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Posts posted by BelovedoftheLord

  1. What would a broken car key symbolise. In my dream i needed to jump into the car and make a quick getaway but i discovered the car keys were broken in half and i had to run on foot to get away from the 'bad guys' that were after me.

  2. Thoughts on this dream welcome:

    Im in a bus that has lost control, not even sure if there is a driver. The bus is spinning and looks like its going to crash into some red fire engines parked nearby. Im with somebody else in the bus, i dont know who. The bus has a long passage-way leading to the door which seems to be the only escape route for me, some rescuers are waiting for me at the door. But the escape route keeps contracting and for a while i cant get through. Eventually it opens up enough for me to begin my escape.

    Terrifying dream it was....

  3. Hi Sister - I have heard that kissing can symbolise agreement.

    I have had 2 dreams in which my attackers wanted to kiss me forcibly on the lips. In the one dream my attacker did kiss me and he had red bloodied lips and i woke up immediately filled with absolute fear and panic crying . In the other dream i shouted in Jesus s Name a couple of times and he let me go. nerd

  4. Have read somewhere that cellphones represent communication etc. I would appreciate additional thoughts on this. I have had a couple of dreams in which someone is trying to steal my phone, but they dont succeed and others where my cell phone is missing but i later find that i had it all along.

    thougts welcome

  5. Had this short dream, I have an idea as to the meaning but i would be interested in additional thoughts:

    I am standing in front of a blackboard with a piece of chalk in my hand. I want to write the phrase "God, you are my God" but i cant seem to get the spelling of the word "God". After about 2 attempts and failing to get it right; it seems like its time to go.

    Dominant feeling was one of frustration at not being able to do something so simple.

  6. Funny, i also had a dream similar to your second one in which hubby was playing soccer with the kids on the highway with cars whizzing past - heartstopping for me! At one point a car missed my daughter by a whisker and i knew in the dream that was God's grace. My take on MY dream was that hubby was maybe unknowingly exposing the family to some kind of danger so i took it as a warning dream and prayed for the safety and protection of the family!

    ....sorry cant be of more help! I pray that God will give you the understanding you seek!

  7. Thanks for the responses. Well i am not given to anger or rage IRL even under emotional pressure so that was very uncharacteristic of me. I understand though that emotions can be greatly exagerated in dreams. I will continue to pray for understanding.

    Dee; Yes occassionally my kids do intrude on my prayer time but i dont mind - its nothing out of the ordinary, i accommodate that!

    Any other thoughts?

  8. Thanks for all the responses; thanks again for the study Daisy it is quite interesting. Like i said above i think the dream did manifest in a situation in my life BUT i was wondering why the name Philip was so prominent since it means nothing to me. If im right then Philip is a demonic character or entity (black clothes and all!)

    Angelwings - yes i was quite startled by the intruder, he did not just leave, he kinda disappeared into the house then the scene changed to where im looking for him outside in the yard with the metal coat hanger. I went out looking for him not so much coz of him knocking me down but coz was he was an intruder and i had to get rid of him - like he had no right to be there.

  9. Hi Greyfort; thanks for responding. It is possible that the dream did manifest soon after i posted. Phillip turned out to be negative situation involving my husband which i was unaware of. When it came to light, it literally knocked me off my feet for a while and as in the dream my husband was quite casual about it maybe not realising the gravity of it....I still dont understand all the symbolism completely like why the name Phillip, etc?

  10. I know that being naked can mean vulnerability, exposure etc but i would be interested to get additional thoughts on this dream: My kids walk in on me while im taking a bath (on purpose, just for fun!) I am sooo angry i grab my bath towel and instead of covering up i beat them with it. The overall emotion in the dream was one of ANGER....

  11. Great insight FP; looking at it i see there are some issues in my life where God has been taking soooo long to respond and make right the wrongs. I think it may just be that coz He gave me Ps 37, "wait patiently for the Lord and fret not....."

  12. Hi FreeP, thank u for your response, i do agree with your take on the dream ie that God is going to grow me and reveal different parts of Himself etc. In fact, i hv had other dreams to this effect! What do u think about the number 5 though. Mia teaches that numbers in dreams are literal not symbolic, i believe this as well. Maybe it is indicative of a time period...

    Thanks again!
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