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king Rex

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  1. Please help me with your prayers, The LORD has promised me HIS abundance, but our financial situation is for now not healthy. I am a praying believer and do pay my tithes monthly trusting the LORD day after day that something miraculously is going to happen and lift me up to where I belong. Everything is well with my wonderful family EXCEPT our financial issues and i wonder why? Is there any sin or curse operating somewhere, makes me wonder? PLEASE SPIRITUAL DISCERNMENT CONCERNING THIS DELICATE ISSUE....HELP ME !!! I have lost all the good jobs I get and it seem the harder i try, the difficult it becomes, I am living off unemployment benefits with my wife and three kids, my wife has tried getting a job to no avail, so we have surrounded all unto the LORD. I know we are ROYALTIES in CHRIST, but believing and living the very opposite of it is difficult. So Please help us, plead our case with the LORD for us and if anyone discerns anything that we may have to pray over it please feel free to share with us. All I need is a SOLUTION... Thank you all for your help in advance ...
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