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Everything posted by xolrac2294

  1. 3BC=1x4999?.. i'll buy the mirror
  2. im selling those three items... lion dance hat deluxe feather headdress deluxe feather half mask offers?.. you want something?..pm me.. maybe i have those you want
  3. ~~~DOLL~~~ Squitty Jester doll Cactus baby Jellyfish baby Little frog doll Ox doll Penguin doll Merlin doll Orangutan doll Cat baby doll Leprechaun doll Black cat doll Bat doll ~~~FURNITURE~~~ Colosseum view window Gothic view window Clay tea light holder Pink rose basket Compass décor Easel décor Doll basket décor Pink fridge Chrome mobile Grape mirror Retro table mirror Retro oil lamp Huge speaker School locker Elegant silver jar Black rocket lava lamp Shell tea light Love heart candle Palette décor Loud speaker ~~~CLOTHES~~~ Cancan dress Cancan headress Dark Lolita dress Dark Lolita hairband Dark Lolita shoes Pumpkin dress OFFERS PLS
  4. 1X4999 IS OK? i want to give it as a gift to a friend.. they said its 4-5x4999... 3x4999 is ok for me..just want to sell it
  5. IF I SELL BLACK RUBBER DUCK how much is that?
  6. MY DARK QUEEN BED..PLS BUY IT.. offers pls.
  7. Ice throne Dark queen bed Cancan dress Cancan headress Dark Lolita dress Dark Lolita hairband Dark Lolita shoes Pumpkin dress Black cat doll Monster doll Bloody bunny plushie Ghost décor Bat doll Orang-utan doll Squitty Cat baby doll Clay tea light holder Pink rose basket Compass décor Easel décor Doll basket décor Pink fridge Chrome mobile Grape mirror Retro table mirror Retro oil lamp Huge speaker School locker Elegant silver jar Black rocket lava lamp Shell tea light Love heart candle Palette décor Loud speaker
  8. xolrac2294

    please close

    luminous angel for 20x999 and the halloween bait for 5x999
  9. ok, how many do you want, it is 4999 each. just f/r me with the note of your order please. thanks. can it be 5*999?
  10. xolrac2294

    please close

    3cc for 5x999 for the bait...pls
  11. liberty pet statue... how much? am also interested with the merpet statue..how much each?... so that i would know which will i buy..if its price will be ok with me..i'll buy both..thanks..hope you reply..
  12. i added you as a friend...ii'll buy the liberty statue..if i can do with the price..
  13. sure..I'll add you... .how much is that ?... the liberty?.
  14. xolrac2294

    please close

    how much if i buy invisible ring?...its 10 cc
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