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Posts posted by musicladyalways

  1. Please be in prayer for supernatural financial help for this ministry and also for Mia Sherwood. Any size donation will be greatly appreciated. I will give something.. No matter how small or large it is for this ministry.. Please keep this ministry up in prayers. Being in ministry full time is very hard. I know we all love Mia here. Let's put it in to action, with prayer, encouraging notes and/or financial blessing. If you do not know how to give please ask one of the wonderful Moderators here.

  2. II was a my mothers house on her patio. My middle son was out with me. He was there playing in the backyard and came on to the patio. I somehow found some keys which belonged to my mother out there. I heard someone (not sure who) say something about getting the keys. As I picked up the keys and began to ask my middle son to get the keys.. I saw the snake. It looked like a East Texas Rattle snake. My son took the keys and shook them. I backed away slowly and told my son to come in.. he did not come. I kept telling him to come and follow me and he did not. The moment he shook the keys the snake began to move forward. It looked as if it was coming to me but it went for my son instead and bit him on his left shoulder. He screamed. I took my hand and pulled him by his shirt inside the house. My son stood inside in a daze. As quickly as I finished pulling him in, the snake had moved swiftly to the door just as I locked the gate. He was staring like he was out to get me or and get in the house. He just stood at the door raised up looking. I then went away from the door and was getting ready to call the ambulance so my son could be rushed to the hospital. I then saw my son go to the emergency room in a vision and he was quickly taken care of. He was okay.

  3. This sounds like: you have a special calling on your life. The enemy has hated who God has destined you to be before you were conceived. He and his emps know you will put a dent into their plans. The books seems to resemble them looking for you to appear. . Like in the bible when pharaoh ordered all the first born children to be killed because they knew moses was coming. Be careful when you speak.. be aware of new connections and relationships.. be watchful and slow to speak. Devlop a deeper prayer life. You shall be fine. Do not be afraid .. for God has not given you the spirit of fear but of power AND of sound mind!!! If you ever need prayer the moderators and Mrs. Mia Sherwood are here for you. I love you and am here for you as well.

  4. I was at a football game by myself. I went to the bathroom. When I came out there were many doors. I wondered why there were so man doors just to get back to the football field. I just wanted to sit back down.. I just guessed a door. That door brought me across the street of the football field. I was like.. How in the world did I get over here. I looked up and there was the field. I saw a woman come next to me and said where is the football field as the woman tapped me on the shoulder and told me the football field was over there. I said I know. But how did I get over here. (The grass was green on both sides I noticed.) I walked on over to the football field. The football field had no game going on. There were people sitting there like they were waiting for something to begin.

  5. My mother's garage was huge. It had some guys in there standing and talking. I came in and was looking at all the shoes someone had donated. They guy who was over the project says: it looks like these wonderful shoes came from India. (As in someone purchased them in India. They were tennis shoes) I went around searching for a shoe I could fit and could not find one but I was amazed at how the shoes were so nice and wondered why no shoes were in my size.

  6. LOVE YOU MIA!!!!! God sure does know how to confirm Himself!!!!!! Oh How I LOVE HIM!!!! Every since we talked a while back.. I have begun to be able to interpret most of my dreams. When I pray he sends answer through a dream and I have also been able to dream answers to others decision-making choices!! My discernment has really kicked up a notch!!

  7. Scratch Chin I am on a plane On my way to a destination. (Not sure where) The plane was full to capacity. On the way to the location, without warning, a fire begins at the front of the airplane where the pilot drives. (The pilot was just as shocked as we were about the plane) The plane started going down.. As it was going down. I began to use my weight to shift the plane so we could land in a safe place since no one else was doing anything to help besides the pilot. We ended up landing in the middle of a field, (like in old country times), in a portion of a corn field. After we landed everyone looked out to see if it was safe to get out. Everyone got out and I ran to the pilot and jumped in his arms and said thank you thank you so much! He said, oh for what? And smiled. He said, I was just doing my job. He began to leave and I asked him where he was going. He said he was going to some state and he was walking there. I said, I am going with you. He said where are you trying to go.. I said Texas he said no one is going that way. I wish you would have told me.. I just gave a plane ticket to that guy. I looked up and there was a guy who had long coat on holding on to the side of a black limo, he jumped off of it and then started walking in the middle of the highway. From the time he said he was going to leave up until the end of the dream he carried me.

    I had this dream before and ended up living in the country, walked a dirt road, hid from danger because someone was trying to put people in slavery/kill them, I met a family and ended up staying with them. We helped each other out and ended up making new friends.

  8. I just want everyone to be in prayer with me for Mia, she does so much for others and God really uses her. I am praying that God will fufill her every want, need and desire. Also, that he would give her more strength and sends her all of the help she needs for ministry, family and financially. This was on my heart a few days ago and I could not get on to type it. Thanks!!!!!
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