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Everything posted by Mariakitty

  1. Hi Mia, normally, I have a lot of very specific dreams, but lately, given some very painful events, it seems like I'm just having very chaotic, convoluted dreams... I'm praying protection over myself before I go to bed, reading the word before my eyes close, etc...I know the Lord will show me the way. Thanks for asking and praying. Maria
  2. Hi All, Thank you for your prayers! Although I am not getting specific direction from the Lord, I have tremendous peace. One specific issue that I need some clarity on whether to spend more trying to promote my business, or just get some other kind of job since I am rapidly running out of resources. Please keep praying! My situation is getting crucial, BUT I trust the Lord and I know He always provides for his children!
  3. Thank You Daisy, Connie, and The Lamb's. MK
  4. Thank you EVERYONE for your prayers, I could for sure feel the effect today! God Bless each of you!! MK
  5. Hi All, My life has gone through some very painful changes recently and as we all know, so often, pain renders us blind and paralyzed to what we're being called to, whether to turn right or left, whether to even leave the house or not...Ugh! I'm trying very hard to fight off negative thoughts, anything that is out of agreement with the Word, the Lord, etc..I'm actively calling out to Him. I know dark seasons do not last forever and I do not want to allow it to be a distraction from what He has for me to do... I appreciate your prayers! Maria
  6. Hi All, My son, Matthew, is very depressed and feeling hopeless. He used to have a really close walk with the Lord as child, has a beautiful musical gift and used to be part of the worship team at our old church, but kind of fell away into the world. At this time, he seems so negative about everything, is working himself into the ground, and is very hopeless regarding all of the bad things going on in the world right now. He's not leaning on the Lord but is being tormented by fear and hopelessness. When we spoke last night I got the feeling that he could be suicidal although he did not make any such statements. I felt the need to intercede through the night and also today, feel the heaviness of spirit. Please pray for him. Matthew, will be 27 April 4th. Thanks!
  7. Thanks Traveller! God Bless you for your kindness!
  8. Without going into too many details as this is so personal, I request prayer for clarity and the eyes to see/ears to hear from the Lord at this time. I have some big crossroads decisions to make and the urgency and intensity have really accelerated, and I have never been one to make willy-nilly rash decisions. My compassion has sometimes clouded my vision in decisions, or should I say mercy/sympathy/empathy has overshadowed when i should have taken a stronger stand regarding things that just aren't right. Please pray for me to have godly wisdom and understand how to apply the word in my situation. Thanks, Maria
  9. Thank you for the prayer ladies!! Many Blessing to you both! Maria
  10. Hello Fellow Dreaming Brothers and Sisters in the Lord! I have experienced intermittent insomnia for years, but the past week has been by far the worst! I feel like I'm missing out on hearing form the Lord since He speaks to me so often through dreams, and I'm walking around in a fog all day from being so over-tired, I can't concentrate or think straight! I get up, read the Bible, pray until my eyes are literally rolling back in my head and then finally I can fall asleep in the wee hours of the morning. Please pray that this will end!!! Thanks for your prayers!! Maria
  11. Thanks to you both!! May God Bless you and Keep you always! Maria
  12. I'm going to Israel in November and December for three weeks. For one week of the time, I will be with a group (Messianic Jewish tour with a focus of Glorifying The Lord Jesus through exploring the Jewish roots of Christian faith), but for 2 weeks I will be on my own, and I would like prayer for the Lord to reveal His will for this this time, to lead me and guide me in where I should go, how I should travel, etc...Thanks!
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