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Everything posted by exo152

  1. My daughter dreamed another dream concerning our son just last night. In this dream our relatives had moved back to our location, but were in the process of moving back to where they live now. They had two large trucks, one a panelled moving van and the other a large, open truck. Both were heavily packed. Our son was riding in the panelled van with our relatives and we were following in the open truck. Our relative's small children were riding with them, but they were dangerously unrestrained and were climbing all over the truck and hanging out the windows, etc. Even climbing outside the truck and climbing back in. At one point they saw us following and the little girl excitedly told her brother (our children have always been close). He was sad and said, "no, we are never going to get to see them again." But then he saw us too and they both climbed from the front truck to the open one and rode with us the rest of the way.
  2. [url=Dreams Interpreted]Daughter's dream concerning our son[/url]
  3. We have been interceding for our son for weeks now. He is our miracle child, born to us after many a diagnosis that we would never be able to have children. Before his conception, and as I carried him the Holy Spirit gave us many prophecies concerning his future. We kept these things in our hearts, wanting him to hear from God himself. A couple of years ago he came to us, and confessed he was called to ministry. For a time he did well, was annointed and excited and bearing much fruit. Then he was asked to join up with another branch of ministry, which he did. This other ministry began to suck the life from his first calling, and he eventually laid the first down. The second ministry quickly became a secular venue and withered away. He has since said he wants nothing to do with ministry at all. Feeling like his life was going nowhere, he moved out of state to get a job and live with relatives. We were concerned since the relatives he has chosen to live with, although in the ministry themselves, are not strong in the Word of God, are somewhat flakey in thier teachings and are extremely manipulative people. They have been encouraging him to do things that are clearly wrong according to the Bible, saying it will be a great witnessing tool in his life. He doesn't realize how manipulative they can be (we never shared with him the problems we had with them in the past) and he trusts and respects them. (The Holy Spirit has shown us that they have a "territorial" spirit where my son is concerned). We recently (by accident or the Holy Spirit?) intercepted a message they had sent to our son when he was home for a visit and it became clear to us that they were trying to turn him against us. We had known it in our spirits but that was an unexpected confirmation. We confronted them about it and the man apologized while his wife lied her way around it. Since then our son hasn't responded to our texts and does not call. If we call him and he is alone, he sounds like his wonderful self. If one of them is with him when we call, he sounds as if the conversation is awkward for him. He recently told me he is putting out fleeces to see if he is really where he is supposed to be, so we realize he is questioning things. Our daughter, in the meantime, has always been a dreamer of dreams. From the time she was a toddler she has very vivid, very spiritual dreams. Just last week she dreamed that we were at my mother-in-law's house and our son was with a former girlfriend. This girl is very pretty and a really sweet Christian girl. They were talking together and were clearly back together. But then a knock came at the door and it was another one of my sons former girlfriend. In real life he had dated this girl for a couple of years, had talked marriage and future, but he broke up with her because she wasn't truly committed to Christ and she was verbally abusive and controlling. The dream has given me hope that our son is returning and will be restored to the place God has ordained for him. Please intercede with us that when he does God will strenghthen him against temptations that will try to take him away. Thank you!
  4. Thank you! I just talked to my son this weekend (I called him) and he confessed he'd been putting out some "fleeces" to see if he was really where he was supposed to be. I see the need on his part to put out a "fleece" being the tug of the Holy Spirit on his heart. Please agree with us that God will clearly show our son His will and that the enemy won't manufacture those fleeces instead. Thank you again for the encouragement! I have needed it!
  5. Please join together in prayer with my husband and I for our son. He was born a miracle child (I was not supposed to be able to concieve nor carry a child full term). The Lord gave me many promises through the years for him, before his conception, during the time I carried him and after his birth. Just two years ago he came to us and shared that he knew he was called of God to minister (we had never shared the prophesies the Lord had given us about him, wanting him to hear God for himself). He began ministery and was excited, annointed and doing well, when he was asked to help in another ministry during his off-time. He jumped right in and soon became sucked completely into this other ministry, which just as quickly became a secular venue instead of God-lead. He lost his passion for ministry and even today will say he will never do ministry again. He is now living with a family member who greatly influenced him when a teenager. This man and his wife are in the ministry, but they are not strong in the Word and are very flakey in thier teachings. What is more they are very manipulative and controlling. We discovered, by accident (or the Holy Spirit) that this man was counseling our son against us, trying to drive a wedge between us and him. They have been encouraging him to do things that are ungodly and rebellious, saying it will be a great witnessing tool. Our son is naive and trusting and has strong soul ties to this man and his wife. We confronted them with what we had discovered and the man apologized, but his wife clearly lied about it all. Now our son isn't even contacting us or responding to texts. Please pray that God open his eyes to the truth and draw him back to his true calling. Thank you so much!!
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