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Answered Prayer

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Thank everyone for praying for me for June 1, 2013, conference, GOD poured out HIS spirit in that place. People were saved, delivered and set free. GOD get;s All the GLORY. Everything HE showed me in my dreams leading up to the meeting happened. Thank GOD for a Praying church laugh

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I can't remember if I told this testimony before the service GOD showed me a dream a week prior to me going to the meeting that someone would walk up to me and put 125.00 in my hand. A lady walked up to me after the meeting and put money in my hand. I said thank you and told my daughter to put it in my purse, while I sat there the LORD reminded me of the dream. I called the lady back to me and told her the LORD said in the dream to tell you not 30, not 60 but 100 hundred fold. She started praising the LORD. I was told a week ago that the lady owned several convelescent homes and that she wasn't getting any calls and most of the beds were empty, she told the Pastor on that Monday the telephone was ringing off the hook. PRAISE BE TO GOD

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