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Posts posted by Mariakitty

  1. Just a few thoughts, not an interpretation...

    Is there a ministry or person you go to to receive words of wisdom, prophecy, or revelation? If so, pray for spiritual discernment!

    A Shop can = a place we go to get something
    Barbershops do hair, hair can = wisdom, growth
    Parrots = lying spirits; they can only imitate, not speak for themselves
    Elephants can = memories, or "elephant in the room" can = a sin issue no one wants to discuss, a demonic presence
    elephant is really a pig can = unclean spirit

    Just a few thoughts...please tell me if any of that bears witness with your spirit...

  2. I agree with Mark, my immediate sense was you are called to pray and intercede.

    Clearly at this moment there is a tremendous need for prayer for the Middle East, especially since the escalation of violence in Israel/Gaza the past few days; also many protests are happening in Jordan threatening to bring down the regime there and further destabilize the region.

    I add my faith to yours and PRAY!

    May the Lord continue to give you direction and clarity as He reveals His heart to you for how to intercede...

  3. Hi Mia, normally, I have a lot of very specific dreams, but lately, given some very painful events, it seems like I'm just having very chaotic, convoluted dreams...

    I'm praying protection over myself before I go to bed, reading the word before my eyes close, etc...I know the Lord will show me the way.

    Thanks for asking and praying.

  4. Hi All,

    Thank you for your prayers! Although I am not getting specific direction from the Lord, I have tremendous peace.

    One specific issue that I need some clarity on whether to spend more trying to promote my business, or just get some other kind of job since I am rapidly running out of resources.

    Please keep praying! My situation is getting crucial, BUT I trust the Lord and I know He always provides for his children!

  5. Hi All,
    My life has gone through some very painful changes recently and as we all know, so often, pain renders us blind and paralyzed to what we're being called to, whether to turn right or left, whether to even leave the house or not...Ugh!

    I'm trying very hard to fight off negative thoughts, anything that is out of agreement with the Word, the Lord, etc..I'm actively calling out to Him. I know dark seasons do not last forever and I do not want to allow it to be a distraction from what He has for me to do...

    I appreciate your prayers!

  6. Could the "faceless bridegroom represent the Lord? The Lord is always attentive to the needs of his bride. Because of your feelings for "Joe", you may be seeing him instead of seeing the Lord as your bridegroom.

    I agree with the other poster who said "Seek the Lord first"

    I felt like the Lord brought to mind this scripture:
    Isaiah 54:5
    "For your husband is your Maker, Whose name is the LORD of hosts; And your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel, Who is called the God of all the earth."

  7. Are you waiting on the Lord for an answer to a prayer for direction or for a word of some sort to help you make a decision or get on your way?
    Have you had a long season of waiting for something and "running out of gas" (energy or patience to wait) in this limbo you're in?
    Do you feel sometimes like hearing from the Lord is...well, "It's Greek to me??!!"

    Just a sense to pray for grace to endure a season of waiting, renewed energy, and clear direction/understanding.
    Also for the discernment to know which part(s) of getting to where you are going would be YOUR responsibility, and which part(s) would be for the Lord to bring to pass...
    Just a few thoughts, (I'm not an interpreter)
    God Bless,

  8. I had a season of seeing 11:11 EVERYWHERE, especially every time I'd look at the clock, (may have posted/commented here a while back as well...)

    It can mean that something is coming down to the wire, i.e. "the eleventh hour", could mean November 11th, could be a scripture verse for you (this was not only good for me to look up ALL 11:11 verses in the Bible, but help to re-ignite my hunger for the word!! )
    PRAY and ask the Lord what He's trying to highlight for you, warn you about, etc...

    God Bless!

  9. My boyfriend (IRL) Bill and I were eating at a restaurant. We were sitting in a front section, light and bright, and had a female server. We could only afford salads and an appetizer since this place was VERY expensive.

    We ate yet were still hungry, but wanted to see how much the check/bill was for before we could consider ordering anything else because we wanted to be sure we had enough money.

    I was trying to gather the money to pay. I wanted to calculate a 20% gratuity on top of the total amount and leave that much money so that I wouldn’t have to wait for change. The bill was $60 I think, and I wanted to leave $12, which would bring the total to $72.

    Our waitress was standing there waiting while I was digging through my wallet/purse for $$$. I seemed to be rather disorganized; things were falling out of purse…I found my money, and as I pulled out a few “$20’s”, I noticed that one was actually a $24 dollar bill!!!

    This $24 dollar bill was printed with crimson/maroon ink, on a creamy off-white paper that had a pale hue of that same crimson in it. The date on the bill was “1904”, and it was known that these were very rare and valuable old money bills because they were “prophetic” in that on the back of the bill, if you made 3 folds, it revealed a picture of a the big guns on the deck of a battleship, which foretold a war. We paid with other money; didn’t part with that $24 dollar bill.

    After this, since we were still hungry, we moved to a different section of this restaurant. It was a darker section toward the back, and we had a different waiter, a man this time. He seemed to know that we had just eaten salad and an appetizer in the other section; he seemed annoyed because he knew we could not afford to order a lot. We were only going to get more salad; it was either free or all we could afford.

    End of dream…

  10. First scene, I had a baby! It was mine, and I was so surprised because I didn’t even know that I had been pregnant. I heard a voice say her name was Stacy. (I later found that Stacy means resurrection, and sometimes thought to mean abundant grain, and stand strong/still like hold your ground). Bill, my boyfriend, was the father, and I was happy because I knew that he’d marry me. All of our friends were surprised too because I never looked pregnant.

    Next scene: We went to some kind of social gathering, it was in Arizona (I live on the east coast usa currently irl), and the sun was very hot and baking down on us. I was warning some other mother to be careful of her baby getting too much sun, and I could feel the sun baking Baby Stacy and me, so I pulled some fabric/clothing up to make a shade for the baby, but the sun was still able to penetrate. I was worried that we were getting dehydrated, and I would not be able to produce milk to nurse her. The only beverages at the gathering were sicky-sweet lemonade and beer, neither of which I wanted to drink.

    Next scene: There was a lush green lawn at this gathering and I lost track of where the baby was, I looked off to the far corner of the yard and there was a rabbit hutch. I went over to it and Baby Stacy was inside, eating the bunny food, (little green grassy pellets). I reached in for her, and suddenly, she became a rabbit, (small grayish brown with very silky, slippery fur).

    She wiggled out of my hands and ran around darting away from me. I was frantically chasing her and finally grabbed her rear legs and caught her. She was a baby again at that point.

  11. Hi Dreamster!
    What a cool dream!
    God likes to do "play on words" so u already realize that your "god father" can also be "Father God"... A message to you from Father God

    Another thing,
    common themes: HONOR
    1) picking someone as a god father is an honor bestowed on that man
    2) medals are given as an honor for something, valor, service, etc...

    Common Theme #2:The PAST
    Letter from person long gone, medal was wwII, type was old school typewriter...You are receiving an honor for something past, an inheritance of honor...

    Envelope w/window = you're being given a window into a message, although you don't fully understand or remember all of the contents, it has been given to you and it is in your spirit's understanding...

    Job 33:15 - 18
    In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, in slumberings on the bed; Then he opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction, He makes them turn from doing wrong; he keeps them from pride. He keeps back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the sword.

  12. Hi Dreamster!

    I'm not an interpreter but I wanted to share some thoughts...

    Bethlehem can be translated as "house of bread" or "house of meat"...I think it can symbolize a place of life sustaining provision (birthplace of Jesus, He's the bread of heaven, our life sustaining provision)...

    A cruise-liner sometimes represents large movement, or a ministry that touches many places/lands.

    Coffee keeps us alert and awake and can be refreshing...

    I think maybe you're on a journey that will have far reaching influence, but you need to know when & where to be fed and sustained and when to rest and be refreshed...

  13. For me personally, dreams with muted, dark colors tend to be from the enemy, and if I think about the content of them, the enemy is actually "tipping his hand" a bit in these dreams, and I can pray against what he's "threatening" because his plan is exposed...

    Dreams from the Lord to me tend to be more vivid in color, there's just a dimension to them that's different from other dreams, and a knowing in my spirit that He's trying to tell me something. Also the Lord tends to repeat themes to get my attention, and uses different devices, like a dream within a dream or uses a person that will get my attention, for example the sound guy at my church "Rocky" - sound guy= listen up, named Rocky = Jesus is my Rock!

  14. I'm not an interpreter, but also agree with the others here. Also I think a tirangle can represent the Father-Son-Holy Spirit and that is in the upper right corner - that's hopefully the cornerstone of this new church!

    I think also of the scripture in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 regarding the triangle shape. It speaks of the importance of relationship and the Lord being in the center of our relationships (church relationships, friends, family, etc...triangle is self, other people, and The Lord)

    Eccl 4:9-12
    "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
    Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?
    Though one may be overpowered by the strongman, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."

  15. Hi D!

    I'm not an interpreter, but just wanted to share a few thoughts...

    Hand-line vs fishing pole might represent doing things in your own strength, (you wanted a pole for next time so you might be aware of what this pertains to)...

    Fish "scales" were silver might be a play on words; "scales" also for weighing things, silver is valuable, but not as valuable as gold, so perhaps the Lord is calling your attention to "weighing out the things that come your way, things that you just seem to catch..."

    The good can be the enemy of the best comes to mind...Silver is good, but Gold is best.

    The Lord has the best in store for you and although there's always a struggle against the current, His plan for you will come to pass, just don't try in your own strength to pull it in, and weigh out what comes your way - is it His BEST for you?

    Have fun at the beach!!

  16. I'm not an interpreter but had a few thoughts to share.

    Sometimes hair is associated with wisdom, glory, righteous living, and strength in the scriptures. The color blue/turquoise (like water) can respresent wisdom and Holy Spirit. I think the Lord is telling you that you have grown in wisdom and understanding beyond what you are aware of.

    Sometimes mother represents the Holy Spirit, and I think the changes that have been made in you without you noticing have surely been by the Hand of God/Holy Spirit/Jesus.

    I think going up to 2nd level in mall & food court might represent that you're going to a higher level in the Lord, maybe feeding on the word more(?) or that's what He's calling you to - Come up higher. Surround yourself with those who will spiritually nourish you. Feed on good things; the word is by no means "fast food" in terms of spiritually nutritional value, but it is "food that's fast" in terms of growing you up in the Lord and His wisdom quickly!

    A really cool dream!!
    God Bless!!

  17. Dove-Solutions wrote:
    I think of temptation here. Just like Jesus was tempted by the devil with all the things of the world. If he would kneel before him....this is exactly what I see here. If you will commit to him (the temptation of satan) he will give you all this. The Lord is showing you in advance.

    Hope this helps for discernment.


    I agree with Dove-Solutions on the meaning. I also wanted to add that I've experienced that "de-ja-vu" thing in dreams before, and also a dream within a dream, and I can say that both are ways that the Lord "frames" a specific thing to get your attention; like how sometimes during the day something will happen that triggers your memory to even remember what you dreamt; He uses those same devices in dreams to help us to rememeber, and to take notice of things.

  18. Hi Lionheartedgirl,
    I'm not an interpreter but will share my thoughts.
    First dream seems to imply that there's an area of your life where you seem to have control over it, but something's amiss, but the Lord, your Heavenly Father is with you, and He's permitting this for a reason, maybe to learn to rely on Him in an area that you're trying to control, etc...

    The second dream may be part warning dream; are you involved in any relationships or group activity, (could be a bible study or some other area of study or activity), that is taking you into deep water, darkness, etc, even though it may seem safe or innocent enough? It could be something that just doesn't align with scripture, or whatever, but the Lord seems to be warning you that something is dangerous. Water can represent revelation at times, so is there possibly an area of revelation that you're getting into that might not be for you to cross over?

    Brother hires a plane - $600. Six (6) is the number of man, is there a brother or Christian brother in your life who might be trying to do something, could be ministry related or other..., by his own strength rather than power of God? Trying to pay one's own way rather than rely on grace?

    Sometimes mom can represent the Holy Spirit, so posing for pictures you were taking might represent focusing on Holy Spirit, (rather than what's going on around you, seeing as these were not landscape pictures even though you were at the beach)

    Please pray about these things, and PLEASE discount anything I've shared that does not bear witness with the Holy Spirit.
    God Bless!

  19. Hi Cloud Connected...

    I just want to pray for you,

    Thank You Lord for Cloud Connected and thank You that You have a purpose and a plan for his life, to give him a future and a hope, and to do him good and no harm as Your word promises in Jeremiah 29:11. Lord I ask that You will lead him and guide Him in tangible ways, that he will be empowered at every crossroads to make good choices, even choices of how to think and view himself and his life; to choose agreement with You always.
    I ask that if he is feeling discouragement or frustration, that You would be the lifter of his head as he fixes his gaze on You. Please bless him and lead him right into the center of Your will at every turn. Please encourage him Lord. I ask this in Jesus name, AMEN!

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