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Posts posted by LadyDi

  1. Hi everyone!

    I have been a SAHM for 33 years and have not worked outside my home in all that time.

    I had a dream last week that I was walking along and came to a place and there was a man who was squatted down looking at something very intently. I said, "You look like Jack ______." (In real life, I was an executive secretary for this man's very successful company, before I was married).

    (Back to the dream) The man immediately looked up and said, "You know Jack _____?" I said, "Yes, I used to work for him."

    I knew it was a big deal to him that I not only knew Jack _____, but that I worked for him. Then, the man started telling me that he needed someone to oversee his 9 employees and was asked me if I wanted to work for him.

    End of dream. :)

  2. Hi all :)

    I woke up from this dream this morning. My husband and I were in a car and he was driving me to the hospital because I was having a baby (which would be impossible in real life). Someone called him and asked him if he was going to bring by the money for the land that he said he would invest in with them. He told the person that he couldn't right now because he had to get his wife to the hospital because she was about to have a baby. I felt that he was trying to avoid giving the money for the land by using my pregnancy as an excuse. I knew there was time to drop off the money, so I said to him, "There's still time to do that before I have the baby." I wasn't concerned at all about having the baby on the way because I knew there was still plenty of time.

    He then decided to take the money to the friend for the land.

    Then, after the dream, in real life, my mother sent me a text saying that she had a hard time sleeping last night and woke up at 5:20. That is the exact time my first child was born and the Lord has used it at other times when he was confirming a spiritual birth of some kind.

    Blessings and thank you for any input the Lord may give you.

  3. Thank you, Deborah! Yes, I actually do have an evangelistic call on my life and am ALWAYS trying to talk to people and warn them about hell. It is a HUGE burden in my heart.

    Cholette, thank you, that is very good to know. Please pray for me!

    Another interesting possibility that I felt the dream might be connected to also is the fire that just killed the 19 firemen in AZ. It happened only an hour and a half from where we live and my friend (in the dream) that had just moved, is a couple hours away in another direction from where it was. When the news reported that the men had been consumed and that the fire overtook them very quickly, I immediately thought about the "people" who were in the "kitchen" area (although I didn't see any appliances or anything, but was guessing) and realized they were ALL men. I can't say there were 19, but I only saw men. When I recorded them as people, I reasoned in my natural mind that it couldn't just be men, there must have been women that I couldn't see because why would it just be men. In the dream, the fire (that was raging in the basement) basically exploded and like a whirlwind, swirled around them in an instant and consume them so quickly that they had no time to react.

    Not sure which it is now at this point, so will keep praying. Any new insight/input, please let me know. :)

  4. "I know that Fire can be associated with the Holy Spirit, but I don't think that's the meaning in this dream."

    Yes, I agree with that!

    I was also wondering why I was so focused on making sure where my 6 year old daughter was as opposed to both her and our 9 year old son. I guess time will tell also. Thank you again for your thoughts, they were extremely helpful!! I'm so thankful for this site!! :)

  5. Hello Mark,

    Thank you so much for your thoughts!  I felt that it probably wasn't literal also because it wasn't my actual house, but "a" house, so I agree with what you're saying.  

    And yes, in my waking life, there is a church group that we've been meeting with that split off of another church and it was not with their blessing and there is a lot of pain and hard feelings involved toward this new group.  Even though they are excited to do the things God has called the church to do (outreach for souls, repentance, etc.), I've been wondering if we're supposed to be there and wondering if they are in God's will. It's hard, because they are very excited and sincere.  

    Also, after more reflection on the dream, I wasn't 100% sure that I saw my husband in the house and in "real" life he hasn't been going with us because of his job schedule.  And 5 days before this dream, he told me he didn't want to go to this new church, so I knew the children and I wouldn't be going there either.

    The other thing about my friend sleeping outside the house, is that her and her son had been living with us and they had just moved a few days before this dream.  

    Another friend had suggested that maybe the fire was something good, but why would I be warning people to leave?  What do you think about that angle?

    Bless you!

  6. I went to sleep last night, June 20th, and hadn't been asleep very long at all when I woke up out of a dream at around 20 minutes to midnight.  It was very unusual for me to have a dream as soon as I went to sleep.  In the dream, it was not our literal house, but "a house".  I have noted that whenever I have had a house dream that was the actual house we lived in, it was about something that was literal and happened later.

    So, in the dream, I was in "a house" and it was bedtime.  A Christian friend/sister of mine was staying there with us and she went outside to go to bed in front of the house where her bed was, on what looked like a simple concrete patio.  There were other people staying in the house too, including our family.  Then, I started to see smoke and knew there was a fire in the house.  So I started yelling at everyone to get out.  I realized that the house was going to burn and thought I should try to grab something, so I ran over to the fireplace mantle and put my hand on an object and thought "there's no time to grab anything" and just didn't care about the decided things didn't matter.  I saw my husband and children standing in a group by the fireplace and mantle and I was yelling at them to get out!  Several times, I told my 6 year old daughter to stay with her dad or our older daughter.  

    I was running around looking for where the fire was and opened the basement door and the saw that the whole basement was consumed with the fire, so I quickly shut the door.  Then, I went by the fireplace room again and looked toward what seemed to be the kitchen and saw a group of people standing there.  All of a sudden the fire exploded around them and they were completely consumed.  I was shocked at how quickly it happened.  I felt sad and it was hard to see it.  

    Then, I went outside to wake up our friend sleeping on the "patio" and told her there was a fire and to run away from the house.  She woke up and I knew she was very tired and was trying to wake up because she had just gone to sleep.  I think I told her where my 6 year old daughter was.  I was warning everyone in the house about the fire, but some didn't make it.

  7. Hello Steadygaze :)

    I don't know if this is related or not, but I had a vision a week or so ago while in prayer and it was simply a picture of a big round sort of sphere of clear water suspended in the air and I heard "July 13". It may be unrelated, but I've been praying about it and just saw your post so I thought I'd mention it. I've only gotten a date one other time in prayer a couple years ago and at the time I didn't know whether it was good or not, all I saw was a date. When the date came 6 months or so later, it ended up being a very intense attack of the enemy on me, so I learned from that to receive it as a warning to pray and ask the Lord to divert the attack of the enemy.

  8. Dear NoOptions ~

    I'm sorry it's taken so long to respond to this, but I am the mother in this dream! You don't know all that has gone on in our lives, but I wanted to tell you that your interpretation was given by the Holy Spirit!!! :))) Thank you SO much for being led by Him! The dream was a really crucial message from the Lord during this season of our lives, but the interpretation the Holy Spirit gave through you was JUST as crucial and such an encouragement to us AND our children! God bless you!! Thank you for listening to the Lord!! thank you :hooray:

  9. First, I want to say that I wouldn't even had recognized that this dream was manifesting if I hadn't been reading this website! So, THANK YOU, Mia, for creating this site and for all of you who work and pour into the body of Christ in this way!! It's such a blessing beyond words!! :hooray:

    One thing that was a huge mystery to me in the dream (I copied it below) was all the water around the base of our house and how the tornado looked like it was basically trying to blow the water out from under it. It looked like what snow does when you're using a snow blower to remove it. It's funny, because I noticed the water, but I didn't think it was very significant and it ended up being the focus of the dream!! As you'll see in a minute, its also crazy that I even thought of a snow blower in relation to the dream. Please feel free to let me know anything that I don't see or any other insight you might have!

    So here's what happened.

    Thursday, Feb 21st - Had the dream and immediately cried out in prayer and asked God to divert and thwart the attack that the enemy had planned against us and especially on the foundations of our family/house.

    Saturday, Feb 23rd - I came home from running errands to find a WATER shutoff notice saying our water would be turned off on Monday if we didn't pay it.

    Sunday, Feb 24th - Husband, sons and our friend (mentioned in the dream) left for the midwest to get our belongings out of storage (headed right into the major snow storm there, btw, and had to shovel snow for 2-3 hours to even get to the door of our storage unit). My daughter and I stayed (west) at home and at night while we slept, I actually barricaded the bedroom door with furniture so I wouldn't be afraid lol!
    [I didn't mention it, but in the dream when I was in the house, when I looked out the window I saw a storage shed and a couple vehicles and some guys doing something.]

    Monday, Feb 25th - Tried to pay on the water bill, but it was after hours and automated system didn't work. (WATER STILL ON!)

    Tuesday, Feb 26th - Was busy and forgot about water bill and didn't remember till after hours (again)! (WATER STILL ON!)

    Wednesday, Feb 27th - (WATER STILL ON!) Called water company first thing and told the woman what was going on and she said, "Your water's still on?!?" I said "yes" and she seemed confused and checked and couldn't find an order AT ALL to turn it off. I told her we could only pay $100 and she said we would have to pay $360 to keep it on (which we don't have right now). So I told her I would have to call my husband and call her back. My husband tells me we don't have that much, I call the water company back. Another woman answers this time and says she understands and says she can take the $100, but then when she tries to take my payment, the system is down and she said to try back in an hour. I did, system still down, WATER STILL ON. I got busy and forgot to call again.

    Thursday, Feb 28th - (WATER STILL ON!) Called the water company and woman asked if I still had water and seemed perplexed when I said yes. Made my payment with no problem. :hooray:

    DREAM, February 21st
    This afternoon, I took a short nap and had this dream. My kids and I were in our house and had gotten back after having been gone somewhere for a time (I thought it was days). I got on my computer and somehow on my computer screen, there was a video of our house when we were gone that was playing on the screen. It looked quiet because we weren't there and then, all of a sudden, a greenish tornado just comes rising up out of nowhere and it was strange because it was like under the house and it kind of looked like the house was surrounded by some water. The tornado wasn't spinning like a normal tornado, but was like coming up and out from under the house and throwing water up from under the foundation. I got such an evil feeling looking at it, I couldn't keep watching. It was SO eery watching that and knowing it had happened to our house while we weren't there. After I got done watching it, I remember just being in the house and a friend of ours (that is currently in our lives, a young man who is interested in our daughter and she with him) came in the house for a short time and then left. In the days following, several times a woman brought a green form for me to fill out and it was actually more like a test for my oldest son to take. I didn't feel scared and she didn't seem very organized at first, but seemed to be a bit weary of having to keep coming and asking me so many times because I didn't have it done. She never came in, only came to the door. End of dream.
    The crazy part is that we are supposed to be out of town this next week.
    Actually, I just remembered a couple more details. When I was in the front room of the house, I was looking out the window at the front yard and there was something going on out there that was intriguing, but I don't remember what it was. I also noticed that the couch was in front of the front door, as if to block it. Also, the green papers that the lady brought were the same color green as the tornado, which was a lighter, slightly muted color green.
    I think the Lord just gave me part of the interpretation, so gonna give it and see if anyone sees it too. So today, I received more insight about the video being taken when we were gone and I thought about how it was like a hidden "security" camera! I immediately thought of Psalm 91, which I pray all the time over my family. Then, it didn't happen when we were there, it was when we were gone, so we were safe!!! In the rest of the dream, the lady didn't seem very forceful at all, like almost a little scattered also. Anyway, just adding some thoughts, if anyone gets anything else, let me know. Bless you!

  10. On February 13, 2013, I had a dream that I found out I was pregnant and then had the baby almost immediately. I was sitting down and knew the baby was coming, so I leaned back in a reclining position to push it out. When I looked at my stomach, I wasn't showing at all. The baby flew out really fast and went up in the air and landed on my lap. It was so small and came out so fast that I almost dropped it. It wasn't really a baby though, it was a more mature looking boy, but very small. I could see that he had had a haircut which was grown out to where it looked like he needed another one already. His hair color was different than I'd ever seen, kind of a medium sandy blonde color.

    After I "caught" him, I knew I needed to get skin to skin contact, so I put him in my shirt because I didn't have any baby blankets. I told my husband I had had a baby and he said, "I didn't even know you were pregnant." I told several other people, including my cousin, Debbie. After that, I was sitting on our porch with the baby inside my shirt still, and it was so big that it barely fit!

    Then, right after that, there was a man standing in front of me with shoulder length, kind of wavy white hair and pure white teeth. He was dressed in everyday clothes; I thought he had a flannel shirt on. When he looked at me, he had a big smile on happy dance his face and I knew He REALLY loved me! Then he leaned toward me and said, "Come to Canada with me!" I knew he traveled there a lot. I thought of my husband and knew I couldn't go to Canada with another man, so I said "we can't go". I told him why but don't remember what I said.

    After that, I got on a motorcycle and started riding it on the highway really fast and was passing people and even thought I passed the "Canada" guy. Then, my eyes closed and I wondered why I was driving a motorcycle on a busy freeway with my eyes closed. I immediately thought, "I'll try to listen and hear for the cars and then I'll know when to stop." So, I practiced listening and could hear some car noises and then my eyes opened at the perfect time and I was able to see traffic in front of me and then I slowed down. End of dream.

  11. I think the Lord just gave me part of the interpretation, so gonna give it and see if anyone sees it too. So today, I received more insight about the video being taken when we were gone and I thought about how it was like a hidden "security" camera! I immediately thought of Psalm 91, which I pray all the time over my family. Then, it didn't happen when we were there, it was when we were gone, so we were safe!!! In the rest of the dream, the lady didn't seem very forceful at all, like almost a little scattered also. Anyway, just adding some thoughts, if anyone gets anything else, let me know. Bless you!

  12. Actually, I just remembered a couple more details. When I was in the front room of the house, I was looking out the window at the front yard and there was something going on out there that was intriguing, but I don't remember what it was. I also noticed that the couch was in front of the front door, as if to block it. Also, the green papers that the lady brought were the same color green as the tornado, which was a lighter, slightly muted color green.

  13. For more understanding of the dream, we are homeschoolers.
    This afternoon, I took a short nap and had this dream. My kids and I were in our house and had gotten back after having been gone somewhere for a time (I thought it was days). I got on my computer and somehow on my computer screen, there was a video of our house when we were gone that was playing on the screen. It looked quiet because we weren't there and then, all of a sudden, a greenish tornado just comes rising up out of nowhere and it was strange because it was like under the house and it kind of looked like the house was surrounded by some water. The tornado wasn't spinning like a normal tornado, but was like coming up and out from under the house and throwing water up from under the foundation. I got such an evil feeling looking at it, I couldn't keep watching. It was SO eery watching that and knowing it had happened to our house while we weren't there. After I got done watching it, I remember just being in the house and a friend of ours (that is currently in our lives, a young man who is interested in our daughter and she with him) came in the house for a short time and then left. In the days following, several times a woman brought a green form for me to fill out and it was actually more like a test for my oldest son to take. I didn't feel scared and she didn't seem very organized at first, but seemed to be a bit weary of having to keep coming and asking me so many times because I didn't have it done. She never came in, only came to the door. End of dream.
    The crazy part is that we are supposed to be out of town this next week.
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