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Posts posted by Monique

  1. First - I had a dream of snakes all coming toward me but i wasnt scared . They was around my feet and legs . I looked down and saw that my legs had nips of snake bits but it wasn't deep just nips on top of skin . this guy said it time to go but we was waitin on the 2 other guys at first but now he was like its time to go . He was driving and bagged out and was driving backward I was looking forward out the window and the ground was muddy and I said you driving backward . He was like he was good at it. He went over this muddy bridge and had control the whole time. Its more to this dream but this is all a remember then it went to this

    next scene

    I was falling down something it was dark when I got to some light it was a spider web there and it was weaved good and it was 3 eggs saks and they was not hatched yet. I fell straight through it and spiders was falling down me but it was weird i didn't see any of them . I just started picking them off killing or throwing them off but still dont see any spiders I bent down and was trying to get them off my legs and notice i had 2 pair of pants on and nothing (spiders ) was there. I then ended up at this house and was asking this lady if she had something to put on spider bites and she said look in that box and she had ointment for everything and i had to go through it to try to find it .

    Then the three guy that was in the dream at that top showed up in a truck and got out . The had shot gun shells stacking with them and getting them ready.

    Then we ended up on a river where they was putting a table i think on a barge like thing on the water and there was big tall black chairs with the tall back on the chair they was putting them on the barge like thing and then the chair started sinking in the river . what ever it was they was putting the chairs on broke and the chairs was sliding in the water (brown water) then the man jumped in the water trying to get the chairs back on the barge thing and they went back in the water. then they went was swimming them to the shore . I think i was standing on land watching this because i was not with them in the water. I looked up the river and in front of the chair floating was boots . Then I heard a voice that they would tie it up , up the river because the water was calm up there . I looked up there and everything was calm up there .

    i woke up

  2. Hi, Everyone

    I have not been here in awhile. I would like to thank everyone ahead of time.

    It was things that happen before this but this is what i remember.

    I went to a doctors office and wasn't anyone there in front to help me , everyone was gone in the front . So, I went straight to the back to see the doctor. He gave me some medicine and he told me next time I had to stop in the front first( I said it wasn't anyone there in the front).

    I came back again to the doctor and again wasn't anyone in the front so I went to the back again and the doctor had his back to the door and sitting in a chair looking at a chart a guess. I walk around and he looked up and saw me and he said I told you to stop up front first and I said again there isn't anyone up there. I gave him my script. He said here take this the bottle was brown and i am sitting there looking at the bottle thinking (the last one was pills) and he said , you used to taking pills and I said yes and he said this is better. So, I was leaving and looked and saw people in the window and it was 2 ladys 1 was black and 1 was white . I looked in and said I saw the doc and she signed me in and I got a white braclet on my wrist that I had been seen or been there.

    next scene

    I went out and I was talking to this guy and then I was looking and saw like a dark place entrance where it was real dark down there and it was like i was being pulled that way and this person ran over and was talking to me and turn me around and said dont go down there and he was running me back the other way. I was then went to this bus and was driving the bus and these people was everywhere and they was like wondering around looking. I was on this bus and was making my way through the people and the people wasn't moving so its like I had to move through them and go around without hurting anyone.


    I was on a white like scooter like a motorcycle (bike) and I was riding it down this road and on my right was like a hill all the way down and not a big hill because i could kinda see over it but not much and when I got to the end of the road ( it was like a country dirt road) and I put the bike over on the side of the road like so no one could see it and then I saw alot of people that reminded me of marching in , but they formed a lines or got in formation and was standing in front of me and a person who reminded me of my coach in high school. Coach bend down to move this iron circle like a tire iron but it was brown and not sliver( what the tire go around . It looked like it but I don't think thats what it was. Then He didn't move it and move on toward the right and didn't say anything ( he never said anything but i always new what I was suppose to do) he was talking to me but I couldn't hear him. So, I moved it out the way and then there was a another round thing was barbwire around it and I moved it and then I looked to my right and there was a opening like another road or field . I looked where i had placed the bike and was looking for it and then it was grass on the hill on this side now and there was like coats on the side of the hill going down the side . Im looking like (coat covering the bike) but I saw alot of coats covering stuff. I looked pass the stuff and the coats disappeared and then I saw the front of this snake to like the middle of it not the tail, it was very faint but I saw it going the other way away from us and not towards us it was vague but i saw it.

    I woke up

  3. I have not been able to remember my dreams fully. I pray for full memory in all area's of my life and children life . I pray for understanding of those dreams . I pray for what ever the Lord wants to she me give me wisdom and speak to me to follow thru with it. I don't want to fell at what ever it is that the Lord wants or needs and I have faith in his will for my life and children's lives. Amen.

  4. Trying to get away from man trying to kill me and then this woman when I jumped down this hall like going to concession stand ( I jumped from the top of the bleacher down )then she was there coming up from the dark and he was behind me and I jumped up the side back on the bleachers and ran for the side door and everyone was dressed in blue and red . Then they was closeing doors and windows that I was trying to get out from in a gym and I couldn't get out.Every where I was trying to run they was blocking me from getting out. I saw a window up beside the side door and jumped up there and it had a screen and someone was on the other side of it looking and I was tearing the screen open trying to squeeze out the the hole in the screen before this woman come to shoot me 2 but she was up there with the man. I don't no if she shot him or not .

    I woke up sweating
    Note: I am remembering that it was dark outside when I was trying to get out the window.

    went back to sleep

    I was at my cousins house by my mother house down the road and I went down there and this guy was talking to me and I listened to this music that they had made and It was good and I don't think it was any cursing in it either. The guy who made the song was in a wheelchair and he was always in the back. He looked sad all the time and always in back or in his room. I was like why don't yall make another song and I will take it to my grandfather and let him hear it because he was in the temptation but he don't like rap music . He didn't want me listening to it. But I think I said make sure its clean. I noticed that this guy had on white tennis shoes . That 's all I could see was his legs.

    I was laying on the floor and one of my kids daddy was there all of a sudden and he was trying to have sex with me and I told him no and stop and was pushing him away and he got mad and wasn't there anymore.
    I can't remember all of it. just little here and there

  5. I was in my moms backyard and had pulled the car up to get things out and it was night I went to back door and used the key to get in and she was laying sleep on the floor and she rose and said something about us getting there then . Then I put the baby down and he was sitting on the floor beside her playing with her hair on the floor and it was long and then I looked outside and saw the drivers door was open and was thinking I need to go close the door and the cut the car off i think. I walked out the door and looked back and I saw those big silver forks stuck in the side of the door. Then I saw a older van pulling away and it wasnt a car anymore and there was no one in it . I am looking as the van was driving toward the fence in the back yard turned into a new like suv it was when it was going over the fence in the yard the 2 front wheels was up over the fence I was calling for mom I looked she was coming walking back there from in the house i could see her coming but she didn't come out and then it went over into the field in back pasture. I was looking through the back window and didn't see anyone driving it was driving itself and I was looking and looking then I saw a head as the suv was turning right he was coming back toward the house and the suv was gone. The fence was gone also.

    This other person he was walking by where the fence was . He doesnt look like the one that was driving back in the suv. I was asking him what is wrong and I was going toward him he was moving forward like he was trying to get away from me. I saw a table by the fence and it had a like real small table grill and it charcole in it and it caught on fire (it was already on fire when I saw it )by itself and then I saw some water trying to put it out . I got the water out off the ground and put the fire out . This guy was looking at me and looked comfused that i was walking up to him saying what is wrong and he went to talk and he made a weird sound with his mouth and it didn't look like he had lips when he went to speak . He made a very loud weird sound and then was about to wake up

    I heard this before I woke up.

    I heard like a child voice say when ma was pregnant she spoke( something to me it was good like blessings or something like that it was a positive thing). I can't remember .

  6. I was in my moms backyard and had pulled the car up to get things out and it was night I went to back door and used the key to get in and she was laying sleep on the floor and she rose and said something about us getting there then . Then I put the baby down and he was sitting on the floor beside her playing with her hair on the floor and it was long and then I looked outside and saw the drivers door was open and was thinking I need to go close the door and the cut the car off i think. I walked out the door and looked back and I saw those big silver forks stuck in the side of the door. Then I saw a older van pulling away and it wasnt a car anymore and there was no one in it . I am looking as the van was driving toward the fence in the back yard turned into a new like suv it was when it was going over the fence in the yard the 2 front wheels was up over the fence I was calling for mom I looked she was coming walking back there from in the house i could see her coming but she didn't come out and then it went over into the field in back pasture. I was looking through the back window and didn't see anyone driving it was driving itself and I was looking and looking then I saw a head as the suv was turning right he was coming back toward the house and the suv was gone. The fence was gone also.

    This other person he was walking by where the fence was . He doesnt look like the one that was driving back in the suv. I was asking him what is wrong and I was going toward him he was moving forward like he was trying to get away from me. I saw a table by the fence and it had a like real small table grill and it charcole in it and it caught on fire (it was already on fire when I saw it )by itself and then I saw some water trying to put it out . I got the water out off the ground and put the fire out . This guy was looking at me and looked comfused that i was walking up to him saying what is wrong and he went to talk and he made a weird sound with his mouth and it didn't look like he had lips when he went to speak . He made a very loud weird sound and then was about to wake up I heard like a child voice say when ma was pregnant she spoke( something to me it was good like blessings or something like that it was a positive thing). I can't remember .

    I woke up

    I don't no if the end was that is what she did for me or what

    imma ask her

  7. I just woke up and been running in my dream all night.

    Trying to get away from man trying to kill me and then this woman when I jumped down this hall like going to concession stand ( I jumped from the top of the bleacher down )then she was there coming up from the dark and he was behind me and I jumped up the side back on the bleachers and ran for the side door and everyone was dressed in blue and red . Then they was closeing doors and windows that I was trying to get out from in a gym and I couldn't get out.Every where I was trying to run they was blocking me from getting out. I saw a window up beside the side door and jumped up there and it had a screen and someone was on the other side of it looking and I was tearing the screen open trying to squeeze out the the hole in the screen before this woman come to shoot me 2 but she was up there with the man. I don't no if she shot him or not .

    I woke up sweating
    Note: I am remembering that it was dark outside when I was trying to get out the window.

    went back to sleep

    I was at my cousins house by my mother house down the road and I went down there and this guy was talking to me and I listened to this music that they had made and It was good and I don't think it was any cursing in it either. The guy who made the song was in a wheelchair and he was always in the back. He looked sad all the time and always in back or in his room. I was like why don't yall make another song and I will take it to my grandfather and let him hear it because he was in the temptation but he don't like rap music . He didn't want me listening to it. But I think I said make sure its clean. I noticed that this guy had on white tennis shoes . That 's all I could see was his legs.

    I was laying on the floor and one of my kids daddy was there all of a sudden and he was trying to have sex with me and I told him no and stop and was pushing him away and he got mad and wasn't there anymore.

    I can't remember all of it. just little here and there

  8. i have been thinking if this , is pertaining to this dream.

    My mom called and want to pay for us to go home for christmas. I told her that I didn't want to travel during the winter. We would always drive home during winter. Well, I told her I didn't want to come . So, She got mad and told the kids that when they get to school to tell the principle that they need to get they homework and stuff and she was leaving school early and to call her when they get out of school and one of them came and told me what she said and I told her no. She say well she tell us not to tell you things but we do. Then She called and didn't say anything about it then. Then next day she said I told the kids to call me and they didn't call me yet like I told them 2. Then later she asked if I was coming and I told her no and she was mad and hung up the phone. Then she start saying she might not be here this summer and she this and that. I have been praying about it. Well if I should go home or not . If you noticed or not she has controll issues . I am not saying I don't either but man.

    Now the kids say that I hurt ma feelings and she sad and they wanna ride the train and never been on a train before. It aint nothing wrong with us going home. They would get this and that if we go home. Well if you would read some of my other dreams and you would understand my situation but I love my mother so much. I don't want to go through the drama I am trying to put all that stuff in the past and when or if I go home now it would bring alot of stuff back up and control. Man!!!! Plus alot of other things. I have to get pass alot of things and don't think its a good time to do this right now. We can't even stay in the same house together for more than a week. lol

    I would for sure be smoking weed again. I am just being honest. I hope I don't offend anyone. lol

  9. Before I went to sleep I was asking God to should I go home for christmas . I asked to same ? last night but I havent put those dreams up yet. I will tomorrow.

    Note: I was at my grandfathers house and I was there between the ages of birth and 4 or 5 when I was a child. I havent been to this house since. He moved next door yrs later and that house is still standing but very old. We didn't have a bathroom . We used out house. In the dream it looked like the house had be remodeled or something. Updated. I also heard 3 names one was melvin can't remember the other 2 . I think those was for the beds

    This is what i remember.

    I was in the i'll say front room right by living room . I was coming through toward the kitchen and heard someone talking out back . I went through the door in kitchen and saw the back door was open . I stopped before going on back there because I saw the door open. I heading on back there and the door closed . I didnt see who it was that was back there talking but I saw a mirrow on the wall right by the door and i saw 2 back or maybe 3 but I remember 2 for sure. I turned around and went back toward the front room and I heard a telephone ringing and I didnt see anyone in the house but me but I didn't answer the phone because IRL my phone was ringing .

    I woke up

  10. I can't remember alot about this dream . This is what I remember. bits and pieces of it .

    I was with somebody or couple of people and I was flying around above building on them going from this one to that one and I was noticeing my hair was coming out in my hands when I pull on it . It was like my aunt had something to do with it. I was showing my grand mother how my hair was coming out and It was like I was going bald but I was still flying around with these people ( i don't no like i was trying to get away from what she was doing.) IRl alot of things happen with my aunt and her daughter in my life and we don't really get along but I called her before and asked her if there is anything I have ever done to her that I was sorry for it and she like wanted me to tell her what I did but I told her nothing . Which I didn't but they had done things to me but I was letting go. She told me to not call her anymore she rather not talk to me . That was fine because I didn't call her anyway IRl . I always helped her daughter because she wouldn't but that 's another story.

    Then this dream

    I was at this house with one of my kids daddy and 2 more people was there. I arguement broke out and someone got cut and it was bad but wasn't no one bleeding or anything. I saw first that kid daddy was laying on the floor and this other guy was laying behind him no cover or anything then this other white guy was in the room. Then This guy was cut and someone had to call the police to get some help because it was deep. They was telling me not to say this or that but I really didn't no what happened honestly.I was just standing around looking I wasn't even in it. Well then this police come and he asked me to step outside and he went outside and then as I was going down the stairs to go outside this guy said in my ear. Just say you don't no nothing. I said ok. Then we was outside talking and this white guy was in the tree look like and he was above us looking and listening. I think I told the truth because he didn't look happy. but I don't understand because I really don't no what happen I was there after everything happened.

    Then in the house the police was checking my knee and he was saying you are going to have to let your mother draw your social security and I said its physical( I was thinking I had to go to court or something) and he said I dont care .( looked at my knee and was it was a scar about 4 inches long ).He said the cut looks about 4 inches deep and thats deep . He had this thing that rolls across my knee and he did it on top and on bottom of this cut and he was pulling my left leg out and holding my knee and my was left leg was shakeing . Then he just pulled out my right leg and looking at it and the back of it. I think the guy was mad I told something he didn't want me 2. But I don't no what It was.

  11. Yes, I do with both of them . I have 2 girls and 17 and 16. I don't dream much about the other either.

    I also feel that way about my mother 2 . My whole family really.
    I think I am going through a cleansing of alot of bad things that happen to me when I was a child that I held in and things blew up last year. I held alot of stuff in and it hit the fan when I found out some things . I hope that these dreams are a cleansing process for me to move forward without the bad memories and anger.

    I just want what I wanted all my life LOVE and I didn't feel I had. I believe my kids feel the same way . I am now learning the LOVE of Jesus. I and not man . Instead of looking for it in my family and friends. I am looking to Jesus. I have to get my kids to do it also and recieve it . So, I am learning.

    Thanks for you opinion about it. I just was wandering and hoping it wasnt something bad now.

    I Give God all The Glory, Praise The Lord, Lord I Thank You.


  12. I walked in my apartment or house and my ex was having a party and it was alot of people there that I no from back home. I was walking through telling everybody they have to leave and my ex I was looking for him I went to the back somewhere there was a big room with a dj with turn tables and speakers and everything and he saw me and started putting everything up. Everybody was mad because I think my ex had charge them and when I saw him he held up a stack of money and then left and I didn't see him no more lol.

    Everybody just went to someone else apartment down the way and I went down there to . lol I was talking to this girl I new from back home. We was not at the party anymore we went walking.

    We went to this apartment and mary sue was laying on the floor and she was sleep or drunk I dont no but she wanted us to step over her but i wasnt going to step over or on her bed on the floor so I asked her to move it up and she raised up and we went around her and a lady was sitting on the couch and we was all talking but I dont remember the convo.the we walked out and went around to another apartment walking through like dirt and dog poo and she went in this other apartment and got this little puppy that she handed to me and it was so small at first( I was like awww so pretty, it didnt look like I had been weaned from the mother yet but it pretty fur (light brown) clean it looked shy I didnt see the tail maybe it was tucked but it was so small like you can hold it in one hand. I eyes was closed like it had been sleep. ( I was thinking I should take it but I gave the puppy back and told her to come on. That's when we left and was walking back to her apartment and Then I someone told her something and she took off running it was a fight at her apartment. I was still walking and when I saw her again she was talking about that she was trying to stop the fight and had to jump on this girl and beat her up and the cops was called and this and that happened . She was doing this and that . I think they tore some stuff up 2.

    I woke up

  13. The first dream I no I was in some water over my head I was going down and comeing up in it.

    It was alot more to it but I didn't write it down when I went to the restroom this morning. lol I hate that to cuz I think it was a good dream 2. I bet I want do that no more.

    This is the second dream .

    I went to a dresser drawer and pulled it open and I saw some dice three sets of (white) ones and a blue coat with a hole in it ( of my ex-husband who raped my daughter irl.) I looked in the pockets and it was 3 things but I only remember 1 and it was a big sucker in the shap of a tree but red and it was broke in the middle around it but it was together and wasnt falling apart. He had one red(sucker ) also walking outside. I ask him could I have the sucker in his coat and he didnt say anything looked at me but went on outside .

    I went to the car and I was looking for something and I noticed 2 purses and it was things in it. I was thinking it was moms purse.

    I was heading back and i looked and a car was heading toward me and a guy was looking at me as he passed in the car and my ex was walking out toward me and said No so you can go and be with him.

    I went back to the car and ( at first when I wrote down this dream I thought that some things was missing out of the purse but now I dont think so .) I saw that the windows was down farther then it should be with the purses in there so I let it up some and the other side was cracked alittle and it was fine. The purses was in the middle in the open .

    I woke up

  14. I dont remember all of this dream and some parts might be in different places or vice versa

    I was in this truck and it looked like a big rig . I was getting out and walked toward the back saw a coat hanging on the truck on the outside and looked around the back of the truck and saw 2 people wearing something with red in it walking back across the street to a white rv and I turned around and I saw a farm tractor . It was like a belt ( one of those big belts on front of the tractor and me and I was trying to pull it out of the water of a ditch. Everytime I would pull it up then it will roll backward and then finally I pulled it up and it was not a tractor anymore it was my daughter(look like me though)They say we look like twins. I took the coat on from the truck and put it around her and I was walking up this house (this house is a where I used to go when I was little to the babysitters) I looked at it and the house was old and this guy was behind us and we was in front of the door and I looked back and it was like he was saying go on. I open the door took about 2 steps in and it looked bad it was dirty and trash all on the floor in the room ahead of me and the room on the left was cleaner but it had alittle light in it but the room ahead of me was dark and stuff was also blowing around on the floor . I was thinking ( he just want me to come in here and clean up his house) I was thinking I aint going no farther and I didn't move .


    I was in the back yard of this house I think or another house and it looked like a garden or where they was growing things and it was 2 guys there off to a distance and it was like I was trying to make it to them or something. I really don't no but I was going like over these rows and inbetween the rows but it all was muddy and I would go under sometimes and come back up and I was trying to make it slowly then I would see the water hose. I started using water hose to clean myself off and my mom was in this like rooms of some kind and there was a little boy there and my 2 kids I think (cant remember) I was asking my mom for some jell for my hair I was wet and she had a suitecase giving the kids clothes and It didn't look like she wanted to give it to me and she was gone . she wasnt there anymore then I reach and got the jell I think .

    I woke up

  15. I don't remember everthing some parts here and there of this first part. We was doing alot of smoking(lol)WoW

    I was with my brother and we was smoking some (weed) with some other people dont remember who they are. I think we was looking for some also. I was smoking and thinking I havent smoked in a long time but I had started back now.

    Jump to church

    I was there with jr I thought that we was all there. I was sitting on the seat and then I saw this guy Fred. ( he was in one of my other dreams I posted on here where I was running behind him trying to get through logs and snakes ) . After church I went down the isle and saw him and started talking to him. I can't rememeber everything we talked about but I asked him what he was going to do later he said I think going to the movies. I said ok. I walked outside it was dark and cloudy and I was looking for my brother to leave but it looks like he left me there . I was trying to call him on my phone and my phone had low battery and was blinking and I looked up and had my phone in the air and clouds was dark (real dark) then it looked like my face on the phone was shatterd and then I was at the car that Fred and his Mother and sister and his brother( he died along time ago when we was like early 20's ) im 38 now,and this other girl and I said to Fred's mother I didn't want her to go out her way to take me home and she was going to take me home and was not leaving me there. I got in the car in the back seat with Fred . (Note:) Fred got in on the drivers side and slid over to the passager side then his sister then his brother , his mother was driving and the other girl was on the passager side. I got in on passager side in the back the car was full. I was turned toward the back in the car with my legs on the back by window and by Fred. Fred was turn toward the front like everyone else in the car except me.

    Then I was talking to Fred about my phone and looking at the glass on it being shattered. I saw he had a notebook or tablet and it was like he wanted me to pour it on the tablet then I did . I never saw his face after we got in the car. I then saw that they was asking his brother to get out and pump the gas and it was like he didn't want to so Fred was like he will go do it but his brother got on out and was walking toward the back of the car to do it then we had room in the car. Fred was sliding back over when his brother was getting back in the car and I said did I cut you (with the glass from my phone)and he said yeah and I said I was sorry. I didn't see any blood or the cut.

    Then we was back at the Church and I don't understand this how we was back at the church.

    Then his mother bagged out of the church from like the back side all the way to the street (she didn't drive out she bagged out all the way into the street)and it was still night outside ( dark and cloudy) Then we was driving forward and down the road and I said I go to that college NLU North east University of Monroe and IRL they Change the name to ULM (The University of Louisiana at Monroe) They said I no. I said I don't do nothing ,I don't have any friends or I really wouldn't do nothing . So, Im always by myself. ( oh, im turned forward now in the car and looking down the road in front of us) I looked out the window and it was daylight bright and pretty . I looked up in the sky and it wasn't dark and cloudy anymore. I was pretty blue sky's with the most pretty with clouds ( Those clouds man,was sooo white).

    I woke up

  16. It was more to this dream before this happened but I don't remember it.

    I was walking by a beautyshop and I saw I think 5 girls in there doing they hair but I think all but a couple was working there doing someone elses hair but they was also doing they own hair and it was short and some was long with one side short etc. I went by looking then i walk back by looking. I finally went in and all the girls was looking and I don't remember what they was talking about.

    This girl asked me to sit and I sit down and this other girl got mad and said I was suppose to do your hair and she started putting her stuff up mad and talking about it. I said yall told me to sit her and I did. Then this girl turned me around and I was looking out the window and she came around and was looking and she went to pull out my hair in the front to with her hand to look at it I thought to see what she was going to do with it and she before I new it went to cut and she cut not much but I stopped her right when she started to cut and no hair was falling.I am going to make it pretty she said. I didnt ask you to cut my hair and I said the last time I got my hair done this girl cut my hair . I looked down and saw she was pregnant and I said you better be glad you pregnant . I pulled where she had cut and some hair came out in my fingers and it wasnt alot but enough and I was crying , balling , I pulled her close to my face and said You cut off my Glory To God, My strength. I was just balling and she left and out the door and went across the street . She was coming back across the street but by time she was in the middle she turned around and went back. I was still sitting in the chair looking out the window waiting.

    This other lady came across the street and was doin something outside but

    I woke up


  17. Please Pray

    I am Praying for Deliverance from witchcraft,witches , warlocks, the forces of darkness etc. Can you please pray for me and my 2 children please.

    I Praise You Lord and I Thank You for Our Deliverance. What was meant for our evil make it a Blessing for Your Honor and Glory Amen.

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