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Posts posted by BelovedoftheLord

  1. Sometime ago i had this dream. I have an idea as to what it means now but would be inteterested in getting additional thoughts:

    There was a grey closet in the corner of my bedroom in which a demon lived - i did not open the closet but i knew it was there; i saw it in my mind s eye. I did all i could to cast the demon out but it did not budge, it just stayed put. I got some prayer partners (3 ladies that i pray with irl) to help me but they were just uninterested and pre-occupied with other things. The closet was also right next to my daughter s cot and i remember being worried about her safety in the dream and hearing in my heart the voice of the Holy Spirit assuring me that she was safe from the demon - or something to that effect!

  2. I know babies mean new things and all that but what is the significance of the baby s race being emphasised in the dream. I was with a Jewish baby, the parents (very well to do rich Jewish couple) of the baby were there as well but were not interested in their baby and the baby was very attached to me.

  3. Thank u so much Mark and Connie for responding. Your thoughts are a confirmation of what i too felt the dream meant. I had this dream just before some emotionally traumatic events in my life which left me feeling knocked down. During this time the word has been my anchor - literally!

    i was not sure about the shoes, i totally agree about the unpreparedness for the flight but i also thought the shoes could be about my marriage which is the subject of the emotional trauma! Will continue to pray!

    Thanks again!

  4. Insights welcome!
    I had a dream in which i bought some LOVELY (like out of this world - felt like that in the dream) food. As soon as i bought it, and start to walk away from the food outlet, a scuffle (cant see who with) ensues during which im knocked to the ground. When its over i get up and realise i have lost my food and my shoes. I look around and find my food still intact but i cant find my shoes. I look around for a while but eventually have to give up coz i have to go catch a plane with my kids who are already in the plane waiting for me. scratching chin My sister is with me throughout this time but is more of an observer than a participant.

  5. Thanks Lola for the incredibe insight. Yes indeed in my dream there was even an air of arrogance and/ or aggression about the New Yorkers which made them stand their ground and refuse to be held hostage any longer! :glory:

  6. Thank you for responding Connie.That is sooo moving.

    It really does help with insight as to what i feel the general theme of the dream is about - liberation/freedom. Another question - is there anything about New Yorkers that makes them kinda stand out from the rest of Americans (or the world for that matter)?

  7. Dream: im going through my closet with my sister and showing her 3 green dresses of mine; as im showing her the dresses i realise that there are actually 5 as there are 2 which i had forgotten about. The dresses are all slightly different shades of green with different designs and textures of material (at least 1 being linen) as well and are really beautiful!

    Green is not a colour that I particularly like irl but in the dream i loved it!


  8. What do snails symbolise in dreams? I remember walking thru a moist field and seeing a couple of snails but knowing that there were lots more under the soil. I had to walk with care so that i would not step on them (gross!!!). I however stepped on a strawberry, and it messed up the sole of my shoe.

  9. What would the City of New York symbolise.

    I dreamt that a big group of us (men, women & kids of all races) were prisoners that were going to be executed and were sitting under heavy gaurd (the guards looked quite demonic). Then we were told that all New Yorkers were free to leave. The gaurds were quite angry about this but it seemed like they just had to let us New Yorkers go!!!!

    Any thoughts??? IRL, i live in South Africa, never been to New York, know nothing really about New York so i cant quite understand the symbolism of it in my dream or am i missing something...

  10. Ok this is my dream:

    Im crossing a river on a narrow concrete foot bridge that is submerged, like its under the water. (So im walking on this bridge but half my body is submerged in water. )Im carrying some heavy bags on the left shoulder and a baby girl on the right hand (baby resembles my 18 month IRL, maybe it was her, not sure). The water is quite dirty and moving forward is really a struggle. Eventually when i m close to the other side the struggle becomes so intense, i feel like im losing balance and i have to let go off the things im carrying to regain balance. I decide rather to drop my baby into the water just for a few seconds to regain balance. In my heart i know she will be fine. I drop her and she sinks, then i pick her up just before she reaches the bottom. I continue with my crossing. 2 security gaurds have been watching me from the other side and 1 of them jumps into the water and takes my bags and i immediately get to the other side.

  11. Mia; you are such a blessing - God bless you! Im currently going through a trial with so much emotional turmoil that it seems like dreams are the only way the Holy Spirit is getting through to comfort and reassure me and give me strength to keep on fighting the good fight of faith.

    Some things you share about dreams seem basic but they are sooo insightful. i had given up on ever really understanding my dreams but one day i came across your articles which totally demystified everything and made me realise God actually WANTED me to know what He was speaking to me thru dreams. Im still on a journey of trying to understand my dreams but now i see light at the end of the tunnel. woo hoo

  12. Thanks for the responses guys, Is is possible though that it may be change taking place in my life. These dreams were 2 to 3 months back. I am currently going through a trial in which i do feel almost overwhelmed at times and if it had not been the LOrd on my side then i dont know what would have become of me! After its over my life as i know it will be gone.

  13. Diane;

    I have had 2 dreams in the last 2 to 3 months in which i died. In the one dream i was sitting on the floor in my bedroom with my kids around me then i felt like i was dying, i could not breathe etc. I tried to tell my kids to run and call their father who was in the lounge but they could not hear me...then i died.

    In the second dream i was in a room where i was trying to switch on a gas machine of some sort, then gas started leaking and i could not breathe. I was with someone whose face i could not see. I tried again to call to this person for help but they could not hear me and i was overcome by the gas and seemed to die.

    Both dreams left me quite shaken but i did pray earnestly on and off afterwards though i never really did get the intepretation.

  14. Not quite. I was thinking along the lines of what Mia said - that if an animal is acting like a human in a dream then it most likely represents a person and i think it makes more sense when i look at it in that way. What i need confirmation or additional thoughts on is WHY a zebra; what makes it significant etc.

    Thank you for responding Daph, much appreciated!

  15. ok this is the dream: Its in the evening and im in the kitchen in my home, I open the back door and a man runs in and disppears into the house. He is dressed in black and knocks me flat on the ground as he runs into the house. As i try to get up, my husband who is watching all this from the lounge says to me casually "Oh thats Philip" . I get up and get a sharp wire coathanger as a weapon and look for the man but dont find him in the house, I then go outside to look for him in the yard with 2 male cousins. All the while my husband remains seated on the couch in the lounge like nothing happened!!! End of dream.

    Any thoughts???

  16. Im with a goup of people - maybe 5 ( only recognise 2 though) and we r sitting in a car. A zebra appears from nowhere by the open car doors (its like 2 doors that open outward ) and stands on its 2 hind legs, the front legs in the air. Everyone is apprehensive and trying to shoo the zebra away but it stays there, its looking at me, im like the object of its attention really more than anyone else. It moves towards me and seems to sit on my lap (like the way a baby would sit, facing forward, away form me. I wake up!!! scratching chin

    Any ideas
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