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Posts posted by tjw

  1. I remember just bits and pieces of this dream from this morning:

    There was a small baby in the crib who I thought was dead. It was cold and bundled up in a fetal position. But when I went to touch it it became very warm. At first I thought it was still dead but as I held it, its eyes popped right open showing me that it was alive! I was so excited I went to tell my family that I brought the baby back to life. I was amazed because the baby had been dead for a week and a half. It was a true miracle that the baby was alive again....

  2. I was at a convenience store trying to use an ATM but was struggling trying to get the buttons to work right. I was at the end of my rope with frustration. I prayed to God to help me and soon a young girl showed up. She was boisterous and loud and I found her annoying really. But she took over and manipulated the buttons and I was then able to complete my transaction. I remember being grateful at the end for her help as I my annoyance with her almost caused me to not let her help me. Next I was ready to go but once I stepped outside of the store I realized it was getting late as it was almost dark. I became afraid because I was going to walk home which was a few blocks from the store but the path home was along a dark path. I envisioned my husband and kids being really worried as I had been gone longer than I should have. I started praying to God to help me. All of a sudden a happy go lucky lady who was singing and jogging came up on the dark path home behind me and told me she was going my way. I was relieved as I realized she would be jogging right past my street so I would have someone to be with me on my way and I wouldn't be alone...

  3. I remember just bits and pieces of this dream from this morning:

    There was a small baby in the crib who I thought was dead. It was cold and bundled up in a fetal position. But when I went to touch it it became very warm. At first I thought it was still dead but as I held it, its eyes popped right open showing me that it was alive! I was so excited I went to tell my family that I brought the baby back to life. I was amazed because the baby had been dead for a week and a half. It was a true miracle that the baby was alive again....

  4. OMG I just realized this dream came true at least part of it. Just recently Michelle Obama was asked to speak at a high school graduation and the parents of the seniors were upset she was the invited speaker because they thought it would be disruptive and take away from the importance of the occasion. This happened a few weeks ago. At that time I remember feeling a bit annoyed about this whole event wondering why her coming was a problem. She cancelled her speech due to the uproar about it all too. The part about President Obama not sure though....amazing....

  5. I dreamed this morning this:
    I was preparing to take a shower in a school like setting. There were others I had to compete with to get my own shower stall. I went about gathering up my supplies to use in the shower such as a shower cap, towels etc. Some of my supplies were a bit ragged not the best in quality but I had to use what I could find. Unfortunately by the time I was ready all the stalls were taken. I set out down a long hallway to get to something like a principal's office. I went in and asked the ladies there if I could use the available shower stalls they had as there were some inside their office. The office ladies said no that none were available. I was disappointed and left out closing the door behind me. As I turned to leave down the hallway one of the ladies stepped out and quietly gestured to me by winking her eye and pointing to a closed door nearby. At first I was puzzled as to what she meant but went and opened the door and to my delight was a brand new private bathroom with shower. It was so new I could smell the fresh paint on the walls. I was happy I had the place all to myself and proceeded to lock the door so that I could have my shower....

  6. Only remember bits and pieces from this one today but here goes:

    I had been diagnosed with a thyroid nodule. I would need to have a thyroid ultrasound so that the doctor could have closer look at the nodule and so I had to stand in a long line in a crowded gym like area to be given a paper approving me to have the ultrasound done. The place was big with many people there in lines. As I moved up in the line almost getting to the front suddenly a very tall handsome man (he looked like Stedman, Oprah's boyfriend) who stood behind me put his arms around me in a hug. He then announced to everyone around that I was the perfect one for what was needed. He stepped out of line and went over to a large movie like projection screen to show everyone my abilities and features to prove his point. People around started talking and saying wow and noticing me.

    Another part of the dream: I was outside a large school. People were coming in and out the side door of the school. My old high school friend IRL came outside the side door too excited talking about how easy the process was to order her school books. A lady stood with us to hear how our progress was going. It seemed I was there too to get ready for school and get myself situated for classes. The lady stood with me to help me get prepared. I was encouraged that my friend was getting the help she needed and I was going to do what she had done by going back in the school building to follow-up.

    At some point in my dream I remember thinking how I needed to remember this dream and got out of bed in my dream and started typing on the computer what had happened in my dream......

  7. This morning I dreamed that I was in a wide open field with my family and pet dogs including a bunch of other new dogs I had adopted into my family. There were other animals like cows milling around further out around us. It was a beautiful sunny day. All of a sudden my cousin walked up to me and warned me that we were surrounded by wolves and needed to run. I looked around and realized that afar off there were many many wolves that on first glance appeared to blend in with the other field animals as they had light brown coats and almost appeared like friendly dogs. They did not look like the scary black wolves that you normally see on tv. On closer inspection you could see that the wolves were circling us from all sides stealthily like we were prey. I called for my dogs but they were so far off in the field near the wolves I could not retrieve them in time. I was only able to grab up one tiny Chihuahua, one of the new dogs I had adopted so along with my family we made our escape. The wolves did not get us although I was not able to get all of my dogs to safety.....

  8. I dreamed last night a bee, sometimes it was a bumblebee other times a wasp, was being pesky flying around near my back door (the door was made of clear glass that you could see through) and I would swat it away and open the back door to swat it out. Then when I closed the door it would somehow be back in the house. The last time I swatted it away and out the door it didn't get back in and it never bit me. I was never afraid of it. It was more a nuisance and pesky than anything....

  9. Dreamed this dream this morning:

    I was about to leave the room to go do something with my friends when suddenly someone with a crowd of others running behind came bursting in the room frantic with a little baby wrapped up in a blanket who was not breathing and needed help. The room turned like into a surgery room or ER room. I assisted a doctor who rushed up to intubate the baby to help the baby breathe. The doctor had me running to get stuff to assist him as he tended to the baby. I felt a bit clumsy and nervous as I ran around getting things to help the doctor. I was afraid I would do something wrong. But I helped the doctor get the baby situated and the doctor left me alone with the baby to finish caring for it. The baby looked so frail lying in its ICU bed but was getting better as it received oxygen. He looked up at me with big blue eyes and grabbed my finger and began to talk to me. I can't remember what he was saying. The baby was happy to have me there and I felt good that I had helped save him....

  10. Yes we watch geographical animal shows sometimes and if there are snakes on the tv I may exhibit fear about it. She knows I hate snakes. Also she watches some Disney shows that I am kind of on the fence about. I can see some witchcraft themes intertwined in the shows, ie ghosts, "cute" witches/warlocks kids with "powers". The Holy Spirit has been showing me this but I have not been more proactive about monitoring all the kids shows she watches. I will do better. Plus I won't be watching shows showcasing ferocious animals that tend to scare me and thus scare her anymore. I will be prayerful about all this....Thanks for your comments...:)

  11. My 5 year old daughter has come to me twice now in the past month to tell me she has dreamed of seeing snakes on the floor in our house. The dream from today she says occurred where she was sitting watching television in the living room and she saw snakes on the floor. She did not get bitten but she said she was scared. In the first snake dream she mentioned that she saw some snakes on the floor in the kitchen and then at some point she saw her daddy around who looked like a ghost but then at some point wasn't a ghost...She did not get bitten in that dream either....

  12. Only remember bits and pieces from this one today but here goes:

    I had been diagnosed with a thyroid nodule. I would need to have a thyroid ultrasound so that the doctor could  have closer look at the nodule and so I had to stand in a long line in a crowded gym like area to be given a paper approving me to have the ultrasound done. The place was big with many people there in lines. As I moved up in the line almost getting to the front suddenly a very tall handsome man (he looked like Stedman, Oprah's boyfriend) who stood behind me put his arms around me in a hug. He then announced to everyone around that I was the perfect one for what was needed. He stepped out of line and went over to a large movie like projection screen to show everyone my abilities and features to prove his point. People around started talking and saying wow and noticing me.

    Another part of the dream: I was outside a large school. People were coming in and out the side door of the school. My old high school friend IRL came outside the side door too excited talking about how easy the process was to order her school books. A lady stood with us to hear how our progress was going. It seemed I was there too to get ready for school and get myself situated for classes. The lady stood with me to help me get prepared. I was encouraged that my friend was getting the help she needed and I was going to do what she had done by going back in the school building to follow-up.

    At some point in my dream I remember thinking how I needed to remember this dream and got out of bed in my dream and started typing on the computer what had happened in my dream......

  13. I dreamed recently that I was a friend of the Obamas. Michelle Obama had an important conference she was to speak at. When we arrived at the conference we saw that no one showed up. The entire stadium where it was to be held was empty. She was not too worried about it but I was upset and wondered why this wouldn't bother her...then President Obama was to hold an engagement too at some important place. The same thing happened, no one showed up. He also was not too concerned. He was more concerned about what was going on with me in my life....???

  14. I realize what this is...thanks Whiteshadow.

    I get encouraging words with scripture reference each day via email from my church. I would read them every morning. It served as a daily uplifting for me especially when I would get discouraged about stuff. About a month or more ago the emails seemed to stop coming. I forgot I had been getting them. I realized just recently that I had made a folder in my email account for these church emails. They started being dropped into the folder and I neglected to check the folder. I remembered just a few days ago about it....:)

  15. LadyonFire 217 wrote:
    Just a thought tjw, but can you see the characteristics you listed about your daughter being in you? Were you raised or learned to be compassionate and to stand up for the little people, but for whatever reason, the devil is trying to intimidate and scare you into not being compassionate and caring to the degree you once were?
    My feelings are that since your daughter is neither a baby or sleeps in cribs, the dream is symbolic of something or someone.
    Or could it be that you wanted to be compassionate and able to stand up for the little person when you were young but were not strong enough in will to do so? However as you grew you began to do what was always in your heart to do and now you are being intimidated by the evil one and are beginning to feel the way you once did as a babe in Christ?
    I see holding onto the crib as not letting go of what one was "trained" to do. Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. Spiritual training and truth that you will not let go of.

    Just some thoughts. I pray they are helpful. Praying for you. Love ya, Marian

    scratching chin Not sure about this being about me but will ponder this some more...
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