. I do not think people understand what abuse can do to you in this manner. I am sooo proud of you for overcoming this behavior. I have learned that overcoming the thoughts helps considerably. Instead of thinking violent thoughts I replace them. In example, if I am scared of someone and I instantly think about hitting them or hurting them I tell myself, 'I am going to replace this thought with something positive'. I then think of something positive. It becomes a game to see how many positive things I can think of. One thing I have understood in my walk is that anything I want to overcome takes time. I have to keep working at it and keep talking about it to God. I fall sometimes (a lot), but I remember God's love. Praise God that you are searching for a place. It is great to know that God forgives us for our past!!!!!!!

  4. If a word is from God than it will come to be in his time and not our own. Therefore, do not rush into anything. Get to know people without the expectation that a certain man might be the one from God. If a man is from God then it will work out without you having to rush it or wonder if the man is from God. Furthermore, when you have gotten to know someone very well and you are not insecure about them then you know you have trust. Wait for trust to be built before getting into any marriage. If the word is from God than it is for hope and peace, not insecurity and confusion. Continue to work on your relationship with God. Bless yoU!

  5. I have been in abusive relationships as well. And, getting out of the situation is such a freedom that you deserve to give yourself. I agree with Cholette that you should get out now!!! Also, any time you get bitter just pray to God that he takes care of the punishment. I do this a lot. Instead of thinking about how to get back at someone who is abusing you please forgive them (for your own self). After you forgive them then tell God to punish them however he wants. God is good and not evil, but he will apply the justice necessary in the situation if you let him. Yes, God 's ways are higher than our own. Make a determination right now that YOU will break this cycle of abuse. My mother broke the cycle of abuse in her life and for that she has given me the peace she deserved. Regardless of your decisions, bless you and may God give you the desires of your heart!!!

  6. I do not know what your dream means, but it is a good reminder to me that we need to see the good in people regardless of their differences (whether it is religion, sexual orientation, political views, etc). People with all the differences stated can still be saved and can still have hearts of gold. Moving on, these Muslims in your dream are obviously not connecting with your religion, but they offered their hospitality in a way that loving people do. For me, anything that reminds us to love people different than ourselves is good. In fact, I would relate their hospitality to the better aspects of Christianity. God allowed every person here on earth to be born, so God's love exists in us all. Sorry I could not help with your dream.

  7. Maybe there is someone who is secretly watching you. Obviously, I do not mean in a creepy way, but rather a man who lights up when you walk into the room. Also, I agree with you that you should not date the man who you think is weird. Pray to God about it and by all means, let go and let God!!

  8. Remember about God being in control. If we ask him anything according to his will we will receive it. Be anxious in nothing.

    God, will you please guide LovetoworshipJesus into your will concerning career matters? Thank you God for listening and holding these prayers in your heart until the perfect day to release them comes!!! God, will you also give LovetoworshipJesus peace in the spirit regarding whatever is the source of uneasiness? Thank you for everything, God.

  9. Be encouraged that you hear from the Lord (as others have stated). I have not directly heard from God. It used to frustrate me, but now I understand it's God's will (otherwise he would). I would like to remind you that God hears us and our prayers. So, if you pray for a prophetic word and none comes, just know that God has that prayer in his heart and will give you a prophecy when he wills it to be. Be anxious in nothing!

    Also, for everyone else who is waiting for the arrival of a prophecy. I was given a prophetic word a long time ago (about five years ago). During my journey it has taught me a lot about waiting for the right time. Now, instead of worry and distress due to wondering when it will become manifested, I breathe the hope that it gives. Special words from God are supposed to give us hope and not anxiety. Therefore, teach yourself to be hopeful in the prophecy and not anxious!

  10. I am not a professional dream interpreter, but I find something interesting about this dream. There are two ways I see this dream going. First, protecting a lion cub from its own mother could be a good thing, but it could be a bad thing. If the mother lion was acting badly then your wife is helping in some area. But, if the mother lion is not bad then your wife could be overstepping her bounds in some area (e.g., taking the lion cub away from its mother is taking the cub away from where the cub should be). Regardless, a house with no roof is not going to protect your wife from the mother lion unless the mother cannot get that high. So, regardless of which way you look at it you need to pray. God reveals us "bad" dreams if he is going to do something about it (if we pray). Therefore, regardless of the meaning you should pray to God for protection and guidance. Hope this helps.

  11. Is there anything in your life you are overdoing? The chicken may be there to give your mind a visual to create the necessary emotion that God wants you to have/see.

    It is interesting that you feel you have to hide something. Is there anything your ashamed of and feel you are hiding? What is interesting to me is that eating chicken is not something to be ashamed of (hiding represents shame), so maybe what you feel you have to hide is really not a big deal and God wants you to know that.

    There are just my thoughts. Seek God
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