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Posts posted by sharon

  1. Thank you Dreamster. I have had a look around about owls and most everything seems to have a negative connotation spiritually because of how they are depicted in the Bible. The one positive I've found was something Kris Vallotton has spoken about on Youtube:
    https://youtu.be/AD4HVRCf3hA - Owls: The Prophets Who See in the Night

    I have realised that there were a couple of scenarios in the dream that depicted mothers and daughters so I'm not too sure what that speaks of but training I think is to do with it, although training in what I'm not sure. The place this owl scene happened was on the junction of 2 roads just up the road from where I used to live a good 10 years back where there used to be a corner shop but it's now been turned into a house.

    Any thoughts, I'd be happy to hear :-)

  2. Dreamster, if that was for me then I have to say I wasn't actively a part of it, it was something I saw a couple driving in a dream going the opposite way to me on a different road.

    King Rex are you in a leadership role at present?
    Apparently, there is a difference between a cruise ship and an ocean liner. The liners go from point to point but cruise ships don't have a final destination (amongst other things). Not sure if it matters either way for the purposes of your dream.
    This is a note on Ocean Liner from John Paul Jackson:
    Ocean Liner has large impact. Oceans mean people. Ocean liners move through the ocean and they have impact and they carry people with them. So it would represent a movement or a large church or a very large strong impacting ministry.
    I think that you as captain would denote your authority/leadership.
    Could this be a personal ministry like your job? Or is a church you're currently in moving to a new location? Or could it mean you're coming into a time of rest and relaxation?
    Can you piece any of this together to make sense? hee hee

  3. My opinion is yes, the hurt/offense, etc that anybody may have caused you needs to be addressed for sure. I think because you have had more than one dream about it recently, it's something the Lord wants you to deal with now. Don't be anxious about what may or may not happen to you physically, but put your energy into resolving outstanding issues. And if you think about the worse case scenario - something were to happen to you physically - when you boil it all down, isn't it better to have your heart right with God in these things, rather than know you have these issues and not address them and meet your Maker?
    That's what I do, boil it all down, look at what remains and deal with it. I do hope my blunt approach doesn't offend you. Please forgive me. Don't let pride or anything else hold you back. Rise up above it. Pray for an opportunity and seize it quickly so that the enemy can't talk you out of it with reasonings.

  4. That's funny because a dream I had last week included a similar thing, it was a small, old (like pirate-type), wooden ship being driven on the road like a car. I would be interested to find out what a boat/ship being driven on a road means too. If you feel you get an answer, please do forward me a reply, it would be much appreciated.
    Thank you :-)

  5. Hello, just a quick snippet of a dream to see if anyone out there can shed any light.
    In my dream there were 2 large owls sitting on a fence line. It was evening, so it was dark, but there was light coming from the corner shop, which was more like an eating/drinking place and there were some mums and children on a table outside. I go to tell my youngest daughter (who is 6 nearly 7 years old) to look, when one of the owls flew silently off the fence line. So she wouldn't panic, I come up to her and turn her and say look, look at the owl. The owl remaining on the fence came and swooped to us, it's back to the road and its underparts to us, opened it's wings and furled them round us, the right one around me and the left one around my daughter. The wing around me was left slightly open, like I was being allowed/able to see her as I didn't want my daughter to panic and was looking to make sure she was alright, constantly telling her it's ok, it's alright, see it won't hurt you, etc, as she was more fully furled than I. The owl was large, very, very light reddish brown outer feathers and fluffy white underwing and body and a light coloured beak. A bit like a Barn Owl (NO sticky-up ear feather things) but large enough to engulf us both in it's wings and tall enough to stand as tall or just taller than me. (I'm only 5'1" but that's big for an owl).
    Thank you :kissyface:

  6. Re: Wiggling Worms

    by sharon on Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:28 am

    Hi Daisy
    I had a dream re white worms that I posted Sept 29 2012, in which you gave some input. I don't know where I'm supposed to go on this site to ask or chat to someone about stuff, but I just wanted to relay back to you a situation that happened not long after the worm dream that I had. The sister that was present with me in the dream - turns out she's been living with an abusive husband for some years, I was called to a situation at her house, and when I saw my brother-in-law I shouted, I was so angry, my sister said I turned white and was shaking badly (I do not display such anger normally). I didn't cuss or swear but I believe this was what the dream was showing. I have known things about him that I've kept quiet on etc in the past and I think that this was just one straw too many. So I guess I was holding on to stuff that I wasn't aware of that needed to be released(?). Although in the dream I was trying to pull them up? I won't pretend I understand these things
    I don't know if that would go in the Dreams Manifested pile or not. If it does I don't know how to do it.
    God bless

  7. Hi Daisy
    I had a dream re white worms that I posted Sept 29 2012, in which you gave some input. I don't know where I'm supposed to go on this site to ask or chat to someone about stuff, but I just wanted to relay back to you a situation that happened not long after the worm dream that I had. The sister that was present with me in the dream - turns out she's been living with an abusive husband for some years, I was called to a situation at her house, and when I saw my brother-in-law I shouted, I was so angry, my sister said I turned white and was shaking badly (I do not display such anger normally). I didn't cuss or swear but I believe this was what the dream was showing. I have known things about him that I've kept quiet on etc in the past and I think that this was just one straw too many. So I guess I was holding on to stuff that I wasn't aware of that needed to be released(?). Although in the dream I was trying to pull them up? I won't pretend I understand these things hee hee
    I don't know if that would go in the Dreams Manifested pile or not. If it does I don't know how to do it.
    God bless

  8. Hello everyone, I want to apologise upfront for the length of this, I just wanted to give as much detail as possible :hmm:

    I woke from a dream that years ago a couple (who I know irl, they owned a small construction company) had built me a house. It was old and obviously had history. It was made of stone and was rather like a castle. I don't understand how they could have built this as it was very old and no way was built by their hands. I don't know the significance of this couple, they are not believers and I do not see them irl, they left the area a few years ago.
    This old house seemed to be part castle/palace, part farmhouse.
    I saw my name written on paperwork for the house stating, 'this house belongs to Sharon --------'. We (husband, myself and I think poss. a couple of our children) went to visit the house, which had been opened to the public to visit and look around. There were 'servants' looking after the house. (I say 'servants' for want of a better word as these people all had their own functions to do within the house).

    There was an 'announcer' (he wore clothing of another period in dark red) at the inner entrance door who told us we had to be able to tell/prove who we were to gain access because if we didn't let him know, he couldn't "announce us". I bowed my head to the floor, wondering how I could possibly prove or convince him, then as I raised my head he pulled back the thick curtain and began to blow on a long, thin (herald-type)trumpet. (I can only think that it was because of our sincerity when we told him it was actually ours, that's the feel I get as there was no way of proving it).

    Going through to a garden/yard area there were men (wearing tweed and flat caps) with rifles over their arms that had just been through small openings (that were fairly concealed by the greenery and I wouldn't have known were there had I not have seen them coming back through them)leading out of the courtyard area. They had been looking for and had shot the last of some animals - pigs - small or baby pigs (although I only saw one pig and it was still standing after having been shot?).

    From an aerial view I saw that the property came with some land. I never did see upstairs, only downstairs. It seems that we were now going to be dwelling in this house/castle so it wouldn't be open to the public anymore and wouldn't need all the 'servants', like the guy on the door to announce persons in.

    After the garden/courtyard scene, we were walking down a hallway towards the kitchen, being escorted by a lady who was letting us know all about the place. I was looking to see what kind of oven would be in the kitchen. It was an old Aga/range-type oven. I was thinking how I was going to have to learn how to use it but not just the range, other things in the old house/castle as the 'servants' will be leaving and we will be running it by ourselves.
    I wondered why this couple (that I used to know irl)had made this house. They had other children (2 boys) that they had built homes for too. I don't know if I knew about it before, or after it was first built, like the others or not. I don't think I did - not sure. I also felt there could be animosity/jealousy from the sons and their wives because this was mine and not theirs, as they had taken of what was theirs years before and now it wasn't worth much, whereas I hadn't and now it was worth much.
    That's as much as I can remember, although, it feels/felt like I had seen this dream a number of times before.

    THE END :hooray:

    Last edited by sharon on Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:04 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Repost for some input/understanding)

  9. Hi to you all!
    Thank you True Flight for your input, I feel that maybe you are alluding to something of a sexual nature, would that be correct or am I taking that wrongly?
    Mia, I have not had a dream of worms before other than the earlier posting of this year which was to do with creatures that live in soil, but again, I still have no understanding of that dream either. I posted it in May 23 2012, last posting by Daisy Aug 22 2012.
    That dream was based on a change of dwelling and since then that is all I've been recording, changing dwellings, but then I got these worms. Another thing I find a little perturbing is that I used to dream alot but don't dream nearly as much and I don't know why.

    Thank you all for trying to help in this. I'm not very good at subtlety so if there is something that needs to be said thats a little 'raw' please be frank with me and say it, I'd rather that then be in a place of unknowing.


    Sharon X

  10. I 'm not saying this is of the Lord, i just thought I would respond and perhaps get your heart pumping when I tell you that when I read about the crocheted/knitted 'shoes' I immediately thought of baby booties. The fact that you said you've got a new job etc, it probably would come as a surprise if you found out you were pregnant! It certainly doesn't sound like it would be 'part of the plan' so to speak. what

  11. Hello Daisy and thank you.
    Yes I am a believer and know that healing is part of the covenant we have with our Lord. Nothing springs to mind about possibly having something I'm hanging on to that the Lord wants me to let go but I will be praying about it.
    Would you mind helping me by looking at my other postings as there was another dream earlier this year that had earthworms in it that I posted a couple of months or so back, and I've also got other postings of yesterday that ALL involve houses. I know that houses can or are representative of us, as being tabernacles of the Lord, etc. So I tend to think that the Lord is speaking to me about stuff about myself - and then I have these white worms??? I have prayed for the Lord to give understanding on these and so I hope to get some feedback through likeminded people who have experience in this area.
    Thank you for taking the time to write me back and give me your thoughts/feelings, I do appreciate it. wave

  12. Hi fellow dreamers

    Sorry for yet another posting but I just remembered....

    My last posting on here was a dream I had back in April this year which involved another dwelling and earthworms and other creatures that live in the soil.

    In July I dreamt we moved from our present home to another:-

    We had brought the house and had gone to it with the children/rest of the family. We went in through the back and when I saw the garden it was smaller and not that attractive compared to our present one and I thought "why would we want this over what we have and especially now that we've planted veg, etc", and thinking how happy those people were going to be who now have our old house. When we went inside it at first seemed like an ordinary, bog-standard house. There was a cooling-off period whereby we could change our minds if we wanted and go back to our old house but it would cost £864 or £894 - something in the 800's. I was tossing and turning it around in my head whether we should. I asked the children what they thought of it and as they were going around opening doors into rooms it became apparent that there were alot more rooms, quite large ones with period features. At one point, I was stood near the front door and a flashing light and noise went passed the house. I thought maybe it was an emergency service but when I opened the door it was a bus (a red double-decker I think). I thought "oh great, a bus route right outside our door!". It was a route that wound round the road as we lived on part of a bend of a windy road that had many houses.
    I noticed a family getting into a car (it was nightime and possibly winter). It was a family that had moved away from where we used to live irl.

    I also remember when touring this house that the roof had been kitted with lights in glass domes and a disco or bbq, I think it was a bbq and there was music playing and people getting food from the bbq. It was night time and I remember there was a spiral stairway leading me back down off the roof into the house. I awoke from the dream feeling quite happy about our purchase I think, and I remembered that I've had several dreams in which I found more and more rooms in a house.

    Also in the dream I remember a point when a dark haired girl, possibly the owner of the house before us, had walked in an area she hadn't done all the time she'd lived there and said something like, "I've found a way of getting (her child) to school that I could have been doing all this time and it would only have taken 20(?) minutes". I did wonder why she hadn't seen this way before and or how she had come across it now. I woke up happy, knowing that I've had this 'house' in previous dreams.

    Then beginning of September I awoke from yet ANOTHER dream where we had sold our house and brought one in Bulgaria.
    We were in the new house but it was horrible. I found it hard to remember the details but I got the feel that the previous owners were around (an older couple with a young daughter), in the sitting room area at least. There was something to do with the sofa cushions, the ones you sit on, they were just disgusting. I remember pulling up the seat cushion and finding old pillows or something underneath that were needing to be chucked. The kitchen was small and coloured red, black and white. I didn't get a sense of the previous owners then and that's when I asked my hubby what on earth we were doing moving to this house as it was awful (we were putting food from carrier bags into cupboards). I said it's ok for him as he had work but me and children couldn't speak the language and didn't have anywhere to go or any money. I could feel that money was tight/non existent and what we saw that needed doing in the house was going to take us absolutely ages because of the lack of funds. I remember seeing a world map and realising whatever happened in the world we were no longer British citizens and therefore didn't have the same rights anymore etc.
    The last thing I remember doing was typing into Google about where do you stand on reversing a house purchase in another country.

    So you see, this years main theme has been about houses. First up the road, then different area, then different country! But the castle/house dream is the latest one so I'm not sure where that takes us.

    All I know is God is probably trying to make something soooo apparent to me and, as per , I am just not getting it scratching chin

  13. It was a really quick dream that I awoke from breathing quite heavily.
    I dreamt I had this feeling and I was pulling something white out of the back of my mouth. I looked in the mirror and my suspicions were confirmed - I saw a bunch of white worms wriggling about at the back of my throat. I was getting hold of them and trying to pull them out. They were very strong/wriggley trying to hang on, not wanting to be yanked out. I felt that I must have been infested inside with them. I remember my sister was there. (sister sibling and sister in Christ).

    Does this suggest that there is uncleaness within me?

    My previous dream (see CASTLE/HOUSE given)had a pig in it which we know could be a carrier of unclean spirits.

    If you feel you might understand what the Lord is trying to tell me, please do share.

  14. Hello everyone, I want to apologise upfront for the length of this, I just wanted to give as much detail as possible :hmm:

    I woke from a dream that years ago a couple (who I know irl, they owned a small construction company) had built me a house. It was old and obviously had history. It was made of stone and was rather like a castle. I don't understand how they could have built this as it was very old and no way was built by their hands. I don't know the significance of this couple, they are not believers and I do not see them irl, they left the area a few years ago.
    This old house seemed to be part castle/palace, part farmhouse.
    I saw my name written on paperwork for the house stating, 'this house belongs to Sharon --------'. We (husband, myself and I think poss. a couple of our children) went to visit the house, which had been opened to the public to visit and look around. There were 'servants' looking after the house. (I say 'servants' for want of a better word as these people all had their own functions to do within the house).

    There was an 'announcer' (he wore clothing of another period in dark red) at the inner entrance door who told us we had to be able to tell/prove who we were to gain access because if we didn't let him know, he couldn't "announce us". I bowed my head to the floor, wondering how I could possibly prove or convince him, then as I raised my head he pulled back the thick curtain and began to blow on a long, thin (herald-type)trumpet. (I can only think that it was because of our sincerity when we told him it was actually ours, that's the feel I get as there was no way of proving it).

    Going through to a garden/yard area there were men (wearing tweed and flat caps) with rifles over their arms that had just been through small openings (that were fairly concealed by the greenery and I wouldn't have known were there had I not have seen them coming back through them)leading out of the courtyard area. They had been looking for and had shot the last of some animals - pigs - small or baby pigs (although I only saw one pig and it was still standing after having been shot?).

    From an aerial view I saw that the property came with some land. I never did see upstairs, only downstairs. It seems that we were now going to be dwelling in this house/castle so it wouldn't be open to the public anymore and wouldn't need all the 'servants', like the guy on the door to announce persons in.

    After the garden/courtyard scene, we were walking down a hallway towards the kitchen, being escorted by a lady who was letting us know all about the place. I was looking to see what kind of oven would be in the kitchen. It was an old Aga/range-type oven. I was thinking how I was going to have to learn how to use it but not just the range, other things in the old house/castle as the 'servants' will be leaving and we will be running it by ourselves.
    I wondered why this couple (that I used to know irl)had made this house. They had other children (2 boys) that they had built homes for too. I don't know if I knew about it before, or after it was first built, like the others or not. I don't think I did - not sure. I also felt there could be animosity/jealousy from the sons and their wives because this was mine and not theirs, as they had taken of what was theirs years before and now it wasn't worth much, whereas I hadn't and now it was worth much.
    That's as much as I can remember, although, it feels/felt like I had seen this dream a number of times before.

    [center][b]THE END :hooray:

  15. hi legacy, it wasn't insight it was just a mild case of confusion. :idontgetit:
    It seems to me from what you've described and not knowing what your relationship was like previously with your step mum, that you have dreamed what has happened in reality, except that whatever info that was contained within the will seems to have brought something out in your step mother that isn't very Godly, and it's being 'operated' on by the Lord.

  16. Hiya Daisy
    We have been digging up and also planting seeds in preparation for an area in our garden for veggies and perhaps chickens. The dream happened before we started on this but when I pull up mud and see the inhabitants, especially millipedes, it reminds me of the dream.
    Thank you for trying to help me with this and bless your heart for your prayers Bless You

  17. A couple of questions:
    1) when you say the cat was white with black and gold spots do you actually mean gold or do you mean ginger, as gold is not something you would normally see on a cat?
    2) I would like to know what an '80's shiny Chicago Bears jacket' looks like and if there is anything of significance in the imagery/memory,etc?
    3) Where was it that the cat bit you?

    I do think it was a spiritual attack, but in light of what you last said concerning what you are being tested for I think it is important for you to bring your thoughts captive to the Word of God and not allow the enemy to plant thoughts contrary.

  18. Greetings to you all!
    I had a dream a few months back and didn't record it as I would normally do. Here is what I remember of the dream:
    I have a place of my own but for some reason I'm moving in with my sister-in-law (my husbands brothers wife, who are seperated at this time in real life). It seemed that I had people (my sisters and others) telling me that it was a good move and that it was better there than where I lived. So in the dream the feeling was that I was doing it but not really feeling like I should have been, I was questioning why I was doing it when I had a perfectly decent flat (I had no husband or children in the dream). Anyway, my sister-in-law showed me around and told me what was mine and what wasn't etc. I noticed there were a couple of things that were 'environmentally friendly'. She allocated me a side of a double bed that I could sleep on and proceeded to make up the bed. (She had a bed that she was sleeping in but just in case she wanted to lay on this bed, she wanted the side she preferred, to be vacant). She made it up with a base of earth/soil then a thin mattress covered in a white sheet and then made up as usual on the top. I had been sleeping in this bed in the dream and hadn't questioned the fact that it was made up of soil, I think I just presumed it was an environmental thing.
    Her flat was located in a very built up area and there were pubs and clubs beneath where she was. Also, in the dream she only had 1 little girl (the little girl was one that I looked after in real life as a childminder, although she only appeared once or twice in the dream). I remember looking around the kitchen and there being no worktops on the units and being able to see compartments that she had hidden and stuff she had hidden at the back of drawers and cupboards so that I couldn't see them for some reason. It seemed to be a regular thing that my sister-in-law quite liked to ask people back for a drink and I remember going into the kitchen to get something and it being full of people, students I think.
    I was constantly feeling uncomfortable and wondering what on earth I was doing there when I could have been at my place, in it's quietness, spending time with the Lord.
    On one occasion she opened the front door and I realised that her property had a corridor outside leading from her front door into what seemed like an hotel, so her property was appendaged to an hotel. My dad was walking up the corridor to her door calling my name. It was obvious that he was drunk. He came in and when he saw the bed he made a flippant remark and said, " does/doesn't that have worms in?" to which I replied, "er I should certainly hope not!". At which I pushed down on the side of the mattress to expose the earth and I saw a millipede and other creepy-crawlies. I was disgusted. I couldn't believe that I had been sleeping on it and it just hadn't occured to me that it would have contained what is contained in soil/earth.

    I left the dream wondering a mixture of things. Firstly, that I was in a situ with my sister-in-law and so pondered if it meant that myself and my husband may come into difficulties within our relationship that may render us in a similar situ as them. I refuse that in the Name of Jesus Christ!
    Secondly, I wondered about my physical death. I don't believe that either.
    One thing that is evident is that a 'drunken comment' from my dad caused me to have a revelation, it opened my eyes to something that I had been blind to previously.

    Can any of you out there shed any more light on this for me please??

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