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  1. please pray for my daughter the enemy is trying to come against on her job.
  2. sister

    Need prayer

    Thank you Cholette GOD is so good I need your address I want to sow a seed into your life woman of GOD. Please also pray for me because I will go on Monday to my mediation hearing.
  3. I decided to do host housing what this is I rent a room to a student but the organization has not paid me yet please pray that they release the finances this week.
  4. sister

    Answered Prayer

    Cholette, I can't remember if I told this testimony before the service GOD showed me a dream a week prior to me going to the meeting that someone would walk up to me and put 125.00 in my hand. A lady walked up to me after the meeting and put money in my hand. I said thank you and told my daughter to put it in my purse, while I sat there the LORD reminded me of the dream. I called the lady back to me and told her the LORD said in the dream to tell you not 30, not 60 but 100 hundred fold. She started praising the LORD. I was told a week ago that the lady owned several convelescent homes and that she wasn't getting any calls and most of the beds were empty, she told the Pastor on that Monday the telephone was ringing off the hook. PRAISE BE TO GOD
  5. Thank everyone for praying for me for June 1, 2013, conference, GOD poured out HIS spirit in that place. People were saved, delivered and set free. GOD get;s All the GLORY. Everything HE showed me in my dreams leading up to the meeting happened. Thank GOD for a Praying church
  6. I need prayer I have a civil case coming up and the deposition is on May 30, 2013, I'm praying that the case will settle on that day but if it doesn't I will have to go to the arbitration hearing on July 23, 2013. Pray that GOD will favor me. Also pray for my daughter she has a employment case, and she will be going for the hearing within three weeks. Update: The deposition has a new date and it is June 18,2013
  7. The Lord blessed her last week with a two bedroom town house thank you for your prayers.
  8. I minister on June 1, 2013 I'm fasting and praying, pray that GOD will sharpen my disernment and increase my strength. Thank You and GOD Bless
  9. Thank GOD for everyone who prayed for my sister the LORD blessed her with a place to live. THANK YOU What satan meant for evil GOD turned it around for good.
  10. She is living with my niece, we are in California, but she wants her own place. Thanks Cholette for praying for this need.
  11. Please pray for my sister her apartment burned down and she needs a place to live. She's looking for an apartment.
  12. I'll be ministering on Saturday, May 25, 2013. Please pray that the LORD will strengthen me and pour out HIS spirit. Pray that the LORD will send the souls and save and deliver on that day. Pray that HE will pour out HIS spirit and a double portion of HIS anointing will shew up in a great way. Thank You and God Bless
  13. Dear SisterInchrist, My duaghter is going through the same thing. Stay in the word and like they advised you to keep on praying and believing. God shall supply all your needs according to your riches by Christ Jesus. God will step in on time. Whatever God has told you to do, do it obedience is a proof of our faith. And when satan comes to steal the seed of faith that has been planted in your heart do what Jesus did speak the word. Tell the devil that God shall supply all my needs according to HIS riches by CHRIST JESUS. GOD IS A REWARDER TO THEM THAT DILLGENTLY SEEK HIM. And HE wishes above all things that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. These are the things that I tell my daughter, so tell the devil when he begins to attack your faith and trys to make you worry. You are the head and not the tail and you shall lend unto many and not borrow. Anything you do with the intent to obey GOD you will be rewarded. So be of good courage and GOD will strenghten your heart. You are not seeking GOD in vain. It's not in vain saith the LORD. Your blessing is on the way.
  14. I am renting a house, I raised my children in this house, they have grown up and left the house. I am disabled and retired. My children use to help and pay some of the rent. But since they have left I need extra money to live in the house. After I pay my tithes and pay the basic bills I'm always behind on my rent. I owe my Landlord $8,000.00. That is why when I post I sowed and haven't reaped. I explained that it would be cheaper for me to own my own home than to continue to rent. I am still believing God for a down payment to own my own home. But until then I'm belieivng God to give me a increase to catch up on the rent and so I won't continue to go deeper in debt to my Landlord. I have a lawsuit and I am awaiting a settlement.
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